Micro/Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Applications (MNBA) [former group]

Micro/Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Applications (MNBA) [former group]


Development, design, and fabrication of:

1. Wearable systems for monitoring human posture, heart-rate and respiratory frequency.
2. Neural microsystems for brain-computer interface.
3. Lab-on-a-chip for biological fluids.
4. X-rays microdetectors for medical imaging (digital radiography, CT).
5. Wireless sensor networks.
6. Chip-size antenna.
7. Energy scavenging thermoelectric microsystems.
8. RF transceivers in CMOS technology.

Therefore, the goals were to consolidate the biomedical devices developed in the past (lab-on-a-chip, neural electrodes, chip-size antenna for implantable devices) and to start the development of nanodevices, especially related with CarbonNanoTubes (CNT) for neural applications and food safety with the support of the International Nanotechnology Laboratory that will be located in Braga and it is sponsored by Portuguese and Spanish Governments, and European Commission as an European Laboratory. The final prototype of an implantable biomedical microsystem for neural prostheses, will have a tremendous impact in the development of the next generation of neuron recording/stimulation devices. A major interest in the areas of x-ray imaging sensors and piezoelectric polymer sensors and actuators. Also, the setup of the Microtecnology Lab. and Biomedical Lab. with imaging systems was a priority (ultrasound, CT, endoscopic capsule).

Main Achievements

The setup of the Microtecnology Lab. with evaporator, silicon wet-bench, sputtering system, wafer-probe station, wire-bonding system, dicing and sawing system, mask aligner equipment, spin-coating system, SU-8 photoresist development system, clean cabin class 100, silicon bulk-micromachining system for fabricating 3D structures.
Development and validation of the β-PVDF piezoelectric polymer placed underneath the microfluidic structures of lab-on-a-chip devices for mixing and promoting fluids reaction; influence of the polymer thickness and area on the reaction rate of biological fluids; the better transparent conductive electrodes for using in the β-PVDF piezoelectric polymer.
Participation in projects included in the MIT-Portugal Portugal in 2 different Engineering systems fields: EDAM-Engineering Design and Manufacturing (Automotive smart flooring based in photonics) and Bio-Engineering Systems (wearable systems for biomedical applications).
Design of CMOS optical sensors optimized for measuring the fluorescence emission spectra of gastrointestinal tissues (at specific spectral bands), and readout electronics for data processing.
The setup of the Biomedical Lab. with ultrasound system – Doppler effect, EEG system for monitoring neural signals, computer tomography system, capsule endoscope system for diagnostic of the small bowel.

MNBA Coordinator: José Higino Correia

MNBA Links:

MNBA Image Gallery:

MNBA Selected Publications:

  • A. F. da Silva, A. F.  Goncalves,P. M.  Mendes, and J. H.  Correia, “FBG Sensing Glove for Monitoring Hand Posture”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 2442-2448, October 2011. [Full paper in Adobe PDF]
  • M.S. Fernandes, N.S. Dias, A.F. Silva, J.S. Nunes, S. Lanceros-Méndez, J.H. Correia, and P.M. Mendes, “Hydrogel-based photonic sensor for a biopotential wearable recording system,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, IF=5.429, vol. 26, pp. 80-86, 2010. [Full paper in Adobe PDF]
  • J P Carmo, J F Ribeiro, M F Silva, L M Goncalves and J H Correia, “Thermoelectric generator and solid-state battery for stand-alone microsystems”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering: Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1-8, IF=1.997, August 2010. [Full paper in Adobe PDF]
  • G. Minas, R. F. Wolffenbuttel and J. H. Correia, A lab-on-a-chip for spectrophotometric analysis of biological fluids, Journal Lab on a Chip, Vol. 5, Nº11, pp.1303-1309, November 2005. [full paper in Acrobat PDF]
  • J. H. Correia, G. de Graaf, M. Bartek, R. F. Wolffenbuttel, A single-chip CMOS optical microspectrometer with light-to-frequency converter and bus interface, IEEE Journal Solid-State Circuits, Vol.37, Nº10, pp.1344-1347, October 2002. [full paper in Acrobat PDF]