Algoritmi | User | Rui Manuel Alves da Silva e Sousa

Rui Manuel Alves da Silva e Sousa

Rui Manuel Alves da Silva e Sousa

At Algoritmi

Researcher with PhD

Member of the IEM R&D Group

Member of the LPSL R&D Lab

Academic Degree


Current Position

Associate Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID

6552-01-01 20:15:00

Ciência ID

Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


About Me

Generic Representation Language for Modeling Transport and Material Handling Systems in Smart Manufacturing Systems


2024 | journal-article

Analysis of barriers for performance measurement system effectiveness in a company: perceptions across hierarchical levels

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2024 | journal-article

Assessment of Performance Measurement Systems’ Ability to Mitigate or Eliminate Typical Barriers Compromising Organisational Sustainability


2024 | journal-article

Analysis of Teachers’ Competences for Industry 4.0 Subjects: A Case of Thai Higher Education Institutions

Applied Science and Engineering Progress

2023 | journal-article

Barriers to Performance Measurement Systems Effectiveness

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2023 | conference-paper

Improving the Performance of a SME in the Cutlery Sector Using Lean Thinking and Digital Transformation

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2023 | journal-article

PBL in a University-Business cooperation in Engineering and Operations Management Master: challenges and opportunities

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2023 | conference-paper

Performance Measurement Systems in Continuous Improvement Environments: Obstacles to Their Effectiveness

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2023 | journal-article

Project-Based Learning in Industrial Engineering and Management: analysis of three curricular projects

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2023 | conference-paper

Redesign of the Internal Logistics System of a Textile Supplier for the Automotive Industry

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2023 | conference-paper

The Integration of Lean Thinking Principles in the Organizational Culture Model

Organizational Cultures

2023 | journal-article

Applying Lean Tools to Improve the Performance of a Small and Medium-Sized Cutlery Company

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

2022 | conference-paper

Generic XR game-based approach for industrial training

ICGI 2022 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Proceedings

2022 | conference-paper

SPC-Based Model for Evaluation of Training Processes in Industrial Context

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2022 | journal-article

A game for process mapping in office and knowledge work

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

Characterization of the operators training process in an industrial company

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2021 | conference-paper

Industrial training qualitative evaluation with fuzzy logic and an experience classification method

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2021 | conference-paper

Industry and Services: Different Organizational Cultures, Same Openness to Lean Implementation?

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2021 | conference-paper

Lean Thinking as an Organizational Culture: A Systematic Literature Review

Organizational Cultures

2021 | journal-article

Melhoria de uma célula de produção com a aplicação de conceitos Lean Manufacturing

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho do processo produtivo numa empresa de extrusão de alumínio

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas Lean para a melhoria do sistema produtivo de uma empresa metalúrgica

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da produtividade de um setor de escolha eletrónica numa empresa do ramo da cortiça

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Design of a new workstation in a productive process: Importance of multidisciplinary integration

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2020 | conference-paper

Ferramenta para monitorização do nível de implementação do pull-levelling : desenvolvimento e validação

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas Lean num centro produtivo de madeiras

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Lean Thinking: From the Shop Floor to an Organizational Culture

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2020 | conference-paper

Melhoria contínua de um processo produtivo numa empresa do setor automóvel recorrendo a ferramentas Lean

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria de desempenho de um setor de acabamentos mecânicos numa indústria de cortiça

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria de desempenho do processo de produção de antenas numa empresa do setor automóvel

2020 | dissertation-thesis

A roadmap for Kaizen: development and application in the reduction of weaving setups in a textile company

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas lean na melhoria do fluxo produtivo de ferramentas de corte em aço

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da capacidade de tratamento térmico de peças em uma indústria de motocicletas

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da capacidade produtiva numa empresa da indústria automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Curriculum analysis process: Analysing fourteen industrial engineering programs

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2019 | conference-paper

Estudo do processo de planeamento e compras numa empresa de equipamentos óticos não oftálmicos

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Lean thinking: A transversal and global management philosophy to achieve sustainability benefits

Lean Engineering for Global Development

2019 | book-chapter

Melhoria do processo de expedição do armazém de produto acabado de uma empresa do setor automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Performance improvement in a production system of industrial batteries

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagram and value stream mapping: A comparative analysis

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2019 | journal-article

Análise e melhoria contínua de processos com recurso a ferramentas Lean Production numa empresa de capas de assentos para a indústria automóvel

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema de melhoria contínua numa empresa multinacional de ferramentas de corte

