Algoritmi | User | Joaquín Torres-Sospedra

Joaquín Torres-Sospedra

Joaquín Torres-Sospedra
Personal Email
0000-0003-4338-4334Researcher ID
Ciência ID
F212-067F-109FGoogle Scholar
3793Q1 / Q2
102About Me
Joaquín has been managing a small group around 1-2 undergrad, 2 master and 2 PhD students not only in research tasks related to indoor positioning, but also in ways to transfer the technology and create novel applications. He has published 1 book, 3 book chapters and 180+ articles in journals and conferences including top venues (32 Q1 and 18 CORE A). His publication records report 4600 citations (h-index:34 I10:78). According to Scopus, he is in the top-5 authors for “Indoor Positioning Systems; Received Signal Strength; Wi-Fi; (T.437)” and he has been listed within the Stanford's list of 2% most cited researchers in 2022 and 2023. Joaquín not only has contributed with results dissemination in conference papers and journal articles, but he also has collected and provided 12 datasets and supporting Software (UJIIndoorLoc Platform and GetSensorsData Suite) to the Indoor Positioning community. In addition of participating in 9 regional, 9 national and 6 European projects, being the PI in 1 Regional, 1 National and 2 EU projects, Joaquín cooperated in successful scientific fund-raising for 4 regional, 4 national and 4 EU research projects (total funds raised ~4 Million €). **Internationalisation** Joaquín has established several long-term collaborations at national level with Fernando Alvarez (Univ. Extremadura), Juan Jesús Garcia & Ana Jiménez (Univ. de Alcalá), Antoni Pérez-Navarro (Univ. Oberta de Catalunya) and Antonio R. Jiménez (CSIC – Arganda) and at international level with Simona Lohan (Tampere; FI), Adriano Moreira (Guimarães, PT), Mikko Valkama (Tampere, FI), Tapami Ristaniemi (Jyväskylä, FI), Paolo Barsocchi (CNR Pisa, IT), Rafael Berkvens (Antwerp, BE) and Jiri Hosek (Brno, Rep. Checa), which have brought journal articles, project proposals, two-way mobility and students co-supervision Joaquín is now considered a key player in the research area, both national & international research teams invited him for giving lectures, teaching seminars, participating in project proposals, organizing conferences and being a jury member in MSc and PhD defenses. Besides he is collaborator at the Algoritmi Research Centre of Universidade do Minho, where he worked for 2 years with a MSCA Individual Fellowship and continues collaborating in research tasks. **Contributions to Society** Joaquín has participated in 3 transfer actions devoted to enhance the collaboration between the academic and industry worlds (Projects Percepción and eStic and a Contract -Art.83- with Eurecat). In 2020-2021, he was the Scientific Chair Officer and administrator at UBIK Geospatial Solutions, acting as principal investigator of 2 projects and valorising the research outputs on Indoor Positioning developed in the academia. He has cooperated with the Centro de Computação Gráfica for deploying and commercialising the outputs of the ORIENTATE project in the Portuguese industry. He participated in communications actions to the general audience/society, in particular he usually participated in the GIS Day and the European Night of Researchers. In addition, he presented the A-WEAR project and main contribution in a booth at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (2019). **Young researchers training** Joaquín has taught 5 invited seminars to PhD students in the A-WEAR workshops. He has supervised 26 Master and 7 PhD Students. He is currently supervising 2 Master Students and 3 PhD students. In addition, he hosted 6 external PhD students. He has also established Erasmus+ agreements with the University of Antwerp (BE) and University of Udine (IT) **Others** Joaquín participates in the organization of several conferences every year, acting as Reviewer and/or Program Committee at IPIN, ICL-GNSS, ICIC, IJCNN and serves as Senior Editor in IEEE Journal on Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation and Expert Systems with Application. He has reviewed over 500 scientific works.
Publications (212)
ORDIP: Principle, Practice and Guidelines for Open Research Data in Indoor Positioning
Internet of Things
2025 | journal-article
C2R: A Novel ANN Architecture for Boosting Indoor Positioning With Scarce Data
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2024 | journal-article
EWOk: Towards Efficient Multidimensional Compression of Indoor Positioning Datasets
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2024 | journal-article
Analysis and Impact of Training Set Size in Cross-Subject Human Activity Recognition
2024 | book-chapter
High-Performance Features in Generalizable Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning
2024 | book-chapter
Industrial Environment Multi-Sensor Dataset for Vehicle Indoor Tracking with Wi-Fi, Inertial and Odometry Data
2023 | journal-article
Dataset for Vehicle Indoor Positioning in Industrial Environments with Wi-Fi, inertial, and odometry data
2023 | data-set
L/F-CIPS: Collaborative Indoor Positioning for Smartphones With Lateration and Fingerprinting
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Influence of Measured Radio Map Interpolation on Indoor Positioning Algorithms
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Accuracy of a Single Position Estimate for kNN-Based Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning Applying Error Propagation Theory
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Maximizing privacy and security of collaborative indoor positioning using zero-knowledge proofs
Internet of Things
2023 | journal-article
Scalable and Efficient Clustering for Fingerprint-Based Positioning
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2023 | journal-article
Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Smart Sensing Applications
2023 | journal-article
Asynchronous time-based architecture proposal for the positioning of UAVs for indoor TV filming
Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2023
2023 | conference-paper
Autoencoder Extreme Learning Machine for Fingerprint-Based Positioning: A Good Weight Initialization is Decisive
IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation
2023 | journal-article
TUJI1 Dataset: Multi-Device Dataset for Indoor Localization with High Measurement Density
2023 | other
UJI Probes Revisited: Deeper Dive Into the Dataset of Wi-Fi Probe Requests
IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation
2023 | journal-article
UJI Probes: Dataset of Wi-Fi Probe Requests
2023 | other
Advances in Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2022 | journal-article
Comprehensive Analysis of Applied Machine Learning in Indoor Positioning Based on Wi-Fi: An Extended Systematic Review
2022 | journal-article
Mobile device-based Bluetooth Low Energy Database for range estimation in indoor environments
Scientific Data
2022 | journal-article
Measurements of User and Sensor Data from the Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
2022 | journal-article
Applications and Innovations on Sensor-Enabled Wearable Devices
2022 | journal-article
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Advanced Sensors and Sensing Technologies for Indoor Positioning and Navigation
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2022 | conference-paper
