Algoritmi | User | Nelson José de Oliveira Rodrigues

Nelson José de Oliveira Rodrigues

Nelson José de Oliveira Rodrigues

At Algoritmi

Researcher with PhD

Member of the IEM R&D Group

Member of the EHF R&D Lab

Academic Degree


Current Position

Invited Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID

Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


Energy Poverty and Its Indicators: A Multidimensional Framework from Literature


2024 | journal-article

Numerical evaluation and experimental validation of fluid flow behavior within an organ-on-a-chip model

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

2024 | journal-article

Optimization of the Flow Parameters for a Liver Organ-on-a-Chip Computational Model

ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2023)

2023 | conference-paper

Dense-Discrete Phase Simulations of Blood Flow in a Stenotic Coronary

2023 | book-chapter

Thermal Comfort Assessment of a Small House in Portugal Using EnergyPlus and Ansys Fluent

2023 | book-chapter

Assessment of PMV accuracy for different locations using the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Database II

XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica

2022 | conference-paper


ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-paper

Influence of the Inlet Velocity on Oxygen Gradients in a Liver-on-a-Chip Model


2022 | conference-paper

Study of the Influence of Different Geometries of an Organ-on-a-Chip


2022 | conference-paper

Learning through planning experiments - A case study in thermal comfort in hospitals

CISTI'2022 - 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

2022 | conference-paper

Analysis of the human influence on the thermal comfort in a hospital waiting room.


2022 | conference-abstract

Energy, Thermal Comfort and Pathologies—A Current Concern

Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

2022 | book-chapter

Experimental measurements of the shear force on surface mount components simulating the wave soldering process

Soldering and Surface Mount Technology

2022 | journal-article

Influence of boundary conditions on oxygen distribution in an organ-on-a-chip platform

8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering

2022 | conference-abstract

Influence of the Inlet Velocity in Oxygen Gradients in a Liver-on-a-Chip Model

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Numerical Modeling of the Wave Soldering Process and Experimental Validation

Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME

2022 | journal-article

Prediction of Solder Joint Reliability with Applied Acrylic Conformal Coating

Journal of Electronic Materials

2022 | journal-article

Skin follicles dispersion within a hospital operating room – How to predict and reduce the contamination

2022 | book-chapter

Study of the Influence of Different Geometries of an Organ-on-a-Chip on Fluid Flow

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Summer Grants ‘Verão Com Ciência’, From Foundation for Science and Technology, in Portugal: Experience and Achievements

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Numerical Simulation of Solder Paste Printing on Through-Hole Components

IMECE2021 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

2021 | conference-paper

Numerical Simulation of the Flow Inside a Horizontal Closed Refrigerated Display Cabinet

IMECE2021 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

2021 | conference-paper

Numerical simulation: Study on the path of expelled and expired water vapor particles


2021 | conference-abstract

Hemodynamic study in 3D printed stenotic coronary artery models: experimental validation and transient simulation

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

2021 | journal-article

Numerical Simulation: Study on the path of expelled and exhaled water vapor particles

International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - Symcomp

2021 | conference-paper

New Performance Metrics for Offline Content-Based TV Recommender System

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2021 | book

3D printed biomodels for flow visualization in stenotic vessels: An experimental and numerical study


2020 | journal-article

Energy Performance of a Service Building: Comparison Between EnergyPlus and Revit

2020 | book-chapter

Modeling Blood Pulsatile Turbulent Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries

International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering

2020 | journal-article

Numerical simulation of blood pulsatile flow in stenotic coronary arteries: The effect of turbulence modeling and non-Newtonian assumptions

Proceedings - 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, CSCC 2020

2020 | conference-paper

Thermal Simulation of a Supermarket Cold Zone with Integrated Assessment of Human Thermal Comfort

2020 | book-chapter

Assessment of Indoor Thermal Conditions in a Cinema Room Using CFD Simulation: A Case Study

2019 | book-chapter

Simulation of PMV and PPD Thermal Comfort Using EnergyPlus

2019 | book-chapter

A numerical study of solder paste rolling process for PCB printing

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2018 | conference-paper

Thermal comfort assessment of orthopaedic health professionals in an operating room

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Modelação computacional do ambiente térmico num pavilhão fabril

6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2017 | conference-abstract

Avaliação do conforto térmico numa sala de operações com recurso ao PMV

6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2017 | conference-abstract

Modelação computacional e avaliação experimental do conforto térmico ocupacional em salas de operação

Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Metabolic rate evaluation of an orthopedic surgeon through oximetry

International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2017

2017 | conference-abstract

Numerical simulation of an industrial worker route using thermal human body software

4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE 2016

2016 | conference-abstract

A protocol example on calculation of the metabolism for surgeons in an operating room

International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2016 | conference-paper

CFD modeling the cooling stage of reflow soldering process

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2016 | conference-paper

Contact angle measurement of SAC 305 solder: numerical and experimental approach

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

2016 | journal-article

Evaluation of thermal comfort levels concerning the spatial arrangement in an operating room