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Hands-on training on reduction of setup times (SMED)

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Implementação da metodologia Kaizen em agentes da EDP

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas lean manufacturing na indústria da injeção de plástico

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Lean education as a platform to close the academic and professional gap

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Melhoria de desempenho do processo produtivo numa empresa de reciclagem de alumínios

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho da secção de costura, de uma empresa de capas de assentos, para a indústria automóvel, com a aplicação de ferramentas Lean Manufacturing

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Modelo visual para identificação e valorização económica de desperdícios em sistemas produtivos

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Organização e racionalização de células de costura numa empresa da indústria automóvel

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Project-based learning as a bridge to the industrial practice

2018 | conference-paper

Students’ perceptions and motivation in an industrial engineering and management program along their academic journey: First results

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Automação e integração de equipamentos na indústria cerâmica

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: A successful cooperation with industry


2017 | journal-article

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies,Implementação de projetos de engenharia e gestão industrial em interação com empresas

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Melhoria de desempenho numa secção de corte de tecido com recurso a ferramentas lean

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria em células de montagem de blendas de rádios para a indústria automóvel aplicando princípios Lean

2017 | dissertation-thesis

PBL in the first year of an industrial engineering and management program: A journey of continuous improvement

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Suporte para implementação Lean nas compras indiretas

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Ten years of project-based learning (PBL) in industrial engineering and management at the University of Minho

PBL in Engineering Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum Change

2017 | book-chapter

Gamification based lean knowledge dissemination: A case study

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Implementação de Lean Manufacturing numa empresa de metalomecânica pesada

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Lean education at University of Minho: Aligning and pulling the right requirements geared on competitive industries

Lean Education: An Overview of Current Issues

2016 | book-chapter

Managing PBL difficulties in an industrial engineering and management program

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2016 | journal-article

Melhoria do desempenho do processo produtivo numa indústria de calçado

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho do sistema produtivo numa empresa têxtil

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Performance enhancing in the manufacturing industry: An improvement KATA application

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Produção e Sistemas (DPS)

2016 | book

Projeto de uma célula de montagem numa empresa de artigos de escritório

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Redesign of the production system: A hard decision-making process

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Remote supervision of production processes in the food industry

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice

European Journal of Engineering Education

2016 | journal-article

Aplicação de metodologias Lean na secção de tecelagem de uma empresa têxtil

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Corte térmico: orçamentação de produtos e racionalização do processo

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de metodologias lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do processo de tingimento numa empresa têxtil

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do sistema de abastecimento interno de uma fábrica têxtil da indústria automóvel

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE2015)

2015 | conference-paper

Process mapping improvement: Extending value stream maps with waste identification diagrams

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Processo de reengenharia e aplicação de ferramentas Lean numa empresa de artigos para escritório

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Production systems redesign in a lean context: A matter of sustainability

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Racionalização de processos administrativos: Sonae SR

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagrams

Production Planning and Control

2015 | journal-article

Action-research methodology to improve performance using lean production tools

2014 | journal-article

Aplicação da filosofia lean manufacturing numa central de triagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Final year Lean projects: advantages for companies, students and academia

2014 | conference-paper

Implementação de ferramentas Lean Manufacturing numa indústria de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas Lean Production numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de princípios e ferramentas Lean numa empresa de componentes plásticos para a indústria automóvel

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e princípios Lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de um sistema de abastecimento unidade a unidade a linhas de montagem na produção automóvel

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Lean games and hands-on approaches as learning tools for students and professionals

2014 | conference-paper

Melhoria de um sistema produtivo de Painéis Sandwich numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho no processo de abastecimento de matéria-prima numa empresa de produtos eletrónicos

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Moving from job-shop to production cells without losing flexibility: A case study from the wooden frames industry

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

2014 | journal-article

Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014)

2014 | conference-paper

Projects with the industry for the development of professional competences in industrial engineering and management

2014 | conference-paper

Active learning using physical prototypes and serious games

2013 | conference-paper

An industrial application of the SMED methodology and other lean production tools

2013 | conference-paper

An overview of the generic product data model GenPDM

22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Aumento da produtividade em células de produção numa empresa de componentes eletrónicos

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de princípios de produção Lean nas áreas de orlagem, furação e pintura de uma empresa de mobiliário

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e ferramentas lean na produção de cerveja

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e princípios da Produção Lean numa empresa de plásticos

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho da secção de tingimento por esgotamento de uma empresa têxtil

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013)

2013 | conference-paper

The use of lean tools to improve the performance of an elevators company

2013 | conference-paper

A project management framework for planning and executing interdisciplinary learning projects in engineering education

Springer 4

2012 | book

Implementação de técnicas e princípios de produção lean no processo de lacagem de estofos : revestimentos na indústria automóvel

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Lean production as promoter of thinkers to achieve companies' agility

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Melhoria da secção de transformação mecânica de uma empresa de elevadores

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Normalização dos padrões de trabalho e implementação da confirmação de processos nas áreas indiretas

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Project based learning in first year, first semester of industrial engineering and management: Some results

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2012 | conference-paper

An application of the smed methodology in an electric power controls company

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2011 | journal-article

Benefits of lean management : results from some industrial cases in Portugal

2011 | conference-paper

Ensino e aprendizagem vivencial em engenharia : simuladores, jogos, projetos interdisciplinares e ambientes de aprendizagem a distância

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção (ABEPRO)

2011 | book

Estrutura de gestão para planejamento e execução de projetos interdisciplinares de aprendizagem em Engenharia

2011 | book-chapter

Implementação da metodologia Quick ChangeOver numa linha de montagem final de auto-rádios : para além da técnica SMED

2011 | conference-paper

Lean production promotes thinkers, not "androids"

2011 | conference-paper

Melhoria de processos numa indústria de mobiliário de escritório

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do processo de extrusão na indústria dos pneus

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Organização da produção através da aplicação de ferramentas lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Redes colaborativas no contexto do paradigma de gestão Lean

2011 | conference-paper

Waste identification diagrams

2011 | conference-paper

Aprendizagem baseada em projectos Interdisciplinares em Engenharia Industrial : dissimilitudes de tutoria entre o início e o final do curso

2010 | conference-paper

Towards eco-efficient lean production systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2010 | conference-paper

An industrial application of resource constrained scheduling for quick changeover

IEEM 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2009 | conference-paper

Formal grammars for product data management on distributed manufacturing systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2009 | conference-paper

Management of interdisciplinary project approaches in Engineering Education: a case study

2009 | conference-paper

Measurement rounding errors in an assessment model of project led Engineering Education

2009 | journal-article

Project-led Engineering Education : assessment model and rounding errors analysis

2009 | conference-paper

Projectos para a aprendizagem na Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2009 | conference-paper

Teachers' workload in a project-led engineering education approach

2009 | conference-paper

Agent based prototype for interoperation of production planning and control and manufacturing automation

IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA

2007 | conference-paper

O papel dos tutores na aprendizagem baseda em projectos : três anos de experiência na Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

2007 | conference-paper

Distributed production planning and control agent-based system

International Journal of Production Research

2006 | journal-article

On formal theories - And formalisms for virtual enterprises

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

2006 | book

User-interface Architectures for VE Dynamic Reconfiguration: An Initial Analysis

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book-chapter

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | conference-paper

BM_virtual enterprise: A model for dynamics and virtuality

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Distributed production planning and control agent based system

2005 | conference-paper

Virtual enterprise integration: Challenges of a new paradigm

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book-chapter

Contribuição para uma teoria formal de sistemas de produção

2003 | dissertation-thesis

Production modelling as shell programming: concurrency and delegation

2000 | journal-article

Formal description technique SDL for manufacturing systems specification and description

1999 | conference-paper

Distributed/virtual manufacturing system cell : an experimental installation

1998 | conference-paper

Man-Machine interface for remote programming and control of NC machine-tools at the task level: an example

1998 | conference-paper

Using formal description technique ESTELLE for manufacturing systems specification or description

1998 | journal-article

Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity (ILA-LEAN)

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

2016-10 to 2018-09 | 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293

MSIEM4.0 Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry

European Commission

2017-10 to 2020-10 | EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Ubiquitous oriented embedded systems for globally distributed factories of manufacturing enterprises

Universidade de Coimbra

2010-06 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 102143

Easy Ride: Experience is everything (n.º 039334)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2018-07 to 2021-06 | Easy Ride - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334

Hospital Operations Management: a Lean Healthcare Framework

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2017- to 2020- | PTDC/EME-SIS/30299/2017

Novas Capacidades de Industrialização


2015-07 to 2018-06 | iFACTORY - 2814

Inovação para Veículos Inteligentes


2015-07 to 2018-06 | INNOVCAR - 2797

Factory of the Future ¿ Smart Manufacturing (n.º 039479)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2018-07 to 2021-06 | Factory of the Future Smart Manufacturing (n.º 039479)