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
2022 | journal-article
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
2022 | other
Accurate and Efficient Wi-Fi Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning in Large Areas
2022 | journal-article
D2D-Based Cooperative Positioning Paradigm for Future Wireless Systems: A Survey
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
2022 | conference-paper
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
2022 | journal-article
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
2022 | other
Efficient tuning of k NN hyperparameters for indoor positioning with N-TBEA
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2022 | conference-paper
Environment-Aware Regression for Indoor Localization Based on WiFi Fingerprinting
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
Exploration of User Privacy in 802.11 Probe Requests with MAC Address Randomization Using Temporal Pattern Analysis
2022 | journal-article
Exploration of User Privacy in 802.11 Probe Requests with MAC Address Randomization Using Temporal Pattern Analysis
2022 | other
GetSensorData: An extensible Android-based application for multi-sensor data registration
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
Proceedings of International Conference on Localization and Gnss (Icl-Gnss)
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | other
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | other
LoRaWAN Fingerprinting with K-Means: the Relevance of Clusters Visual Inspection
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2022 | conference-paper
Off-Line Evaluation of Indoor Positioning Systems in Different Scenarios: The Experiences from IPIN 2020 Competition
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2022
2022 | conference-paper
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
2022 | journal-article
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
2022 | other
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS)
2022 | conference-paper
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | journal-article
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | other
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | other
TrackInFactory: A Tight Coupling Particle Filter for Industrial Vehicle Tracking in Indoor Environments
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
2022 | journal-article
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed About You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection During Your Last IPIN Visit
2022 | journal-article
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed About You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection During Your Last IPIN Visit
2022 | other
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed about You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection during Your Last IPIN Visit
12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2022
2022 | conference-paper
Cloud Platforms for Context-Adaptive Positioning and Localisation in GNSS-Denied Scenarios—A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
Data from Smartphones and Wearables
2021 | journal-article
Process Model Metrics for Quality Assessment of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines in PROforma
Applied Sciences
2021 | journal-article
Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems
Internet of Things
2021 | journal-article
Collaborative Indoor Positioning Systems: A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
A Comparative Study in the Standardization of IoT Devices Using Geospatial Web Standards
IEEE Sensors Journal
2021 | journal-article
A Lateration Method based on Effective Combinatorial Beacon Selection for Bluetooth Low Energy Indoor Positioning
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
2021 | conference-paper
A Low-Cost Control Occupancy Solution Using a Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensor Laser
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges
Computer Networks
2021 | journal-article
Affinity Propagation Clustering for Older Adults Daily Routine Estimation
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Anonymous attribute-based credentials in collaborative indoor positioning systems
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Beyond Euclidean Distance for Error Measurement in Pedestrian Indoor Location
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2021 | journal-article
Dioptra - A Data Generation Application for Indoor Positioning Systems
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Ensembling Multiple Radio Maps with Dynamic Noise in Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
2021 | conference-paper
Finding Optimal BLE Configuration for Indoor Positioning with Consumption Restrictions
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Lightweight Wi-Fi Fingerprinting with a Novel RSS Clustering Algorithm
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Local-level Analysis of Positioning Errors in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
2021 | conference-paper
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 | other
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 | other
Optimal Receivers Location for Passive Indoor Positioning based on BLE
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Quantifying the Degradation of Radio Maps in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Revisiting the Analysis of Hyperparameters in k-NN for Wi-Fi and BLE Fingerprinting: Current Status and General Results
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Smartphone Distance Estimation Based on RSSI-Fuzzy Classification Approach
International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS)
2021 | conference-paper
Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Positioning: Comparing Systems across Heterogeneous Datasets
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Towards ubiquitous indoor positioning: Comparing systems across heterogeneous datasets
2021 | other
Transfer Learning for Convolutional Indoor Positioning Systems
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Erratum: Ramos, F.; Trilles, S.; Torres-Sospedra, J.; Perales, F.J. New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 478
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2020 | journal-article
Multi-Slot BLE Raw Database for Accurate Positioning in Mixed Indoor/Outdoor Environments
2020 | journal-article
Analysis of Received Signal Strength Quantization in Fingerprinting Localization
2020 | journal-article
2020 international conference on localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS) WiP proceedings
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
A Comprehensive and Reproducible Comparison of Clustering and Optimization Rules in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2020 | journal-article
Development of an open sensorized platform in a smart agriculture context: A vineyard support system for monitoring mildew disease
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
2020 | journal-article
Development of an open sensorized platform in a smart agriculture context: A vineyard support system for monitoring mildew disease
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
2020 | journal-article
Improving DBSCAN for Indoor Positioning Using Wi-Fi Radio Maps in Wearable and IoT Devices
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
New Cluster Selection and Fine-grained Search for k-Means Clustering and Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2020 - Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
Privacy in Indoor Positioning Systems: A Systematic Review
2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2020 - Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
RSS Fingerprinting Dataset Size Reduction Using Feature-Wise Adaptive k-Means Clustering
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
Sensor fusion and well-conditioned triangle approach for BLE-based indoor positioning
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
Support vector regression machine learning tool to predict GNSS clock corrections in real-time PPP technique
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
The IPIN 2019 Indoor Localisation Competition-Description and Results
IEEE Access
2020 | journal-article
A Meta-Review of Indoor Positioning Systems
2019 | journal-article
Combining Satellite Images and Cadastral Information for Outdoor Autonomous Mapping and Navigation: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Citric Groves
2019 | journal-article
A statistical approach for studying the spatio-temporal distribution of geolocated tweets in urban environments
Sustainability (Switzerland)
2019 | journal-article
An occupancy simulator for a smart parking system: Developmental design and experimental considerations
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2019 | journal-article
BLE RSS measurements dataset for research on accurate indoor positioning
2019 | journal-article
Challenges of Fingerprinting in Indoor Positioning and Navigation
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Evaluating Indoor Positioning Systems in a Shopping Mall: The Lessons Learned from the IPIN 2018 Competition
IEEE Access
2019 | journal-article
Exploiting Different Combinations of Complementary Sensor's data for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning in Industrial Environments
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)
2019 | conference-paper
Exploiting different combinations of complementary sensor's data for fingerprint-based indoor positioning in industrial environments
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Improving RF fingerprinting methods by means of D2D communication protocol
Electronics (Switzerland)
2019 | journal-article
Indoor Positioning and Fingerprinting: The R Package ipft
The R Journal
2019 | journal-article
Indoor positioning and fingerprinting: The R package ipft
R Journal
2019 | journal-article
IndoorLoc Platform: A Web Tool to Support the Comparison of Indoor Positioning Systems
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Lessons Learned in Generating Ground Truth for Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Machine learning applied to wi-fi fingerprinting: The experiences of the ubiqum challenge
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Survey on indoor map standards and formats
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Tools for smartphone multi-sensor data registration and GT mapping for positioning applications
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A New Methodology for Long-Term Maintenance of WiFi Fingerprinting Radio Maps
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
A radiosity-based method to avoid calibration for indoor positioning systems
Expert Systems with Applications
2018 | journal-article
Challenges of fingerprinting in indoor positioning and navigation
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
Characterising the Alteration in the AP Distribution with the RSS Distance and the Position Estimates
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
Geographical and fingerprinting data to create systems for indoor positioning and indoor/outdoor navigation: Challenges, experiences and technology roadmap
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
IndoorLoc platform: A web tool to support the comparison of indoor positioning systems
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
Lessons learned in generating ground truth for indoor positioning systems based on wi-fi fingerprinting
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book-chapter
Locations selection for periodic radio map update in WiFi fingerprinting
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
2018 | conference-paper
Long-term WiFi fingerprinting dataset for research on robust indoor positioning
2018 | journal-article
Magnetic Field as a Characterization of Wide and Narrow Spaces in a Real Challenging Scenario Using Dynamic Time Warping
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
New trends in using augmented reality apps for smart city contexts
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2018 | journal-article
Off-line evaluation of mobile-centric indoor positioning systems: The experiences from the 2017 ipin competition
Sensors (Switzerland)
2018 | journal-article
Smart Outdoor Light Desktop Central Management System
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
2018 | journal-article
A more realistic error distance calculation for indoor positioning systems accuracy evaluation
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A novel methodology to estimate a measurement of the inherent difficulty of an indoor localization radio map
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A realistic evaluation of indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting: The 2015 EvAAL-ETRI competition
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
2017 | journal-article
An indoor positioning system based on wearables for ambient-assisted living
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Analysis of sources of large positioning errors in deterministic fingerprinting
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Comparing the performance of indoor localization systems through the EvAAL framework
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Deployment of an open sensorized platform in a smart city context
Future Generation Computer Systems
2017 | journal-article
In-home monitoring system based on WiFi fingerprints for ambient assisted living
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
2017 | journal-article
IndoorLoc platform: A public repository for comparing and evaluating indoor positioning systems
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Multiple simultaneous Wi-Fi measurements in fingerprinting indoor positioning
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Situation goodness method for weighted centroid-based Wi-fi APs localization
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
2017 | conference-paper
The smartphone-based offline indoor location competition at IPIN 2016: Analysis and future work
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Wi-Fi crowdsourced fingerprinting dataset for indoor positioning
2017 | journal-article
Ensembles of indoor positioning systems based on fingerprinting: Simplifying parameter selection and obtaining robust systems
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016
2016 | conference-paper
How feasible is WiFi fingerprint-based indoor positioning for in-home monitoring?
Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Indoor positioning technologies for academic libraries: Towards the smart library,Tecnologías de posicionamiento en interiores al servicio de una biblioteca universitaria: Hacia la smart library
Profesional de la Informacion
2016 | journal-article
Magnetic field based indoor positioning using the Bag of Words paradigm
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Providing databases for different indoor positioning technologies: Pros and cons of magnetic field and Wi-Fi based positioning
Mobile Information Systems
2016 | journal-article
ATM-based analysis and recognition of handball team activities
2015 | journal-article
Comprehensive analysis of distance and similarity measures for Wi-Fi fingerprinting indoor positioning systems
Expert Systems with Applications
2015 | journal-article
Enhancing integrated indoor/outdoor mobility in a smart campus
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
2015 | journal-article
Evaluating indoor localization solutions in large environments through competitive benchmarking: The EvAAL-ETRI competition
2015 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2015
2015 | conference-paper
SEnviro: A sensorized platform proposal using open hardware and open standards
Sensors (Switzerland)
2015 | journal-article
Team activity recognition in Association Football using a Bag-of-Words-based method
Human Movement Science
2015 | journal-article
UJIIndoorLoc-Mag: A new database for magnetic field-based localization problems
2015 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Assessment of clinical guideline models based on metrics for business process models
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2014 | conference-paper
Two-stage procedure based on smoothed ensembles of neural networks applied to weed detection in orange groves
Biosystems Engineering
2014 | journal-article
UJIIndoorLoc: A new multi-building and multi-floor database for WLAN fingerprint-based indoor localization problems
IPIN 2014 - 2014 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2014 | conference-paper
Leveraging electronic healthcare record standards and semantic web technologies for the identification of patient cohorts
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
2013 | journal-article
A case study on agriture: Distributed HLA-based architecture for agricultural robotics
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
2011 | conference-paper
A new HLA-based distributed control architecture for agricultural teams of robots in hybrid applications with real and simulated devices or environments
Sensors (Switzerland)
2011 | journal-article
A new approach to visual-based sensory system for navigation into orange groves
2011 | journal-article
Improving boosting methods by generating specific training and validation sets
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | conference-paper
Introducing reordering algorithms to classic well-known ensembles to improve their performance
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | book
Using Bagging and Cross-Validation to improve ensembles based on penalty terms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | book
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2011 | conference-paper
Visual outdoor path planner for orange groves based on ensembles of neural networks
ICINCO 2011 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2011 | conference-paper
Adding diversity in ensembles of neural networks by reordering the training set
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
Decision fusion on boosting ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
New results on combination methods for boosting ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | conference-paper
Researching on combining boosting ensembles
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2008 | conference-paper
Researching on multi-net systems based on stacked generalization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | conference-paper
The mixture of neural networks as ensemble combiner
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
Averaged conservative boosting: Introducing a new method to build ensembles of neural networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | conference-paper
Designing a multilayer feedforward ensemble with the weighted conservative boosting algorithm
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Improving adaptive boosting with a relaxed equation to update the sampling distribution
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | conference-paper
Mixing aveboost and conserboost to improve boosting methods
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Stacking MF networks to combine the outputs provided by RBF networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Adaptive boosting: Dividing the learning set to increase the diversity and performance of the ensemble
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
An experimental study on training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Combining MF networks: A comparison among statistical methods and stacked generalization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Designing a multilayer feedforward ensembles with cross validated boosting algorithm
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
Designing a new multilayer feedforward modular network for classification problems
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
Gradient descent and radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Improving adaptive boosting with k-cross-fold validation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Improving the combination module with a neural network
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Improving the expert networks of a modular multi-net system for pattern recognition
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Mixture of neural networks: Some experiments with the multilayer feedforward architecture
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
The mixture of neural networks adapted to multilayer feedforward architecture
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Training RBFs networks: A comparison among supervised and not supervised algorithms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Training radial basis functions by gradient descent
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
A comparison of combination methods for ensembles of RBF networks
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
A research on combination methods for ensembles of multilayer feedforward
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
Combination methods for ensembles of MF
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
Combination methods for ensembles of MF
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of RBF networks
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of RBFs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | conference-paper
Combination methods for ensembles of RBFs
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of multilayer feedforward
WSEAS Transactions on Systems
2005 | journal-article
Ensembles of multilayer feedforward: A new comparison
WSEAS Transactions on Systems
2005 | journal-article
Ensembles of multilayer feedforward: Some new results
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2005 | conference-paper
New experiments on ensembles of multilayer feedforward for classification problems
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
New results on ensembles of multilayer feedforward
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
New results on ensembles of multilayer feedforward
2005 | journal-article
Classification by multilayer feedforward ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Ensembles of RBFs trained by gradient descent 1
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Experiments on ensembles of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
2004 | conference-paper
First experiments on ensembles of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Gradient descent training of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Hyperspectral image classification by ensembles of multilayer feedforward networks
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2004 | conference-paper