Intemational Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2015

2015 | conference-abstract

Testing a human thermal software using field investigation from an industrial plant

Intemational Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2015

2015 | conference-abstract

Evaluation of thermal comfort levels concerning the spatial arrangement in an operating room


2015 | conference-paper

Modeling the reflow soldering process in PCB'S

ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, InterPACK 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels

2015 | conference-paper

Thermal comfort assessment of a surgical room through computational fluid dynamics using local PMV index


2015 | journal-article

Modeling the Thermal Environment in an Operating Room

15th International Heat Transfer Conference

2014 | conference-paper

Sensibility studies on a transient therml model of the human body

14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014)

2014 | conference-abstract

One-way coupling between a CFD model and a transient thermal model of the human body

CRC Press

2014 | book-chapter

Sensibility studies on a transient thermal model of the human body

Proceedings - 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Thermal environment characterisation using a CFD model

Workshop MMNSEA’13 – "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation for Engineering

2013 | conference-poster

Thermal comfort evaluation of an operating room through CFD methodology

CRC Press

2013 | book-chapter

Characterisation of the occupational thermal environment of operating rooms

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

2012 | conference-poster

Thermal comfort in operating rooms, Proceedings do Colóquio Internacional sobre Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - SHO 2012

2012 | conference-abstract

Caracterização do ambiente térmico computacional em salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

Universidade do Minho

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Caracterização do ambiente térmico computacional em salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

Universidade do Minho

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Experimental validation of a CFD Model in a thermal Environment Characterization

ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume 2: Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering

2011 | conference-paper

Caracterização do ambiente térmico ocupacional de salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

11º Fórum Nacional de medicina no trabalho Lisboa

2011 | conference-abstract

Ferramentas de CFD na avaliação do conforto térmico

Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2011 | conference-abstract

Validação experimental dm modelo CFD na caracterização de um ambiente térmico ocupacional

4º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica

2011 | conference-paper

Validação experimental de um modelo CFD na caracterização de um ambiente térmico ocupacional

4º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica

2011 | conference-abstract

i9Masks - Development of innovative masks in PDMS for the protection of COVID-19 with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

2020-07 to 2020-10 | UMINHO-VC/BII/2020/12

i9Masks - Development of innovative masks in PDMS for the protection of COVID-19 with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

2020-07 to 2020-10 | UMINHO-VC/BII/2020/5

NEXT, Driving Tomorrow

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-11 to 2021-12 | UMINHO/BI/419/2019

Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/EMS/04077/2019

ALGORITMI Research Centre

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019

Init End Change Value

Energy Poverty and Its Indicators: A Multidimensional Framework from Literature


2024 | journal-article

Numerical evaluation and experimental validation of fluid flow behavior within an organ-on-a-chip model

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

2024 | journal-article

Optimization of the Flow Parameters for a Liver Organ-on-a-Chip Computational Model

ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2023)

2023 | conference-paper

Dense-Discrete Phase Simulations of Blood Flow in a Stenotic Coronary

2023 | book-chapter

Thermal Comfort Assessment of a Small House in Portugal Using EnergyPlus and Ansys Fluent

2023 | book-chapter

Assessment of PMV accuracy for different locations using the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Database II

XV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica

2022 | conference-paper


ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-paper

Influence of the Inlet Velocity on Oxygen Gradients in a Liver-on-a-Chip Model


2022 | conference-paper

Study of the Influence of Different Geometries of an Organ-on-a-Chip


2022 | conference-paper

Learning through planning experiments - A case study in thermal comfort in hospitals

CISTI'2022 - 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

2022 | conference-paper

Analysis of the human influence on the thermal comfort in a hospital waiting room.


2022 | conference-abstract

Energy, Thermal Comfort and Pathologies—A Current Concern

Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

2022 | book-chapter

Experimental measurements of the shear force on surface mount components simulating the wave soldering process

Soldering and Surface Mount Technology

2022 | journal-article

Influence of boundary conditions on oxygen distribution in an organ-on-a-chip platform

8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering

2022 | conference-abstract

Influence of the Inlet Velocity in Oxygen Gradients in a Liver-on-a-Chip Model

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Numerical Modeling of the Wave Soldering Process and Experimental Validation

Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME

2022 | journal-article

Prediction of Solder Joint Reliability with Applied Acrylic Conformal Coating

Journal of Electronic Materials

2022 | journal-article

Skin follicles dispersion within a hospital operating room – How to predict and reduce the contamination

2022 | book-chapter

Study of the Influence of Different Geometries of an Organ-on-a-Chip on Fluid Flow

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Summer Grants ‘Verão Com Ciência’, From Foundation for Science and Technology, in Portugal: Experience and Achievements

ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022)

2022 | conference-abstract

Numerical Simulation of Solder Paste Printing on Through-Hole Components

IMECE2021 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

2021 | conference-paper

Numerical Simulation of the Flow Inside a Horizontal Closed Refrigerated Display Cabinet