Init End Change Value

Generic Representation Language for Modeling Transport and Material Handling Systems in Smart Manufacturing Systems


2024 | journal-article

Analysis of barriers for performance measurement system effectiveness in a company: perceptions across hierarchical levels

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2024 | journal-article

Assessment of Performance Measurement Systems’ Ability to Mitigate or Eliminate Typical Barriers Compromising Organisational Sustainability


2024 | journal-article

Analysis of Teachers’ Competences for Industry 4.0 Subjects: A Case of Thai Higher Education Institutions

Applied Science and Engineering Progress

2023 | journal-article

Barriers to Performance Measurement Systems Effectiveness

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2023 | conference-paper

Improving the Performance of a SME in the Cutlery Sector Using Lean Thinking and Digital Transformation

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2023 | journal-article

PBL in a University-Business cooperation in Engineering and Operations Management Master: challenges and opportunities

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2023 | conference-paper

Performance Measurement Systems in Continuous Improvement Environments: Obstacles to Their Effectiveness

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2023 | journal-article

Project-Based Learning in Industrial Engineering and Management: analysis of three curricular projects

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2023 | conference-paper

Redesign of the Internal Logistics System of a Textile Supplier for the Automotive Industry

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2023 | conference-paper

The Integration of Lean Thinking Principles in the Organizational Culture Model

Organizational Cultures

2023 | journal-article

Applying Lean Tools to Improve the Performance of a Small and Medium-Sized Cutlery Company

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

2022 | conference-paper

Generic XR game-based approach for industrial training

ICGI 2022 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Proceedings

2022 | conference-paper

SPC-Based Model for Evaluation of Training Processes in Industrial Context

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2022 | journal-article

A game for process mapping in office and knowledge work

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

Characterization of the operators training process in an industrial company

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2021 | conference-paper

Industrial training qualitative evaluation with fuzzy logic and an experience classification method

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2021 | conference-paper

Industry and Services: Different Organizational Cultures, Same Openness to Lean Implementation?

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2021 | conference-paper

Lean Thinking as an Organizational Culture: A Systematic Literature Review

Organizational Cultures

2021 | journal-article

Melhoria de uma célula de produção com a aplicação de conceitos Lean Manufacturing

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho do processo produtivo numa empresa de extrusão de alumínio

2021 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas Lean para a melhoria do sistema produtivo de uma empresa metalúrgica

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da produtividade de um setor de escolha eletrónica numa empresa do ramo da cortiça

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Design of a new workstation in a productive process: Importance of multidisciplinary integration

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2020 | conference-paper

Ferramenta para monitorização do nível de implementação do pull-levelling : desenvolvimento e validação

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas Lean num centro produtivo de madeiras

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Lean Thinking: From the Shop Floor to an Organizational Culture

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2020 | conference-paper

Melhoria contínua de um processo produtivo numa empresa do setor automóvel recorrendo a ferramentas Lean

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria de desempenho de um setor de acabamentos mecânicos numa indústria de cortiça

2020 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria de desempenho do processo de produção de antenas numa empresa do setor automóvel

2020 | dissertation-thesis

A roadmap for Kaizen: development and application in the reduction of weaving setups in a textile company

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas lean na melhoria do fluxo produtivo de ferramentas de corte em aço

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da capacidade de tratamento térmico de peças em uma indústria de motocicletas

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aumento da capacidade produtiva numa empresa da indústria automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Curriculum analysis process: Analysing fourteen industrial engineering programs

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2019 | conference-paper

Estudo do processo de planeamento e compras numa empresa de equipamentos óticos não oftálmicos

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Lean thinking: A transversal and global management philosophy to achieve sustainability benefits

Lean Engineering for Global Development

2019 | book-chapter

Melhoria do processo de expedição do armazém de produto acabado de uma empresa do setor automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Performance improvement in a production system of industrial batteries

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagram and value stream mapping: A comparative analysis

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2019 | journal-article

Análise e melhoria contínua de processos com recurso a ferramentas Lean Production numa empresa de capas de assentos para a indústria automóvel

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema de melhoria contínua numa empresa multinacional de ferramentas de corte

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Hands-on training on reduction of setup times (SMED)

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Implementação da metodologia Kaizen em agentes da EDP

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas lean manufacturing na indústria da injeção de plástico

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Lean education as a platform to close the academic and professional gap

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Melhoria de desempenho do processo produtivo numa empresa de reciclagem de alumínios