Multilayer feedforward ensembles for classification problems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments on ensembles of neural networks for hyperspectral image classification
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments on training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments with ensembles of neural networks for classification of hyperspectral images
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
2004 | conference-paper
Fundings (18)
ORIENTATE - Low-cost Reliable Indoor Positioning in Smart Factories
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2021-09 to 2023-08 | 101023072
INSIGNIA - Sistemas de PosicionamIento en INteriores y ExterioreS - InteGración CoNfIable y SegurA en Dispositivos Inteligentes
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
2020-01 to 2022-12 | PTQ2018-009981
A-WEAR: A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2019-01 to 2022-12 | 813278
Prototipo de asistente virtual basado en geolocalización para visitas guiadas en museos
Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación
2018-01 to 2018-12 | INNVAL10/18/049
Conselleria d' Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana
2018-01 to 2018-12 | GV/2016/159
Sistema de Sopore para Smart Agriculture aplicada a la monitorización del cultivo de la vid (Senviro for Agriculture)
Universitat Jaume I
2017-10 to 2018-12 | VAL-2016-03
Metodologías avanzadas para el diseñoo, desarrollo, evaluación e integración de algoritmos de localización en interiores
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2016-01 to 2018-12 | TIN2015-70202-P
GEO-C - Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2015-01 to 2018-12 | 642332
Smart Ways - Desarrollo De Una Plataforma Tecnológica Orientada A La Eficiencia De Los Recursos En El Campo De Las Nuevas Tecnologías Internet Of Things
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2014-10 to 2015-12 | RTC-2014-1466-4
PERCEPTION: Advanced Human-Computer Interaction Systems Development (Desarrollo de Sistemas de Interacción Avanzada Hombre-Máquina)
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2013-04 to 2014-09 | TSI-020601-2012-50-P
2012-01 to 2012-12 | P1-1B2009-39
Universitat Jaume I
2011-02 to 2011-05 | P1·1B2009-39
Conselleria d' Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana
2010-01 to 2011-12 | GV/2010/087
Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks: Analysis and Development of Design Methods
Universitat Jaume I
2006-02 to 2010-01 | PREDOC/2005/44
Universitat Jaume I
2004-12 to 2007-11 | P1·1B2004-03
MAPACI: Modelado y clasificación automática de patrones de voz patológica para su aplicación clínica sobre Internet
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2003-10 to 2005-12 | TIC2002-2273
RE-MODULEES: the Retrofitting Market Activation Platform based on the generation of standard modules for energy efficiency and clean energy solutions
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Science with and for Society
2020-10 to 2021-08 | 955529
POSITIONATE: Pervasive Indoor Positioning in Smart Factories
Generalitat Valenciana
2024-01 to - | CIDEXG/2023/17
Init | End | Change | Value | |
Academic Degree | ||||
Category | ||||
Group | CCPM | |||
Member Type | ||||
Institution | ||||
Internal Member Type |
ORDIP: Principle, Practice and Guidelines for Open Research Data in Indoor Positioning
Internet of Things
2025 | journal-article
C2R: A Novel ANN Architecture for Boosting Indoor Positioning With Scarce Data
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2024 | journal-article
EWOk: Towards Efficient Multidimensional Compression of Indoor Positioning Datasets
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2024 | journal-article
Analysis and Impact of Training Set Size in Cross-Subject Human Activity Recognition
2024 | book-chapter
High-Performance Features in Generalizable Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning
2024 | book-chapter
Industrial Environment Multi-Sensor Dataset for Vehicle Indoor Tracking with Wi-Fi, Inertial and Odometry Data
2023 | journal-article
Dataset for Vehicle Indoor Positioning in Industrial Environments with Wi-Fi, inertial, and odometry data
2023 | data-set
L/F-CIPS: Collaborative Indoor Positioning for Smartphones With Lateration and Fingerprinting
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Influence of Measured Radio Map Interpolation on Indoor Positioning Algorithms
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Accuracy of a Single Position Estimate for kNN-Based Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning Applying Error Propagation Theory
IEEE Sensors Journal
2023 | journal-article
Maximizing privacy and security of collaborative indoor positioning using zero-knowledge proofs
Internet of Things
2023 | journal-article
Scalable and Efficient Clustering for Fingerprint-Based Positioning
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2023 | journal-article
Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Smart Sensing Applications
2023 | journal-article
Asynchronous time-based architecture proposal for the positioning of UAVs for indoor TV filming
Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2023
2023 | conference-paper
Autoencoder Extreme Learning Machine for Fingerprint-Based Positioning: A Good Weight Initialization is Decisive
IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation
2023 | journal-article
TUJI1 Dataset: Multi-Device Dataset for Indoor Localization with High Measurement Density
2023 | other
UJI Probes Revisited: Deeper Dive Into the Dataset of Wi-Fi Probe Requests
IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation
2023 | journal-article
UJI Probes: Dataset of Wi-Fi Probe Requests
2023 | other
Advances in Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2022 | journal-article
Comprehensive Analysis of Applied Machine Learning in Indoor Positioning Based on Wi-Fi: An Extended Systematic Review
2022 | journal-article
Mobile device-based Bluetooth Low Energy Database for range estimation in indoor environments
Scientific Data
2022 | journal-article
Measurements of User and Sensor Data from the Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
2022 | journal-article
Applications and Innovations on Sensor-Enabled Wearable Devices
2022 | journal-article
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Advanced Sensors and Sensing Technologies for Indoor Positioning and Navigation
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2022 | conference-paper
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
2022 | journal-article
A Collaborative Approach Using Neural Networks for BLE-RSS Lateration-Based Indoor Positioning
2022 | other
Accurate and Efficient Wi-Fi Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning in Large Areas
2022 | journal-article
D2D-Based Cooperative Positioning Paradigm for Future Wireless Systems: A Survey
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
2022 | conference-paper
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
2022 | journal-article
Data Cleansing for Indoor Positioning Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Datasets
2022 | other
Efficient tuning of k NN hyperparameters for indoor positioning with N-TBEA
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2022 | conference-paper
Environment-Aware Regression for Indoor Localization Based on WiFi Fingerprinting
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
Exploration of User Privacy in 802.11 Probe Requests with MAC Address Randomization Using Temporal Pattern Analysis
2022 | journal-article
Exploration of User Privacy in 802.11 Probe Requests with MAC Address Randomization Using Temporal Pattern Analysis
2022 | other
GetSensorData: An extensible Android-based application for multi-sensor data registration
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
Proceedings of International Conference on Localization and Gnss (Icl-Gnss)
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | journal-article
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | other
Lightweight Hybrid CNN-ELM Model for Multi-building and Multi-floor Classification
2022 | other
LoRaWAN Fingerprinting with K-Means: the Relevance of Clusters Visual Inspection
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2022 | conference-paper
Off-Line Evaluation of Indoor Positioning Systems in Different Scenarios: The Experiences from IPIN 2020 Competition
IEEE Sensors Journal
2022 | journal-article
