Algoritmi | User | João Miguel Lobo Fernandes

João Miguel Lobo Fernandes

João Miguel Lobo Fernandes

At Algoritmi

Senior Researcher with Dr habil

Member of the IST R&D Group

Member of the SEMAG R&D Lab

Academic Degree

Dr habil

Current Position

Full Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


About Me


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

2023 | journal-article

An Industrial Case Study of Using Reference Architecture for Mapping Feature to Code


2023 | other

Impact of remote work on Portuguese software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

CIbSE 2023 - XXVI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering

2023 | conference-paper

História Centenária da Associação de Futebol de Braga

2022 | book

Essentials of computing systems

2022 | book

Fundamentals of computer systems

2022 | book

A concrete product derivation in software product line engineering: a practical approach

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology

2022 | journal-article

A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains

Computers and Industrial Engineering

2022 | journal-article

Author placement in Computer Science: a study based on the careers of ACM Fellows


2022 | journal-article

Transforming Ideas and Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Computing Sciences and Informatics Engineering Courses

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2022 | conference-paper

A fundação do Sporting Clube de Braga

2021 | other

A Software Engineering Course that Promotes Entrepreneurship: Insights from a VUCA Perspective

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2021 | book

Engineering education in a context of VUCA

2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021

2021 | conference-paper

Meta-learning and the new challenges of machine learning

International Journal of Intelligent Systems

2021 | journal-article

Web based object annotation tool using a triplet-ReID sorting approach

ICPRAM 2021 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods

2021 | conference-paper

Alphabetic order of authors in scholarly publications: a bibliometric study for 27 scientific fields


2020 | journal-article

On the use of smartphone sensors for developing advanced driver assistance systems

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

2020 | book

An industrial case study for adopting software product lines in automotive industry an evolution-based approach for software product lines (EVOA-SPL)

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2019 | conference-paper

Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: evidence from 101 projects

Empirical Software Engineering

2019 | journal-article

Data requirements elicitation in big data warehousing

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2019 | book

A systematic reuse-based approach for customized cloned variants

Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Bibliometric analysis of 50 years of IEEE industrial electronics society publications

Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

2018 | conference-paper

Changing and pivoting the business model in software startups

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2018 | book

Determinants for the success of software startups: Insights from a regional cluster

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2018 | book

Evolution in the number of authors of computer science publications


2017 | journal-article

Foreword of the thematic track quality aspects in agile methods

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2016

2017 | conference-paper

Improving visibility using RFID – the case of a company in the automotive sector

Procedia Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Industry-academia collaborations in software engineering

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2017 | conference-paper

Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study

European Journal of Engineering Education

2017 | journal-article

Quality attributes for mobile applications

Application Development and Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2017 | book

Quantity versus impact of software engineering papers: a quantitative study


2017 | journal-article

Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context

Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE

2017 | conference-paper

Highly-cited papers in software engineering: The top-100

Information and Software Technology

2016 | journal-article

Quality attributes for mobile applications

Modern Software Engineering Methodologies for Mobile and Cloud Environments

2016 | book

Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2016 | book

iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability

Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences

2016 | conference-paper

Comparing AHP and ELECTRE i for prioritizing software requirements

2015 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2015 - Proceedings

2015 | conference-paper

Cyber-physical systems design: transition from functional to architectural models

Design Automation for Embedded Systems

2015 | journal-article


Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2015 | book

Requirements in Engineering Projects

Requirements in Engineering Projects

2015 | book

Authorship trends in software engineering


2014 | journal-article

A context aware architecture to support people with partial visual impairments

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2013 | book

A transformation of business process models into software-executable models using MDA

2013 | book

Assisting data warehousing populating processes design through modelling using coloured petri nets

2013 | conference-paper

Enriching MATLAB with aspect-oriented features for developing embedded systems

2013 | journal-article

Guidelines for modelling reactive systems with coloured Petri nets

2013 | book

Recent Advances in Petri Nets and Concurrency

2012 | edited-book

An integrated approach to develop professional and technical skills for informatics engineering students

2012 | journal-article

BIM: A methodology to transform business processes into software systems

2012 | book

Coloured PETRI nets in the simulation of ETL standard tasks the surrogate key pipelining case