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho da secção de costura, de uma empresa de capas de assentos, para a indústria automóvel, com a aplicação de ferramentas Lean Manufacturing

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Modelo visual para identificação e valorização económica de desperdícios em sistemas produtivos

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Organização e racionalização de células de costura numa empresa da indústria automóvel

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Project-based learning as a bridge to the industrial practice

2018 | conference-paper

Students’ perceptions and motivation in an industrial engineering and management program along their academic journey: First results

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Automação e integração de equipamentos na indústria cerâmica

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: A successful cooperation with industry


2017 | journal-article

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies,Implementação de projetos de engenharia e gestão industrial em interação com empresas

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Melhoria de desempenho numa secção de corte de tecido com recurso a ferramentas lean

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria em células de montagem de blendas de rádios para a indústria automóvel aplicando princípios Lean

2017 | dissertation-thesis

PBL in the first year of an industrial engineering and management program: A journey of continuous improvement

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Suporte para implementação Lean nas compras indiretas

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Ten years of project-based learning (PBL) in industrial engineering and management at the University of Minho

PBL in Engineering Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum Change

2017 | book-chapter

Gamification based lean knowledge dissemination: A case study

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Implementação de Lean Manufacturing numa empresa de metalomecânica pesada

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Lean education at University of Minho: Aligning and pulling the right requirements geared on competitive industries

Lean Education: An Overview of Current Issues

2016 | book-chapter

Managing PBL difficulties in an industrial engineering and management program

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2016 | journal-article

Melhoria do desempenho do processo produtivo numa indústria de calçado

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho do sistema produtivo numa empresa têxtil

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Performance enhancing in the manufacturing industry: An improvement KATA application

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Produção e Sistemas (DPS)

2016 | book

Projeto de uma célula de montagem numa empresa de artigos de escritório

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Redesign of the production system: A hard decision-making process

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Remote supervision of production processes in the food industry

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice

European Journal of Engineering Education

2016 | journal-article

Aplicação de metodologias Lean na secção de tecelagem de uma empresa têxtil

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Corte térmico: orçamentação de produtos e racionalização do processo

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de metodologias lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do processo de tingimento numa empresa têxtil

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do sistema de abastecimento interno de uma fábrica têxtil da indústria automóvel

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE2015)

2015 | conference-paper

Process mapping improvement: Extending value stream maps with waste identification diagrams

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Processo de reengenharia e aplicação de ferramentas Lean numa empresa de artigos para escritório

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Production systems redesign in a lean context: A matter of sustainability

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Racionalização de processos administrativos: Sonae SR

2015 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagrams

Production Planning and Control

2015 | journal-article

Action-research methodology to improve performance using lean production tools

2014 | journal-article

Aplicação da filosofia lean manufacturing numa central de triagem de resíduos sólidos urbanos

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Final year Lean projects: advantages for companies, students and academia

2014 | conference-paper

Implementação de ferramentas Lean Manufacturing numa indústria de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de ferramentas Lean Production numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de princípios e ferramentas Lean numa empresa de componentes plásticos para a indústria automóvel

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e princípios Lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de um sistema de abastecimento unidade a unidade a linhas de montagem na produção automóvel

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Lean games and hands-on approaches as learning tools for students and professionals

2014 | conference-paper

Melhoria de um sistema produtivo de Painéis Sandwich numa empresa de mobiliário

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho no processo de abastecimento de matéria-prima numa empresa de produtos eletrónicos

2014 | dissertation-thesis

Moving from job-shop to production cells without losing flexibility: A case study from the wooden frames industry

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

2014 | journal-article

Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2014)

2014 | conference-paper

Projects with the industry for the development of professional competences in industrial engineering and management

2014 | conference-paper

Active learning using physical prototypes and serious games

2013 | conference-paper

An industrial application of the SMED methodology and other lean production tools

2013 | conference-paper

An overview of the generic product data model GenPDM

22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013

2013 | conference-paper

Aumento da produtividade em células de produção numa empresa de componentes eletrónicos

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de princípios de produção Lean nas áreas de orlagem, furação e pintura de uma empresa de mobiliário

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e ferramentas lean na produção de cerveja

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implementação de técnicas e princípios da Produção Lean numa empresa de plásticos

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do desempenho da secção de tingimento por esgotamento de uma empresa têxtil

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2013)

2013 | conference-paper

The use of lean tools to improve the performance of an elevators company

2013 | conference-paper

A project management framework for planning and executing interdisciplinary learning projects in engineering education