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2022
2022 | conference-paper
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
2022 | journal-article
SURIMI: Supervised Radio Map Augmentation with Deep Learning and a Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
2022 | other
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS)
2022 | conference-paper
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | journal-article
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | other
Towards Accelerated Localization Performance Across Indoor Positioning Datasets
2022 | other
TrackInFactory: A Tight Coupling Particle Filter for Industrial Vehicle Tracking in Indoor Environments
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
2022 | journal-article
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed About You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection During Your Last IPIN Visit
2022 | journal-article
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed About You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection During Your Last IPIN Visit
2022 | other
What Your Wearable Devices Revealed about You and Possibilities of Non-Cooperative 802.11 Presence Detection during Your Last IPIN Visit
12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2022
2022 | conference-paper
Cloud Platforms for Context-Adaptive Positioning and Localisation in GNSS-Denied Scenarios—A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
Data from Smartphones and Wearables
2021 | journal-article
Process Model Metrics for Quality Assessment of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines in PROforma
Applied Sciences
2021 | journal-article
Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems
Internet of Things
2021 | journal-article
Collaborative Indoor Positioning Systems: A Systematic Review
2021 | journal-article
A Comparative Study in the Standardization of IoT Devices Using Geospatial Web Standards
IEEE Sensors Journal
2021 | journal-article
A Lateration Method based on Effective Combinatorial Beacon Selection for Bluetooth Low Energy Indoor Positioning
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
2021 | conference-paper
A Low-Cost Control Occupancy Solution Using a Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensor Laser
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges
Computer Networks
2021 | journal-article
Affinity Propagation Clustering for Older Adults Daily Routine Estimation
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Anonymous attribute-based credentials in collaborative indoor positioning systems
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Beyond Euclidean Distance for Error Measurement in Pedestrian Indoor Location
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2021 | journal-article
Dioptra - A Data Generation Application for Indoor Positioning Systems
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Ensembling Multiple Radio Maps with Dynamic Noise in Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
2021 | conference-paper
Finding Optimal BLE Configuration for Indoor Positioning with Consumption Restrictions
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Lightweight Wi-Fi Fingerprinting with a Novel RSS Clustering Algorithm
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Local-level Analysis of Positioning Errors in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
2021 | conference-paper
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 | other
New trends in indoor positioning based on WiFi and machine learning: A systematic review
2021 | other
Optimal Receivers Location for Passive Indoor Positioning based on BLE
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Quantifying the Degradation of Radio Maps in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Revisiting the Analysis of Hyperparameters in k-NN for Wi-Fi and BLE Fingerprinting: Current Status and General Results
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Smartphone Distance Estimation Based on RSSI-Fuzzy Classification Approach
International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS)
2021 | conference-paper
Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Positioning: Comparing Systems across Heterogeneous Datasets
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Towards ubiquitous indoor positioning: Comparing systems across heterogeneous datasets
2021 | other
Transfer Learning for Convolutional Indoor Positioning Systems
2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Erratum: Ramos, F.; Trilles, S.; Torres-Sospedra, J.; Perales, F.J. New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 478
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2020 | journal-article
Multi-Slot BLE Raw Database for Accurate Positioning in Mixed Indoor/Outdoor Environments
2020 | journal-article
Analysis of Received Signal Strength Quantization in Fingerprinting Localization
2020 | journal-article
2020 international conference on localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS) WiP proceedings
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
A Comprehensive and Reproducible Comparison of Clustering and Optimization Rules in Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2020 | journal-article
Development of an open sensorized platform in a smart agriculture context: A vineyard support system for monitoring mildew disease
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
2020 | journal-article
Development of an open sensorized platform in a smart agriculture context: A vineyard support system for monitoring mildew disease
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems
2020 | journal-article
Improving DBSCAN for Indoor Positioning Using Wi-Fi Radio Maps in Wearable and IoT Devices
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
New Cluster Selection and Fine-grained Search for k-Means Clustering and Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2020 - Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
Privacy in Indoor Positioning Systems: A Systematic Review
2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2020 - Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
RSS Fingerprinting Dataset Size Reduction Using Feature-Wise Adaptive k-Means Clustering
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
Sensor fusion and well-conditioned triangle approach for BLE-based indoor positioning
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
Support vector regression machine learning tool to predict GNSS clock corrections in real-time PPP technique
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2020 | conference-paper
The IPIN 2019 Indoor Localisation Competition-Description and Results
IEEE Access
2020 | journal-article
A Meta-Review of Indoor Positioning Systems
2019 | journal-article
Combining Satellite Images and Cadastral Information for Outdoor Autonomous Mapping and Navigation: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Citric Groves
2019 | journal-article
A statistical approach for studying the spatio-temporal distribution of geolocated tweets in urban environments
Sustainability (Switzerland)
2019 | journal-article
An occupancy simulator for a smart parking system: Developmental design and experimental considerations
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2019 | journal-article
BLE RSS measurements dataset for research on accurate indoor positioning
2019 | journal-article
Challenges of Fingerprinting in Indoor Positioning and Navigation
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Evaluating Indoor Positioning Systems in a Shopping Mall: The Lessons Learned from the IPIN 2018 Competition
IEEE Access
2019 | journal-article
Exploiting Different Combinations of Complementary Sensor's data for Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning in Industrial Environments
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)
2019 | conference-paper
Exploiting different combinations of complementary sensor's data for fingerprint-based indoor positioning in industrial environments
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Improving RF fingerprinting methods by means of D2D communication protocol
Electronics (Switzerland)
2019 | journal-article
Indoor Positioning and Fingerprinting: The R Package ipft
The R Journal
2019 | journal-article
Indoor positioning and fingerprinting: The R package ipft