IMECE2021 - International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

2021 | conference-paper

Numerical simulation: Study on the path of expelled and expired water vapor particles


2021 | conference-abstract

Hemodynamic study in 3D printed stenotic coronary artery models: experimental validation and transient simulation

Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

2021 | journal-article

Numerical Simulation: Study on the path of expelled and exhaled water vapor particles

International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation - Symcomp

2021 | conference-paper

New Performance Metrics for Offline Content-Based TV Recommender System

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2021 | book

3D printed biomodels for flow visualization in stenotic vessels: An experimental and numerical study


2020 | journal-article

Energy Performance of a Service Building: Comparison Between EnergyPlus and Revit

2020 | book-chapter

Modeling Blood Pulsatile Turbulent Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries

International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering

2020 | journal-article

Numerical simulation of blood pulsatile flow in stenotic coronary arteries: The effect of turbulence modeling and non-Newtonian assumptions

Proceedings - 24th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, CSCC 2020

2020 | conference-paper

Thermal Simulation of a Supermarket Cold Zone with Integrated Assessment of Human Thermal Comfort

2020 | book-chapter

Assessment of Indoor Thermal Conditions in a Cinema Room Using CFD Simulation: A Case Study

2019 | book-chapter

Simulation of PMV and PPD Thermal Comfort Using EnergyPlus

2019 | book-chapter

A numerical study of solder paste rolling process for PCB printing

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2018 | conference-paper

Thermal comfort assessment of orthopaedic health professionals in an operating room

Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018

2018 | conference-paper

Modelação computacional do ambiente térmico num pavilhão fabril

6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2017 | conference-abstract

Avaliação do conforto térmico numa sala de operações com recurso ao PMV

6º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2017 | conference-abstract

Modelação computacional e avaliação experimental do conforto térmico ocupacional em salas de operação

Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Metabolic rate evaluation of an orthopedic surgeon through oximetry

International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2017

2017 | conference-abstract

Numerical simulation of an industrial worker route using thermal human body software

4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE 2016

2016 | conference-abstract

A protocol example on calculation of the metabolism for surgeons in an operating room

International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene

2016 | conference-paper

CFD modeling the cooling stage of reflow soldering process

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2016 | conference-paper

Contact angle measurement of SAC 305 solder: numerical and experimental approach

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

2016 | journal-article

Evaluation of thermal comfort levels concerning the spatial arrangement in an operating room

Intemational Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2015

2015 | conference-abstract

Testing a human thermal software using field investigation from an industrial plant

Intemational Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene: SHO2015

2015 | conference-abstract

Evaluation of thermal comfort levels concerning the spatial arrangement in an operating room


2015 | conference-paper

Modeling the reflow soldering process in PCB'S

ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, InterPACK 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels

2015 | conference-paper

Thermal comfort assessment of a surgical room through computational fluid dynamics using local PMV index


2015 | journal-article

Modeling the Thermal Environment in an Operating Room

15th International Heat Transfer Conference

2014 | conference-paper

Sensibility studies on a transient therml model of the human body

14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014)

2014 | conference-abstract

One-way coupling between a CFD model and a transient thermal model of the human body

CRC Press

2014 | book-chapter

Sensibility studies on a transient thermal model of the human body

Proceedings - 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Thermal environment characterisation using a CFD model

Workshop MMNSEA’13 – "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation for Engineering

2013 | conference-poster

Thermal comfort evaluation of an operating room through CFD methodology

CRC Press

2013 | book-chapter

Characterisation of the occupational thermal environment of operating rooms

European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

2012 | conference-poster

Thermal comfort in operating rooms, Proceedings do Colóquio Internacional sobre Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais

Occupational Safety and Hygiene - SHO 2012

2012 | conference-abstract

Caracterização do ambiente térmico computacional em salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

Universidade do Minho

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Caracterização do ambiente térmico computacional em salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

Universidade do Minho

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Experimental validation of a CFD Model in a thermal Environment Characterization

ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Volume 2: Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering

2011 | conference-paper

Caracterização do ambiente térmico ocupacional de salas de operação – construção de um modelo CFD

11º Fórum Nacional de medicina no trabalho Lisboa

2011 | conference-abstract

Ferramentas de CFD na avaliação do conforto térmico

Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

2011 | conference-abstract

Validação experimental dm modelo CFD na caracterização de um ambiente térmico ocupacional

4º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica

2011 | conference-paper

Validação experimental de um modelo CFD na caracterização de um ambiente térmico ocupacional

4º Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica

2011 | conference-abstract

i9Masks - Development of innovative masks in PDMS for the protection of COVID-19 with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

2020-07 to 2020-10 | UMINHO-VC/BII/2020/12

i9Masks - Development of innovative masks in PDMS for the protection of COVID-19 with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.

Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

2020-07 to 2020-10 | UMINHO-VC/BII/2020/5

NEXT, Driving Tomorrow

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-11 to 2021-12 | UMINHO/BI/419/2019

Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/EMS/04077/2019

ALGORITMI Research Centre

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019

Start End Term Value
This user account status is Approved