Urban Computing Lab (UCL)

With information technology increasingly permeating our lives, urban space is becoming the frontline for the next big wave of digital transformation. After the office environment, with its focus on work productivity, and the personal environment, with its focus on social connectedness, the urban environment is now extending the scope of ICT innovation to the social, physical, business and political dimensions of the city.

Commonly framed under the general umbrella of Smart Cities, Urban Computing is an interdisciplinary field of research at the intersection between Information Systems and several other research areas with a long tradition of urban research and practice, such as urban planning, mobility, architecture, sustainability, sociology or urban media. The Urban Computing Lab addresses this interplay between the physical, social and digital layers of the city, exploring digital innovation as a key enabler for more sustainable and more inclusive cities.

Urban Computing Lab leader: Rui José

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Recent Urban Computing Lab Publications: