Algoritmi | User | Filipa Marina Lisardo Dionísio Vieira

Filipa Marina Lisardo Dionísio Vieira

Filipa Marina Lisardo Dionísio Vieira
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage Email
0000-0001-6423-9449Researcher ID
M-5093-2013Ciência ID
BE19-493D-8494Google Scholar
57Q1 / Q2
2About Me
Filipa D. Vieira is a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering—Economics Engineering (2007) from the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, a Master in International Commerce (1998) from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho, and a Graduate in Engineering and Industrial Management (1993) from the School of Engineering of the University of Minho. She has been an assistant professor at the University of Minho (School of Engineering, in the Department of Production and Systems) since 2007. She is the coordinating teacher of innovation and economic engineering classes in undergraduate and graduate courses. His research interests encompass topics related to industrial engineering and management, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Publications (98)
Estudo da aceitação e da usabilidade de uma app em contexto de B2B
2024 | dissertation-thesis
Evaluation of Off-grid Photovoltaic Projects for Schools and Health Posts in Angola
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
2024 | journal-article
Intenção empreendedora de estudantes universitários: uma perspetiva da Geração Z
2024 | dissertation-thesis
Personalization and privacy: The assessment and concerns of Generation Z
Connecting With Consumers Through Effective Personalization and Programmatic Advertising
2024 | book-chapter
Do engineering students intend to be entrepreneurs?: A case study from the university of minho, Portugal
Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Strategies to Develop Entrepreneurial Intention
2023 | book-chapter
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2023 | conference-paper
A intenção empreendedora em estudantes universitários: um estudo com alunos de engenharia da Universidade do Minho
2022 | dissertation-thesis
A literacia financeira e a intenção empreendedora de estudantes de engenharia
2022 | dissertation-thesis
O sistema de incentivos à inovação e as empresas portuguesas
2022 | dissertation-thesis
A intenção empreendedora e o género: um estudo na Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
2021 | dissertation-thesis
Análise do processo de aprovisionamento de matérias-primas numa empresa de construção
2021 | dissertation-thesis
A mixed-method approach for the assessment of local community perception towards wind farms
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
2019 | journal-article
Redes de inovação em Pequenas e Médias Empresas: um estudo na indústria metalomecânica portuguesa
2019 | dissertation-thesis
Turismo de base comunitária: uma abordagem na perspectiva da análise de clusters
2019 | journal-article
Entrepreneurship intentions of university students: Exploring differences between management and engineering students
Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE
2018 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurship intentions of university students: exploring differences between management and engineering studentsStudents
2018 | other
Innovation network in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry
2018 | other
Redes e parcerias na indústria têxtil e de vestuário em Portugal
2018 | dissertation-thesis
The academic incubation impact: a selection process evaluation
2018 | other
Análise das redes de inovação nas PME em Portugal: a indústria de plásticos
2017 | dissertation-thesis
Contribuição do estudo das características culturais do cluster da malacocultura da grande Florianópolis para a gestão das atividades de turismo na região
2017 | journal-article
Performance of business incubators: A systematic review of evidence
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Knowledge Transmission in Industrial Clusters: Evidence from EuroClusTex
European Planning Studies
2016 | journal-article
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation (Icopev 2016)
2016 | journal-article
Indústria Transformadora em Timor-Leste: uma proposta para um setor industrial
2015 | dissertation-thesis
Transmissão de conhecimento no cluster têxtil e de vestuário do Vale do Itajaí
2015 | other
Aprendizagem interorganizacional: estudo sobre os canais de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters têxteis e de vestuário no Brasil e em Portugal
2014 | journal-article
Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Intention of Portuguese Secondary Students
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Attitudes and entrepreneurial intention of Portuguese secondary students
2014 | conference-paper
Comportamento ético e trabalho em equipa: estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Brasil
2014 | conference-paper
Engineering students and their entrepreneurial intentions
2014 | journal-article
Entrepreneurial intention : a study with MIEGI students
2014 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurial predisposition and intention of students from the IFRN – Mossoró, Brazil
2014 | journal-article
Evaluation of the Indirect Impact of Programs to Stimulate Innovation: Multi Case Studies
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Evaluation of the indirect impact of programs to stimulate innovation : multi case studies
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge Transmission Channels: A Comparative Study in Brazil and in Europe
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Knowledge implications for the NITEC Program: a preliminary analysis of an innovation program directed at building innovation capabilities in SMEs
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge transfer in industrial clusters
2014 | journal-article
Knowledge transmission channels : a comparative study in Brazil and in Europe
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge transmission channels: evidences from Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Italy
2014 | conference-paper
Methodological choices in scientific research: Use of the Saunders approach on the study of the culture influence on clusters competitivity,Escolhas metodológicas em investigação científica: Aplicação da abordagem de Saunders no estudo da influência da cultura na competitividade de clusters
RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
2014 | journal-article
Os estudantes de engenharia e as suas intenções empreendedoras
2014 | journal-article
Project EmpreedeTIMOR: how to promote entrepreneurship among students?
2014 | conference-paper
Project Timor: a study to the industrial development of East Timor
2014 | conference-paper
Redes de inovação na indústria têxtil e de vestuário em Portugal
2014 | conference-paper
Tendências e novos modelos de negócio na indústria têxtil e do vestuário portuguesa
2014 | dissertation-thesis
The Views of University Professors of East Timor About Entrepreneurship
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
The views of university professors of East Timor about entrepreneurship
2014 | conference-paper
Atitudes e potencial empreendedor de estudantes universitários em Timor-Leste
2013 | conference-paper
Canais de transmissão do conhecimento: estudo no EuroClusTex, cluster transfronteiriço entre o Norte de Portugal e a Galiza
2013 | other
Effects of Technological Innovation on Knowledge Acquisition Inside the Organization: A Case Study
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneurship's Potential in East Timor
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Estudo comparativo de canais de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters têxteis e de vestuário de Santa Catarina - Brasil e do Norte de Portugal
2013 | conference-paper
Gestão estratégica do conhecimento: uma proposta de formação profissional
2013 | journal-article
Important aspects to the development of the supply chain management to promote innovation
2013 | conference-paper
Institutional Support Program for Entrepreneurship: The Experience of the University of Minho
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Knowledge transmission channels : a comparative study of clusters in Brazil and in China
2013 | conference-paper
Programas de apoio institucional ao empreendedorismo: a experiência da Universidade do Minho
2013 | conference-paper
Projeto EmpreendeTIMOR : um contributo para a promoção do empreendedorismo em Timor-Leste
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Projeto Timor: uma análise SWOT da indústria em Timor-Leste
2013 | conference-paper
Strategic impact management of wind power projects
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2013 | journal-article
The learning channels in an interorganizational network in Brazil: evidences from vertical games
2013 | conference-paper
Trends and new business models in the portuguese fashion industry: a strategic innovation perspective
2013 | conference-paper
Uma análise estratégica de modelos de negócio inovadores baseados em plataformas eletrônicas : o caso português
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Wind energy and local community perceptions
2013 | conference-paper
Barriers to Innovation Amongst Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Barriers to innovation amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal
2012 | conference-paper
Barriers to innovation in SMEs: An international comparison
2012 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Engineering Students
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Entrepreneurial intentions of engineering students
2012 | conference-paper
Financial Literacy of University Students
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Financial literacy of university students
2012 | conference-paper
Industrial development in east Timor : an exploratory study of attitudes and perceptions towards the future
2012 | conference-paper
Innovation: a strategy that leads to competitiveness in SMEs
2012 | journal-article
Inovação estratégica na indústria têxtil e do vestuário nacional : estudo de caso
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Projeto Timor : estudo para a implementação de uma unidade industrial em Timor-Leste
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Strategic innovation through innovative services and business models supported in electronic platforms
2012 | conference-paper
What prevents Portuguese SMEs from innovating?