2012 | conference-paper

Model-based approaches and frameworks for embedded software systems

2012 | journal-article

Peer feedback: Quality and quantity in large groups

Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference 2012 - Engineering Education 2020: Meet the Future

2012 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2010

2010 | edited-book

A technique to classify and compare agile methods

2010 | book

Classification and comparison of agile methods

Proceedings - 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2010

2010 | conference-paper

Message from the ACSD 2010 conference chairs

2010 | conference-paper

PlayScrum - A card game to learn the scrum agile method

2010 | conference-paper


2010 | conference-paper

Proceedings - 7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2010: Preface

2010 | conference-paper

Scenario-based modeling in industrial information systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2010 | book

The APEX framework: Prototyping of ubiquitous environments based on Petri nets

2010 | book

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2009

2009 | edited-book

A multidisciplinary engineering summer school in an industrial setting

2009 | journal-article

A requirements engineering and management training course for software development professionals

2009 | conference-paper

Formal requirements modelling with executable use cases and coloured Petri nets

2009 | journal-article

Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software

2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, Companion Volume

2009 | journal-article


2009 | book

Preface: ICSEA 2009

2009 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2009: Foreword

2009 | conference-paper

Validation of scenario-based business requirements with coloured petri nets

2009 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2008

2008 | edited-book

An illustrative example of refactoring object-oriented source code with aspect-oriented mechanisms

2008 | journal-article

Expressing environment assumptions and real-time requirements for a distributed embedded system with shared variables

2008 | book

Message from the organizers

2008 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2007

2007 | journal-article

Automated information systems generation for process-oriented organizations

2007 | conference-paper

Deriving software architectures for CRUD applications: The FPL tower interface case study

2007 | conference-paper

Designing tool support for translating use cases and UML 2.0 sequence diagrams into a coloured petri net

2007 | conference-paper

Message from the Organizers

2007 | conference-paper

Requirements engineering for reactive systems: Coloured petri nets for an elevator controller

2007 | conference-paper

Teaching embedded systems engineering in a software-oriented computing degree

2007 | conference-paper

Translating synchronous Petri nets into PROMELA for verifying behavioural properties

2007 | conference-paper

Validation of reactive software from scenario-based models

2007 | conference-paper

Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the 4th Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer Based Systems (MBD) and 3rd International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2006

2006 | edited-book

A demonstration case on the transformation of software architectures for service specification

2006 | book

A two-year software engineering M.Sc. degree designed under the bologna declaration principles

2006 | conference-paper

Business modeling in process-oriented organizations for rup-based software development

2006 | book

Integration of DFDs into a UML-based model-driven engineering approach

2006 | journal-article

Message from the organizers

2006 | conference-paper

Refinement of software architectures by recursive model transformations

2006 | book

Towards a catalogue of refactorings and code smells for AspectJ

2006 | book

A reference framework for process-oriented software development organizations

2005 | journal-article

Integration of embedded software with corporate information systems

2005 | book


2005 | conference-paper

Model checking embedded systems with PROMELA

2005 | conference-paper

Refactoring a Java code base to AspectJ: An illustrative example

2005 | conference-paper

Specification of requirements models

2005 | book

Towards a catalog of Aspect-oriented refactorings

2005 | conference-paper

Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures

2005 | conference-paper

A multi-level design pattern for embedded software

2004 | book

Functional and object-oriented views in embedded software modeling

2004 | conference-paper

Tool support for DFD-UML model-based transformations

2004 | conference-paper

Using RUP for process-oriented organisations

2004 | book

Can UML be a system-level language for embedded software?

Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems

2002 | book-chapter

Heterogeneous information systems integration: Organizations and methodologies

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2002 | book

From use cases to objects: an industrial information systems case study analysis

7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, OOIS 2001

2001 | conference-paper

A Petri net meta-model to develop software components for embedded systems

2nd IEEE International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2001

2001 | conference-paper

A methodology for complex embedded systems design: Petri nets within a UML approach

2001 | book

An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design

Hardware Design and Petri Nets

2000 | book-chapter

Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML

2000 | conference-paper

Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems

1998 | conference-paper

EDgAR: a platform for hardware/software codesign

Embedded System Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets

1997 | conference-paper

Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets

1997 | conference-paper

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

1997 | journal-article

A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues

1995 | journal-article

Init End Change Value


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

2023 | journal-article

An Industrial Case Study of Using Reference Architecture for Mapping Feature to Code


