The main areas involved in Cities involve a diversity of domains in which new infrastructures and intelligence need to be considered, namely in: Government, Houses&Buildings, Urban Planning,Mobility&Transportation, Energy, Water, Waste, Environment, Citizenship, Safety, Sales&Retail, Logistics, Health&Well-being, Aging Population, Manufacturing & Industry 4.0, Farming & Agriculture, Innovation & Enterpreneurship, Culture & Heritage, Tourism, Education & Research, and Digital Services. For these, different methods and technologies are used, namely: Smart materials,Sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Communications (eg. 5G), Positioning, Cloud/Edge, Data Centers & Collection, Cyber-Physical Systems, Cibersecurity, Real-Time Systems, Ambient Intelligence, Machine Learning, Modeling& Simulation, Optimization, AI Planning, Multi-Agent Systems, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Computing, Clean Technologies, Robotics & Automation, Image Processing&Computer Vision, User Interfacing & Natural Language, Virtual Reality, and Formal Verification.
SO1 – Sustainable and De-carbonized Cities
With the increasing trend of having a large share of the population living in cities, the environmental sustainability and decarbonization of regions, countries, and ultimately of the whole planet must rely on sustainable and decarbonized cities.
SO2 – Intelligent Mobility
Mobility within cities is one of the biggest problems affecting its inhabitants, particularly in large cities. With infrastructures and systems that were planned for a reality that has already been surpassed due to the great growth of cities and their populations, mobility in cities, especially at rush hours, leads to high energy and time wastage, with a clear impact on the environment of the city, and the health and quality of life of its citizens.
SO3 – Smart Urban Spaces
In a society that has evolved more and more towards digitalization and dematerialization, it makes sense to rethink the presence of human beings in the different spaces of the city, whether in their homes, on the streets or in the main infrastructure of the city, whether they are linked to work, health, education or leisure, just to name a few of the existing ones.