2012 | conference-paper
A relevância das fontes de informação externas na capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2011 | journal-article
Análise das barreiras à inovação em pequenas e médias empresas em Portugal
2011 | dissertation-thesis
Análise das barreiras à inovação nas pequenas e médias empresas : estudo de casos
2011 | conference-paper
Fontes de informação como determinantes da capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2011 | conference-paper
Inovação: fator-chave na competitividade das peqenas e médias empresas (PME). Uma panorâmica das barreiras à inovação em Portugal
2011 | conference-paper
Technological extension program pilot project implemented in the capital goods sector in São Paulo - Brazil : promoting technological innovation
2011 | conference-paper
Evaluation of an offshore wind power project: Economic, strategic and environmental value
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
2010 | journal-article
Fontes de informação como determinantes da capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2010 | dissertation-thesis
A importância das redes no desempenho inovador : sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | conference-paper
Análise da viabilidade de um Parque Eólico na costa portuguesa
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | journal-article
Network relations and innovative performance
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2008 | conference-paper
Innovation and industrial clusters
2008 | conference-paper
Networks and industrial clusters
Information Science Reference
2008 | book
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2007 | dissertation-thesis
Uma tipologia de análise da inovação no Sector dos Moldes em Portugal
2005 | journal-article
Uma tipologia de análise da inovação no sector dos moldes em Portugal
2005 | journal-article
The impact of science, technology and industrial policies on economic performance in Portugal after accession to the EU: a contribution to its explanation
2002 | other
Init | End | Change | Value |
Estudo da aceitação e da usabilidade de uma app em contexto de B2B
2024 | dissertation-thesis
Evaluation of Off-grid Photovoltaic Projects for Schools and Health Posts in Angola
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
2024 | journal-article
Intenção empreendedora de estudantes universitários: uma perspetiva da Geração Z
2024 | dissertation-thesis
Personalization and privacy: The assessment and concerns of Generation Z
Connecting With Consumers Through Effective Personalization and Programmatic Advertising
2024 | book-chapter
Do engineering students intend to be entrepreneurs?: A case study from the university of minho, Portugal
Handbook of Research on Designing Sustainable Strategies to Develop Entrepreneurial Intention
2023 | book-chapter
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2023 | conference-paper
A intenção empreendedora em estudantes universitários: um estudo com alunos de engenharia da Universidade do Minho
2022 | dissertation-thesis
A literacia financeira e a intenção empreendedora de estudantes de engenharia
2022 | dissertation-thesis
O sistema de incentivos à inovação e as empresas portuguesas
2022 | dissertation-thesis
A intenção empreendedora e o género: um estudo na Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
2021 | dissertation-thesis
Análise do processo de aprovisionamento de matérias-primas numa empresa de construção
2021 | dissertation-thesis
A mixed-method approach for the assessment of local community perception towards wind farms
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
2019 | journal-article
Redes de inovação em Pequenas e Médias Empresas: um estudo na indústria metalomecânica portuguesa
2019 | dissertation-thesis
Turismo de base comunitária: uma abordagem na perspectiva da análise de clusters
2019 | journal-article
Entrepreneurship intentions of university students: Exploring differences between management and engineering students
Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE
2018 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurship intentions of university students: exploring differences between management and engineering studentsStudents
2018 | other
Innovation network in the Portuguese textile and clothing industry
2018 | other
Redes e parcerias na indústria têxtil e de vestuário em Portugal
2018 | dissertation-thesis
The academic incubation impact: a selection process evaluation
2018 | other
Análise das redes de inovação nas PME em Portugal: a indústria de plásticos
2017 | dissertation-thesis
Contribuição do estudo das características culturais do cluster da malacocultura da grande Florianópolis para a gestão das atividades de turismo na região
2017 | journal-article
Performance of business incubators: A systematic review of evidence
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Knowledge Transmission in Industrial Clusters: Evidence from EuroClusTex
European Planning Studies
2016 | journal-article
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation (Icopev 2016)
2016 | journal-article
Indústria Transformadora em Timor-Leste: uma proposta para um setor industrial
2015 | dissertation-thesis
Transmissão de conhecimento no cluster têxtil e de vestuário do Vale do Itajaí
2015 | other
Aprendizagem interorganizacional: estudo sobre os canais de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters têxteis e de vestuário no Brasil e em Portugal
2014 | journal-article
Attitudes and Entrepreneurial Intention of Portuguese Secondary Students
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Attitudes and entrepreneurial intention of Portuguese secondary students
2014 | conference-paper
Comportamento ético e trabalho em equipa: estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Brasil
2014 | conference-paper
Engineering students and their entrepreneurial intentions
2014 | journal-article
Entrepreneurial intention : a study with MIEGI students
2014 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurial predisposition and intention of students from the IFRN – Mossoró, Brazil
2014 | journal-article
Evaluation of the Indirect Impact of Programs to Stimulate Innovation: Multi Case Studies
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Evaluation of the indirect impact of programs to stimulate innovation : multi case studies
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge Transmission Channels: A Comparative Study in Brazil and in Europe
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
Knowledge implications for the NITEC Program: a preliminary analysis of an innovation program directed at building innovation capabilities in SMEs
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge transfer in industrial clusters
2014 | journal-article
Knowledge transmission channels : a comparative study in Brazil and in Europe
2014 | conference-paper
Knowledge transmission channels: evidences from Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Italy
2014 | conference-paper
Methodological choices in scientific research: Use of the Saunders approach on the study of the culture influence on clusters competitivity,Escolhas metodológicas em investigação científica: Aplicação da abordagem de Saunders no estudo da influência da cultura na competitividade de clusters
RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
2014 | journal-article
Os estudantes de engenharia e as suas intenções empreendedoras
2014 | journal-article
Project EmpreedeTIMOR: how to promote entrepreneurship among students?