Springer 4

2012 | book

Implementação de técnicas e princípios de produção lean no processo de lacagem de estofos : revestimentos na indústria automóvel

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Lean production as promoter of thinkers to achieve companies' agility

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Melhoria da secção de transformação mecânica de uma empresa de elevadores

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Normalização dos padrões de trabalho e implementação da confirmação de processos nas áreas indiretas

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Project based learning in first year, first semester of industrial engineering and management: Some results

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2012 | conference-paper

An application of the smed methodology in an electric power controls company

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2011 | journal-article

Benefits of lean management : results from some industrial cases in Portugal

2011 | conference-paper

Ensino e aprendizagem vivencial em engenharia : simuladores, jogos, projetos interdisciplinares e ambientes de aprendizagem a distância

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção (ABEPRO)

2011 | book

Estrutura de gestão para planejamento e execução de projetos interdisciplinares de aprendizagem em Engenharia

2011 | book-chapter

Implementação da metodologia Quick ChangeOver numa linha de montagem final de auto-rádios : para além da técnica SMED

2011 | conference-paper

Lean production promotes thinkers, not "androids"

2011 | conference-paper

Melhoria de processos numa indústria de mobiliário de escritório

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Melhoria do processo de extrusão na indústria dos pneus

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Organização da produção através da aplicação de ferramentas lean numa empresa de mobiliário

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Redes colaborativas no contexto do paradigma de gestão Lean

2011 | conference-paper

Waste identification diagrams

2011 | conference-paper

Aprendizagem baseada em projectos Interdisciplinares em Engenharia Industrial : dissimilitudes de tutoria entre o início e o final do curso

2010 | conference-paper

Towards eco-efficient lean production systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2010 | conference-paper

An industrial application of resource constrained scheduling for quick changeover

IEEM 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2009 | conference-paper

Formal grammars for product data management on distributed manufacturing systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2009 | conference-paper

Management of interdisciplinary project approaches in Engineering Education: a case study

2009 | conference-paper

Measurement rounding errors in an assessment model of project led Engineering Education

2009 | journal-article

Project-led Engineering Education : assessment model and rounding errors analysis

2009 | conference-paper

Projectos para a aprendizagem na Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2009 | conference-paper

Teachers' workload in a project-led engineering education approach

2009 | conference-paper

Agent based prototype for interoperation of production planning and control and manufacturing automation

IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA

2007 | conference-paper

O papel dos tutores na aprendizagem baseda em projectos : três anos de experiência na Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

2007 | conference-paper

Distributed production planning and control agent-based system

International Journal of Production Research

2006 | journal-article

On formal theories - And formalisms for virtual enterprises

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

2006 | book

User-interface Architectures for VE Dynamic Reconfiguration: An Initial Analysis

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book-chapter

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | conference-paper

BM_virtual enterprise: A model for dynamics and virtuality

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Distributed production planning and control agent based system

2005 | conference-paper

Virtual enterprise integration: Challenges of a new paradigm

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book-chapter

Contribuição para uma teoria formal de sistemas de produção

2003 | dissertation-thesis

Production modelling as shell programming: concurrency and delegation

2000 | journal-article

Formal description technique SDL for manufacturing systems specification and description

1999 | conference-paper

Distributed/virtual manufacturing system cell : an experimental installation

1998 | conference-paper

Man-Machine interface for remote programming and control of NC machine-tools at the task level: an example

1998 | conference-paper

Using formal description technique ESTELLE for manufacturing systems specification or description

1998 | journal-article

Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity (ILA-LEAN)

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

2016-10 to 2018-09 | 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293

MSIEM4.0 Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry

European Commission

2017-10 to 2020-10 | EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Ubiquitous oriented embedded systems for globally distributed factories of manufacturing enterprises

Universidade de Coimbra

2010-06 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 102143

Easy Ride: Experience is everything (n.º 039334)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2018-07 to 2021-06 | Easy Ride - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334

Hospital Operations Management: a Lean Healthcare Framework

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2017- to 2020- | PTDC/EME-SIS/30299/2017

Novas Capacidades de Industrialização


2015-07 to 2018-06 | iFACTORY - 2814

Inovação para Veículos Inteligentes


2015-07 to 2018-06 | INNOVCAR - 2797

Factory of the Future ¿ Smart Manufacturing (n.º 039479)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2018-07 to 2021-06 | Factory of the Future Smart Manufacturing (n.º 039479)

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