R Journal
2019 | journal-article
IndoorLoc Platform: A Web Tool to Support the Comparison of Indoor Positioning Systems
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Lessons Learned in Generating Ground Truth for Indoor Positioning Systems Based on Wi-Fi Fingerprinting
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences, and Technology Roadmap
2019 | journal-article
Machine learning applied to wi-fi fingerprinting: The experiences of the ubiqum challenge
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Survey on indoor map standards and formats
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Tools for smartphone multi-sensor data registration and GT mapping for positioning applications
2019 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A New Methodology for Long-Term Maintenance of WiFi Fingerprinting Radio Maps
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
A radiosity-based method to avoid calibration for indoor positioning systems
Expert Systems with Applications
2018 | journal-article
Challenges of fingerprinting in indoor positioning and navigation
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
Characterising the Alteration in the AP Distribution with the RSS Distance and the Position Estimates
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
Geographical and fingerprinting data to create systems for indoor positioning and indoor/outdoor navigation: Challenges, experiences and technology roadmap
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
IndoorLoc platform: A web tool to support the comparison of indoor positioning systems
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book
Lessons learned in generating ground truth for indoor positioning systems based on wi-fi fingerprinting
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data for Positioning and Navigation Systems: Challenges, Experiences and Technology Roadmap
2018 | book-chapter
Locations selection for periodic radio map update in WiFi fingerprinting
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
2018 | conference-paper
Long-term WiFi fingerprinting dataset for research on robust indoor positioning
2018 | journal-article
Magnetic Field as a Characterization of Wide and Narrow Spaces in a Real Challenging Scenario Using Dynamic Time Warping
IPIN 2018 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2018 | conference-paper
New trends in using augmented reality apps for smart city contexts
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
2018 | journal-article
Off-line evaluation of mobile-centric indoor positioning systems: The experiences from the 2017 ipin competition
Sensors (Switzerland)
2018 | journal-article
Smart Outdoor Light Desktop Central Management System
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
2018 | journal-article
A more realistic error distance calculation for indoor positioning systems accuracy evaluation
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A novel methodology to estimate a measurement of the inherent difficulty of an indoor localization radio map
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A realistic evaluation of indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting: The 2015 EvAAL-ETRI competition
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
2017 | journal-article
An indoor positioning system based on wearables for ambient-assisted living
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Analysis of sources of large positioning errors in deterministic fingerprinting
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Comparing the performance of indoor localization systems through the EvAAL framework
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Deployment of an open sensorized platform in a smart city context
Future Generation Computer Systems
2017 | journal-article
In-home monitoring system based on WiFi fingerprints for ambient assisted living
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
2017 | journal-article
IndoorLoc platform: A public repository for comparing and evaluating indoor positioning systems
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Multiple simultaneous Wi-Fi measurements in fingerprinting indoor positioning
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Situation goodness method for weighted centroid-based Wi-fi APs localization
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
2017 | conference-paper
The smartphone-based offline indoor location competition at IPIN 2016: Analysis and future work
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Wi-Fi crowdsourced fingerprinting dataset for indoor positioning
2017 | journal-article
Ensembles of indoor positioning systems based on fingerprinting: Simplifying parameter selection and obtaining robust systems
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016
2016 | conference-paper
How feasible is WiFi fingerprint-based indoor positioning for in-home monitoring?
Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Indoor positioning technologies for academic libraries: Towards the smart library,Tecnologías de posicionamiento en interiores al servicio de una biblioteca universitaria: Hacia la smart library
Profesional de la Informacion
2016 | journal-article
Magnetic field based indoor positioning using the Bag of Words paradigm
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Providing databases for different indoor positioning technologies: Pros and cons of magnetic field and Wi-Fi based positioning
Mobile Information Systems
2016 | journal-article
ATM-based analysis and recognition of handball team activities
2015 | journal-article
Comprehensive analysis of distance and similarity measures for Wi-Fi fingerprinting indoor positioning systems
Expert Systems with Applications
2015 | journal-article
Enhancing integrated indoor/outdoor mobility in a smart campus
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
2015 | journal-article
Evaluating indoor localization solutions in large environments through competitive benchmarking: The EvAAL-ETRI competition
2015 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2015
2015 | conference-paper
SEnviro: A sensorized platform proposal using open hardware and open standards
Sensors (Switzerland)
2015 | journal-article
Team activity recognition in Association Football using a Bag-of-Words-based method
Human Movement Science
2015 | journal-article
UJIIndoorLoc-Mag: A new database for magnetic field-based localization problems
2015 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Assessment of clinical guideline models based on metrics for business process models
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2014 | conference-paper
Two-stage procedure based on smoothed ensembles of neural networks applied to weed detection in orange groves
Biosystems Engineering
2014 | journal-article
UJIIndoorLoc: A new multi-building and multi-floor database for WLAN fingerprint-based indoor localization problems
IPIN 2014 - 2014 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
2014 | conference-paper
Leveraging electronic healthcare record standards and semantic web technologies for the identification of patient cohorts
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
2013 | journal-article
A case study on agriture: Distributed HLA-based architecture for agricultural robotics
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
2011 | conference-paper
A new HLA-based distributed control architecture for agricultural teams of robots in hybrid applications with real and simulated devices or environments
Sensors (Switzerland)
2011 | journal-article
A new approach to visual-based sensory system for navigation into orange groves
2011 | journal-article
Improving boosting methods by generating specific training and validation sets
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | conference-paper
Introducing reordering algorithms to classic well-known ensembles to improve their performance
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | book
Using Bagging and Cross-Validation to improve ensembles based on penalty terms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2011 | book
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2011 | conference-paper
Visual outdoor path planner for orange groves based on ensembles of neural networks
ICINCO 2011 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2011 | conference-paper