2014 | conference-paper
Project Timor: a study to the industrial development of East Timor
2014 | conference-paper
Redes de inovação na indústria têxtil e de vestuário em Portugal
2014 | conference-paper
Tendências e novos modelos de negócio na indústria têxtil e do vestuário portuguesa
2014 | dissertation-thesis
The Views of University Professors of East Timor About Entrepreneurship
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ecie 2014)
2014 | journal-article
The views of university professors of East Timor about entrepreneurship
2014 | conference-paper
Atitudes e potencial empreendedor de estudantes universitários em Timor-Leste
2013 | conference-paper
Canais de transmissão do conhecimento: estudo no EuroClusTex, cluster transfronteiriço entre o Norte de Portugal e a Galiza
2013 | other
Effects of Technological Innovation on Knowledge Acquisition Inside the Organization: A Case Study
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneurship's Potential in East Timor
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Estudo comparativo de canais de transmissão de conhecimento em clusters têxteis e de vestuário de Santa Catarina - Brasil e do Norte de Portugal
2013 | conference-paper
Gestão estratégica do conhecimento: uma proposta de formação profissional
2013 | journal-article
Important aspects to the development of the supply chain management to promote innovation
2013 | conference-paper
Institutional Support Program for Entrepreneurship: The Experience of the University of Minho
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 2
2013 | book-chapter
Knowledge transmission channels : a comparative study of clusters in Brazil and in China
2013 | conference-paper
Programas de apoio institucional ao empreendedorismo: a experiência da Universidade do Minho
2013 | conference-paper
Projeto EmpreendeTIMOR : um contributo para a promoção do empreendedorismo em Timor-Leste
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Projeto Timor: uma análise SWOT da indústria em Timor-Leste
2013 | conference-paper
Strategic impact management of wind power projects
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2013 | journal-article
The learning channels in an interorganizational network in Brazil: evidences from vertical games
2013 | conference-paper
Trends and new business models in the portuguese fashion industry: a strategic innovation perspective
2013 | conference-paper
Uma análise estratégica de modelos de negócio inovadores baseados em plataformas eletrônicas : o caso português
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Wind energy and local community perceptions
2013 | conference-paper
Barriers to Innovation Amongst Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Barriers to innovation amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal
2012 | conference-paper
Barriers to innovation in SMEs: An international comparison
2012 | conference-paper
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Engineering Students
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Entrepreneurial intentions of engineering students
2012 | conference-paper
Financial Literacy of University Students
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vols 1 and 2
2012 | journal-article
Financial literacy of university students
2012 | conference-paper
Industrial development in east Timor : an exploratory study of attitudes and perceptions towards the future
2012 | conference-paper
Innovation: a strategy that leads to competitiveness in SMEs
2012 | journal-article
Inovação estratégica na indústria têxtil e do vestuário nacional : estudo de caso
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Projeto Timor : estudo para a implementação de uma unidade industrial em Timor-Leste
2012 | dissertation-thesis
Strategic innovation through innovative services and business models supported in electronic platforms
2012 | conference-paper
What prevents Portuguese SMEs from innovating?
2012 | conference-paper
A relevância das fontes de informação externas na capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2011 | journal-article
Análise das barreiras à inovação em pequenas e médias empresas em Portugal
2011 | dissertation-thesis
Análise das barreiras à inovação nas pequenas e médias empresas : estudo de casos
2011 | conference-paper
Fontes de informação como determinantes da capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2011 | conference-paper
Inovação: fator-chave na competitividade das peqenas e médias empresas (PME). Uma panorâmica das barreiras à inovação em Portugal
2011 | conference-paper
Technological extension program pilot project implemented in the capital goods sector in São Paulo - Brazil : promoting technological innovation
2011 | conference-paper
Evaluation of an offshore wind power project: Economic, strategic and environmental value
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
2010 | journal-article
Fontes de informação como determinantes da capacidade inovadora de empresas de gestão de resíduos : estudo de casos
2010 | dissertation-thesis
A importância das redes no desempenho inovador : sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | conference-paper
Análise da viabilidade de um Parque Eólico na costa portuguesa
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2009 | journal-article
Network relations and innovative performance
2009 | conference-paper
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2008 | conference-paper
Innovation and industrial clusters
2008 | conference-paper
Networks and industrial clusters
Information Science Reference
2008 | book
Distritos industriais e inovação : o sector dos moldes em Portugal
2007 | dissertation-thesis
Uma tipologia de análise da inovação no Sector dos Moldes em Portugal
2005 | journal-article
Uma tipologia de análise da inovação no sector dos moldes em Portugal
2005 | journal-article
The impact of science, technology and industrial policies on economic performance in Portugal after accession to the EU: a contribution to its explanation
2002 | other
Start | End | Term | Value | |