Algoritmi | User | Pedro Miguel do Vale Malheiro Ramos Coutinho

Pedro Miguel do Vale Malheiro Ramos Coutinho

Pedro Miguel do Vale Malheiro Ramos Coutinho
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Adjunct Professor at Instituto Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Personal Webpage
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0000-0002-1804-9406Researcher ID
Ciência ID
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4About Me
Pedro Miguel do Vale Malheiro Ramos Coutinho, PhD in Information Systems and Technologies from the University of Minho, works as Adjunct Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and is a collaborating member of the Algoritmi Research Center (University do Minho) and ADiT-Lab (Applied Digital Transformation Laboratory of Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo). Academic training through the Degree in Systems Engineering and Informatics (University of Minho), the MSc in Informatics (University of Minho) and the PhD in Information Systems and Technologies (University of Minho) His professional experience involves working in several Higher Education institutions, starting with the University of Minho, where he was an Assistant; the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, where he was an Assistant and is currently an Adjunct Professor; and also at Universidade Católica Portuguesas, where he has collaborated as a Invited Professor. Professional experience is complemented by collaboration since 2017 with the company Coollink, Lda, which develops banking management software, and where he has been working as an information technology consultant and manager of innovation projects in collaboration with other research and development institutions. His research interests focus on the interaction of people with the physical world through immersive ubiquitous technology, in particular location-based services and situated displays, where he has published and presented several scientific articles at conferences and scientific journals. He is currently a member of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems.
Publications (16)
Understanding public displays as a medium for place-based communication: implications from current practices with non-digital displays
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
2022 | journal-article
A Risk Management Framework for User-Generated Content on Public Display Systems
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
2019 | journal-article
Moderation techniques for user-generated content in place-based communication
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2017 | conference-paper
Multi-purpose place-based display systems: Implications from current practices with non-digital displays
PerDis 2017 - Proceedings: 6th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2017 | conference-paper
Media sharing in an open network of place-based displays
Post-Screen: International Festival of Art, New Media and Cybercultures
2016 | conference-paper
Risk elicitation for user-generated content in situated interaction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2016 | conference-paper
Understanding media situatedness and publication practices in place-based digital displays
PerDis 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2016 | conference-paper
Design sensitivities from public expression practices with non-digital displays
PerDis 2015 - Proceedings: 4th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2015 | conference-paper
Awareness in Multiple Spaces
Equator Many Hands Workshop
2004 | conference-paper
Situated web portal for local awareness and transient interaction
2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Systems for Supporting Social Interaction and Face-to-Face Communication in Public Spaces (Ubicomp'2004)
2004 | conference-paper
The FUSE platform: Supporting ubiquitous collaboration within diverse mobile environments
Automated Software Engineering
2002 | journal-article
A Citywide Mixed Reality Performance: Initial Findings
Proc. Workshop Moving between the physical and the digital: exploring and developing new forms of mixed reality user experience, i3 Spring Days Conference
2001 | conference-paper
O teletrabalho no desenvolvimento das regiões
Nova economia e tecnologias de informação: desafios para Portugal
2000 | book-chapter
Historic Guide of Braga
8th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
1996 | conference-paper
Multimedia Encyclopaedia for the Teaching of Protuguese/Chinese/Portuguese
8th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
1996 | conference-paper
Multimedia Aplications Distribution in an Experimental ISDN Optical Fiber Broadband Network at 2Mbits: an Evaluation Project
Interactive Multimedia over Networks Comett Course/Workshop
1994 | conference-paper
Init | End | Change | Value |
Understanding public displays as a medium for place-based communication: implications from current practices with non-digital displays
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
2022 | journal-article
A Risk Management Framework for User-Generated Content on Public Display Systems
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
2019 | journal-article
Moderation techniques for user-generated content in place-based communication
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2017 | conference-paper
Multi-purpose place-based display systems: Implications from current practices with non-digital displays
PerDis 2017 - Proceedings: 6th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2017 | conference-paper
Media sharing in an open network of place-based displays
Post-Screen: International Festival of Art, New Media and Cybercultures
2016 | conference-paper
Risk elicitation for user-generated content in situated interaction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2016 | conference-paper
Understanding media situatedness and publication practices in place-based digital displays
PerDis 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2016 | conference-paper
Design sensitivities from public expression practices with non-digital displays
PerDis 2015 - Proceedings: 4th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
2015 | conference-paper
Awareness in Multiple Spaces
Equator Many Hands Workshop
2004 | conference-paper
Situated web portal for local awareness and transient interaction
2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Systems for Supporting Social Interaction and Face-to-Face Communication in Public Spaces (Ubicomp'2004)
2004 | conference-paper
The FUSE platform: Supporting ubiquitous collaboration within diverse mobile environments
Automated Software Engineering
2002 | journal-article
A Citywide Mixed Reality Performance: Initial Findings
Proc. Workshop Moving between the physical and the digital: exploring and developing new forms of mixed reality user experience, i3 Spring Days Conference
2001 | conference-paper
O teletrabalho no desenvolvimento das regiões
Nova economia e tecnologias de informação: desafios para Portugal
2000 | book-chapter
Historic Guide of Braga
8th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
1996 | conference-paper
Multimedia Encyclopaedia for the Teaching of Protuguese/Chinese/Portuguese
8th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition
1996 | conference-paper
Multimedia Aplications Distribution in an Experimental ISDN Optical Fiber Broadband Network at 2Mbits: an Evaluation Project
Interactive Multimedia over Networks Comett Course/Workshop
1994 | conference-paper
Start | End | Term | Value | |