Projects & Publications | Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Develop a hardware solution that bridges the realm of video for Ultra-High Definition professionals and existing information systems infrastructures.
RISEWISE – Rise Women with disabilities In Social Engagement
The project addresses the collective of women with disabilities in order to identify the barriers they confront in different aspects of their lives, and to promote solutions and best practices for their integration and empowerment in the society.
UPQC-IM-REI – Condicionador Unificado para Qualidade de Energia com Monitorização Integrada e Interf
FlaxBat – Bateria de Lítio Flexível em Estado Sólido
LabPill – Microsystem With Integrated Spectroscopy and (bio)Sensors for the Detection of Gastrointestinal Dysplasia
SusCity: Urban Data Driven Models for Creative and Resourceful Urban Transitions (ALG-MITP- 2014-17)
ILA-LEAN: Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity
Development of didactic materials improving knowledge concerning implementation of Lean Thinking in Office and Knowledge Work.
DeM: Deus ex Machina – Symbiotic Technology for Societal Efficiency Gains
Consist of two research lines, being one built on top of the other. The first one will research and create building blocks, from tangible to intangible elements, while the second will put these building blocks at the service of pressing societal needs in European and African countries.
mKEP – Models and Optimisation Algorithms for Multi-Country Kidney Exchange Programs
Desenvolvimento de métodos, modelos e software para suporte de programas de doação renal cruzada (DRC). Estes programas possibilitam que os pacientes incompatíveis com dadores vivos possam receber o orgão desses mesmos dadores.
PROMOS – Prediction and Optimization of Advertising Campaigns for Mobile Devices
Investigação e desenvolvimento de um novo algoritmo automático para a Previsão e Otimização de campanhas publicitárias para dispositivos MÓveis em modelo de Subscrição (PROMOS). O objetivo é prever qual o melhor produto móvel a mostrar ao utilizador final, de modo a otimizar os interesses dos agentes envolvidos no negócio: OLAmobile (co-promotor, cuja atividade central é o Mobile Performance Marketing), anunciantes, webmasters e criadores de conteúdos móveis e também os utilizadores.