“An Intelligent Hierarchical Security Framework for VANETs”

“An Intelligent Hierarchical Security Framework for VANETs”

O artigo científico “An Intelligent Hierarchical Security Framework for VANETs” da autoria de Fábio Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo e Alexandre Santos foi selecionado para Capa do Vol.12, Issue 11 (Nov/2021) do journal “Information”.

Todos os autores são investigadores do Centro ALGORITMI do Grupo Computer Communications and Pervasive Media (CCPM)

Cover Story:

“Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are basic support for intelligent transportation systems, enabling communication among multiple road entities and fostering the development of new applications and services aimed at enhancing driving experience and increasing road safety. These are complex networks with highly demanding characteristics that pose great challenges to the implementation of security mechanisms, creating vulnerabilities that are easily exploitable by attackers. In this work, an intelligent hierarchical security framework is proposed. It makes use of machine learning algorithms to enhance attack detection and defines methods for secure communications among entities, ensuring strong authentication, privacy, and anonymity.”