2023 | other

Impact of remote work on Portuguese software professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

CIbSE 2023 - XXVI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering

2023 | conference-paper

História Centenária da Associação de Futebol de Braga

2022 | book

Essentials of computing systems

2022 | book

Fundamentals of computer systems

2022 | book

A concrete product derivation in software product line engineering: a practical approach

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology

2022 | journal-article

A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains

Computers and Industrial Engineering

2022 | journal-article

Author placement in Computer Science: a study based on the careers of ACM Fellows


2022 | journal-article

Transforming Ideas and Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Computing Sciences and Informatics Engineering Courses

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2022 | conference-paper

A fundação do Sporting Clube de Braga

2021 | other

A Software Engineering Course that Promotes Entrepreneurship: Insights from a VUCA Perspective

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2021 | book

Engineering education in a context of VUCA

2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021

2021 | conference-paper

Meta-learning and the new challenges of machine learning

International Journal of Intelligent Systems

2021 | journal-article

Web based object annotation tool using a triplet-ReID sorting approach

ICPRAM 2021 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods

2021 | conference-paper

Alphabetic order of authors in scholarly publications: a bibliometric study for 27 scientific fields


2020 | journal-article

On the use of smartphone sensors for developing advanced driver assistance systems

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

2020 | book

An industrial case study for adopting software product lines in automotive industry an evolution-based approach for software product lines (EVOA-SPL)

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2019 | conference-paper

Characterizing industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: evidence from 101 projects

Empirical Software Engineering

2019 | journal-article

Data requirements elicitation in big data warehousing

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2019 | book

A systematic reuse-based approach for customized cloned variants

Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Bibliometric analysis of 50 years of IEEE industrial electronics society publications

Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

2018 | conference-paper

Changing and pivoting the business model in software startups

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2018 | book

Determinants for the success of software startups: Insights from a regional cluster

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2018 | book

Evolution in the number of authors of computer science publications


2017 | journal-article

Foreword of the thematic track quality aspects in agile methods

Proceedings - 2016 10th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2016

2017 | conference-paper

Improving visibility using RFID – the case of a company in the automotive sector

Procedia Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Industry-academia collaborations in software engineering

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2017 | conference-paper

Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study

European Journal of Engineering Education

2017 | journal-article

Quality attributes for mobile applications

Application Development and Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2017 | book

Quantity versus impact of software engineering papers: a quantitative study


2017 | journal-article

Savings in internal logistics using a RFID-based software system in a lean context

Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE

2017 | conference-paper

Highly-cited papers in software engineering: The top-100

Information and Software Technology

2016 | journal-article

Quality attributes for mobile applications

Modern Software Engineering Methodologies for Mobile and Cloud Environments

2016 | book

Using scrum together with UML models: A collaborative university-industry R&D software project

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2016 | book

iFloW: An integrated logistics software system for inbound supply chain traceability

Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences

2016 | conference-paper

Comparing AHP and ELECTRE i for prioritizing software requirements

2015 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2015 - Proceedings

2015 | conference-paper

Cyber-physical systems design: transition from functional to architectural models

Design Automation for Embedded Systems

2015 | journal-article


Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2015 | book

Requirements in Engineering Projects

Requirements in Engineering Projects

2015 | book

Authorship trends in software engineering


2014 | journal-article

A context aware architecture to support people with partial visual impairments

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2013 | book

A transformation of business process models into software-executable models using MDA

2013 | book

Assisting data warehousing populating processes design through modelling using coloured petri nets

2013 | conference-paper

Enriching MATLAB with aspect-oriented features for developing embedded systems

2013 | journal-article

Guidelines for modelling reactive systems with coloured Petri nets

2013 | book

Recent Advances in Petri Nets and Concurrency

2012 | edited-book

An integrated approach to develop professional and technical skills for informatics engineering students

2012 | journal-article

BIM: A methodology to transform business processes into software systems

2012 | book

Coloured PETRI nets in the simulation of ETL standard tasks the surrogate key pipelining case

2012 | conference-paper

Model-based approaches and frameworks for embedded software systems

2012 | journal-article

Peer feedback: Quality and quantity in large groups

Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference 2012 - Engineering Education 2020: Meet the Future