Adding diversity in ensembles of neural networks by reordering the training set
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
Decision fusion on boosting ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
New results on combination methods for boosting ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | conference-paper
Researching on combining boosting ensembles
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2008 | conference-paper
Researching on multi-net systems based on stacked generalization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | conference-paper
The mixture of neural networks as ensemble combiner
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2008 | book
Averaged conservative boosting: Introducing a new method to build ensembles of neural networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | conference-paper
Designing a multilayer feedforward ensemble with the weighted conservative boosting algorithm
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Improving adaptive boosting with a relaxed equation to update the sampling distribution
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | conference-paper
Mixing aveboost and conserboost to improve boosting methods
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Stacking MF networks to combine the outputs provided by RBF networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Adaptive boosting: Dividing the learning set to increase the diversity and performance of the ensemble
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
An experimental study on training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Combining MF networks: A comparison among statistical methods and stacked generalization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Designing a multilayer feedforward ensembles with cross validated boosting algorithm
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
Designing a new multilayer feedforward modular network for classification problems
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
Gradient descent and radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Improving adaptive boosting with k-cross-fold validation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Improving the combination module with a neural network
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Improving the expert networks of a modular multi-net system for pattern recognition
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Mixture of neural networks: Some experiments with the multilayer feedforward architecture
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
The mixture of neural networks adapted to multilayer feedforward architecture
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | book
Training RBFs networks: A comparison among supervised and not supervised algorithms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2006 | conference-paper
Training radial basis functions by gradient descent
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2006 | conference-paper
A comparison of combination methods for ensembles of RBF networks
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
A research on combination methods for ensembles of multilayer feedforward
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
Combination methods for ensembles of MF
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
Combination methods for ensembles of MF
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of RBF networks
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of RBFs
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | conference-paper
Combination methods for ensembles of RBFs
2005 | journal-article
Combination methods for ensembles of multilayer feedforward
WSEAS Transactions on Systems
2005 | journal-article
Ensembles of multilayer feedforward: A new comparison
WSEAS Transactions on Systems
2005 | journal-article
Ensembles of multilayer feedforward: Some new results
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2005 | conference-paper
New experiments on ensembles of multilayer feedforward for classification problems
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2005 | conference-paper
New results on ensembles of multilayer feedforward
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
New results on ensembles of multilayer feedforward
2005 | journal-article
Classification by multilayer feedforward ensembles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Ensembles of RBFs trained by gradient descent 1
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Experiments on ensembles of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
2004 | conference-paper
First experiments on ensembles of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Gradient descent training of radial basis functions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Hyperspectral image classification by ensembles of multilayer feedforward networks
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings
2004 | conference-paper
Multilayer feedforward ensembles for classification problems
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments on ensembles of neural networks for hyperspectral image classification
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments on training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Some experiments with ensembles of neural networks for classification of hyperspectral images
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Training radial basis functions by gradient descent
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
2004 | conference-paper
ORIENTATE - Low-cost Reliable Indoor Positioning in Smart Factories
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2021-09 to 2023-08 | 101023072
INSIGNIA - Sistemas de PosicionamIento en INteriores y ExterioreS - InteGración CoNfIable y SegurA en Dispositivos Inteligentes
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
2020-01 to 2022-12 | PTQ2018-009981
A-WEAR: A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2019-01 to 2022-12 | 813278
Prototipo de asistente virtual basado en geolocalización para visitas guiadas en museos
Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación
2018-01 to 2018-12 | INNVAL10/18/049
Conselleria d' Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana
2018-01 to 2018-12 | GV/2016/159
Sistema de Sopore para Smart Agriculture aplicada a la monitorización del cultivo de la vid (Senviro for Agriculture)
Universitat Jaume I
2017-10 to 2018-12 | VAL-2016-03
Metodologías avanzadas para el diseñoo, desarrollo, evaluación e integración de algoritmos de localización en interiores
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2016-01 to 2018-12 | TIN2015-70202-P
GEO-C - Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2015-01 to 2018-12 | 642332
Smart Ways - Desarrollo De Una Plataforma Tecnológica Orientada A La Eficiencia De Los Recursos En El Campo De Las Nuevas Tecnologías Internet Of Things
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2014-10 to 2015-12 | RTC-2014-1466-4
PERCEPTION: Advanced Human-Computer Interaction Systems Development (Desarrollo de Sistemas de Interacción Avanzada Hombre-Máquina)
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2013-04 to 2014-09 | TSI-020601-2012-50-P
2012-01 to 2012-12 | P1-1B2009-39
Universitat Jaume I
2011-02 to 2011-05 | P1·1B2009-39
Conselleria d' Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana
2010-01 to 2011-12 | GV/2010/087
Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks: Analysis and Development of Design Methods
Universitat Jaume I
2006-02 to 2010-01 | PREDOC/2005/44
Universitat Jaume I
2004-12 to 2007-11 | P1·1B2004-03
MAPACI: Modelado y clasificación automática de patrones de voz patológica para su aplicación clínica sobre Internet
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
2003-10 to 2005-12 | TIC2002-2273
RE-MODULEES: the Retrofitting Market Activation Platform based on the generation of standard modules for energy efficiency and clean energy solutions
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Science with and for Society
2020-10 to 2021-08 | 955529
POSITIONATE: Pervasive Indoor Positioning in Smart Factories
Generalitat Valenciana
2024-01 to - | CIDEXG/2023/17
Start | End | Term | Value | |
Academic Degree | ||||
Category | ||||
Group | CCPM | |||
Member Type | ||||
Institution | ||||
Internal Member Type |