2012 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2010

2010 | edited-book

A technique to classify and compare agile methods

2010 | book

Classification and comparison of agile methods

Proceedings - 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2010

2010 | conference-paper

Message from the ACSD 2010 conference chairs

2010 | conference-paper

PlayScrum - A card game to learn the scrum agile method

2010 | conference-paper


2010 | conference-paper

Proceedings - 7th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2010: Preface

2010 | conference-paper

Scenario-based modeling in industrial information systems

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2010 | book

The APEX framework: Prototyping of ubiquitous environments based on Petri nets

2010 | book

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2009

2009 | edited-book

A multidisciplinary engineering summer school in an industrial setting

2009 | journal-article

A requirements engineering and management training course for software development professionals

2009 | conference-paper

Formal requirements modelling with executable use cases and coloured Petri nets

2009 | journal-article

Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software

2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, Companion Volume

2009 | journal-article


2009 | book

Preface: ICSEA 2009

2009 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 2009 ICSE Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2009: Foreword

2009 | conference-paper

Validation of scenario-based business requirements with coloured petri nets

2009 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2008

2008 | edited-book

An illustrative example of refactoring object-oriented source code with aspect-oriented mechanisms

2008 | journal-article

Expressing environment assumptions and real-time requirements for a distributed embedded system with shared variables

2008 | book

Message from the organizers

2008 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2007

2007 | journal-article

Automated information systems generation for process-oriented organizations

2007 | conference-paper

Deriving software architectures for CRUD applications: The FPL tower interface case study

2007 | conference-paper

Designing tool support for translating use cases and UML 2.0 sequence diagrams into a coloured petri net

2007 | conference-paper

Message from the Organizers

2007 | conference-paper

Requirements engineering for reactive systems: Coloured petri nets for an elevator controller

2007 | conference-paper

Teaching embedded systems engineering in a software-oriented computing degree

2007 | conference-paper

Translating synchronous Petri nets into PROMELA for verifying behavioural properties

2007 | conference-paper

Validation of reactive software from scenario-based models

2007 | conference-paper

Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the 4th Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer Based Systems (MBD) and 3rd International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, MOMPES 2006

2006 | edited-book

A demonstration case on the transformation of software architectures for service specification

2006 | book

A two-year software engineering M.Sc. degree designed under the bologna declaration principles

2006 | conference-paper

Business modeling in process-oriented organizations for rup-based software development

2006 | book

Integration of DFDs into a UML-based model-driven engineering approach

2006 | journal-article

Message from the organizers

2006 | conference-paper

Refinement of software architectures by recursive model transformations

2006 | book

Towards a catalogue of refactorings and code smells for AspectJ

2006 | book

A reference framework for process-oriented software development organizations

2005 | journal-article

Integration of embedded software with corporate information systems

2005 | book


2005 | conference-paper

Model checking embedded systems with PROMELA

2005 | conference-paper

Refactoring a Java code base to AspectJ: An illustrative example

2005 | conference-paper

Specification of requirements models

2005 | book

Towards a catalog of Aspect-oriented refactorings

2005 | conference-paper

Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures

2005 | conference-paper

A multi-level design pattern for embedded software

2004 | book

Functional and object-oriented views in embedded software modeling

2004 | conference-paper

Tool support for DFD-UML model-based transformations

2004 | conference-paper

Using RUP for process-oriented organisations

2004 | book

Can UML be a system-level language for embedded software?

Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems

2002 | book-chapter

Heterogeneous information systems integration: Organizations and methodologies

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2002 | book

From use cases to objects: an industrial information systems case study analysis

7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, OOIS 2001

2001 | conference-paper

A Petri net meta-model to develop software components for embedded systems

2nd IEEE International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2001

2001 | conference-paper

A methodology for complex embedded systems design: Petri nets within a UML approach

2001 | book

An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design

Hardware Design and Petri Nets

2000 | book-chapter

Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML

2000 | conference-paper

Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems

1998 | conference-paper

EDgAR: a platform for hardware/software codesign

Embedded System Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Genetic regulatory mechanisms by means of extended interactive Petri Nets

1997 | conference-paper

Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets

1997 | conference-paper

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

1997 | journal-article

A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues

1995 | journal-article

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