Algoritmi | User | Manuel João Sepúlveda Mesquita Freitas

Manuel João Sepúlveda Mesquita Freitas

Manuel João Sepúlveda Mesquita Freitas
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage Email
0000-0002-2787-4475Researcher ID
B-3838-2014Ciência ID
6915-5C00-9564Google Scholar
171Q1 / Q2
6About Me
Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Electronics of the University of Minho since 2004, having been Assistant Lecturer at the same Department between 1996 and 2004, and junior teaching assistant between 1991 and 1996. Finishes his Ph.D. in Industrial Electronics Engineering by the University of Minho in 2004. Graduated in Electrical Engineering and Computers at the Faculty of University of Porto in1991, and the Educational Aptitude and Scientific Capacity Tests at the University of Minho in 1996. Currently he lectures at the University of Minho the courses of Energy Systems, Project, Electronics and Circuit Analysis. His research work relates with the development of Active Power Filters and Power Quality Monitoring Systems, with the realization of Power quality Studies, Energetic efficiency and Renewable Energies.
Publications (71)
An Islanded Microgrid to Increase Quality of Life and Support Agricultural Activities of Rural Communities in Marracuene, Maputo: Challenges, Sizing, and Validation
2022 | conference-paper
A Novel Multilevel Converter for On-Grid Interface of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grids
2019 | conference-paper
A Proposed Bidirectional Three-Level dc-dc Power Converter for Applications in Smart Grids: An Experimental Validation
2019 | conference-paper
Comparative Analysis of Power Electronics Topologies to Interface dc Homes with the Electrical ac Power Grid
2019 | conference-paper
Sliding Mode Control of an Innovative Single-Switch Three-Level Active Rectifier
IEEE SEST 2019 - 2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A novel converter topology for applications in smart grids: technical and economical evaluation
2019 | conference-paper
Unified power converters for battery charging and traction drive systems for electric vehicles: cost and performance analysis
ICEE 2019 - International Conference on Energy and Environment: Bringing Together Engineering and Economics
2019 | conference-paper
Interface de uma fonte de energia renovável com a rede elétrica utilizando conversor comutado
2019 | dissertation-thesis
A Novel Single-Phase Bidirectional Nine-Level Converter Employing Four Quadrant Switches
IEEE SEST 2018 - International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2018
2018 | conference-paper
A new approach for real time train energy efficiency optimization
2018 | journal-article
A novel five-level semi-bridgeless power factor correction topology
2018 | conference-paper
Auditoria energética a empresa têxtil
2017 | dissertation-thesis
Car diagnostics using sound
2017 | conference-paper
Comprehensive analysis and comparison of digital current control techniques for active rectifiers
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Evaluation of the introduction of electric vehicles in the power grid—A study for the Island of maio in cape Verde
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog pid controller: A framework for a laboratorial experiment
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Remote control system for a mobile platform with four Mecanum wheels
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Fonte de alimentação ininterrupta sem baterias para uma linha de montagem didática, recorrendo a ultracondensadores
2016 | dissertation-thesis
Transportador linear industrial
2016 | dissertation-thesis
A new energetically optimized power supply system for a mobile robot platform, using ultracapacitors and batteries to ensure both ultra-fast charging and autonomy
ICINCO 2015 - 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Desenvolvimento de um contador digital com leitura de harmónicos
2015 | dissertation-thesis
Learning electronics project inside a control inspired conceptual map
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | book
New Control Algorithm for Single-Phase Series Active Power Filter
Electric Power Components and Systems
2015 | journal-article
Three-phase three-level current-source converter for EVs fast battery charging systems
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2015 | conference-paper
Filtro activo de potência para interface da rede com cargas eléctricas
Novas Edições Acadêmicas
2014 | book
Sistemas de Energia (2ª Edição)
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2014 | manual
Using ultracapacitors as energy-storing devices on a mobile robot platform power system for ultra-fast charging
ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education
2013 | journal-article
Efeitos dos harmónicos nos contadores de energia
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Interface entre um painel fotovoltaico e a rede elétrica
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Potência e comando de sistemas industriais
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Design of a high-performance single-phase offline UPS with reduced switching time
2012 | conference-paper
Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments
FOZTUA Project
2012 | book
Números Complexos
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2012 | manual
Design and development of a new mechatronic system to be used as a medical device for wrist rehabilitation - controlledbioball
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2011 | journal-article
Simple camera calibration for light measurements
2008 | conference-paper
Thermonuclear power plant model
2008 | book
Experimental results of a single-phase shunt active filter prototype with different switching techniques
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2007 | conference-paper
Low-cost digital system for power quality monitoring,Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica
Informacion Tecnologica
2007 | journal-article
Parallel association of shunt active power filters
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2007 | conference-paper
Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica
2007 | journal-article
Sistemas de Energia
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2007 | manual
Thermonuclear power plant model
2007 | conference-paper
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência, sobre circuitos de drive, snubbers, circuitos de controlo para conversores electrónicos de potência, rectificadores, semicondutores de potência e projectos de sistemas de potência.
2006 | manual
Caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência
2006 | manual
Caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Projecto SINUS : tecnologias para melhoria da eficiência e da qualidade de energia em sistemas eléctricos
2006 | conference-paper
Revisão do caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Máquinas Eléctricas e Actuadores
2006 | manual
Revisão dos trabalhos de Electrónica de Potência e Máquinas Eléctricas para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III
2006 | manual
Sebentas de aparelhagem eléctrica e instalação de motores para a disciplina de Electrotecnia
2006 | manual
Trabalhos de projecto para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III.
2006 | manual
Trabalhos práticos de introdução e com amplificadores operacionais para a disciplina de Electrónica
2006 | manual
Vários trabalhos com máquinas eléctricas (e montagem do laboratório) e trabalhos com electrónica de potência para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III.
2006 | manual
A Single Phase Power Series Compensator for Voltage Distortion
2005 | conference-paper
A single-phase power series compensator for voltage distortion
2005 | conference-paper
Estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal
2005 | journal-article
Projecto SINUS : tecnologia para compensação dinâmica de harmónicos, factor de potência e desequilíbrios
2005 | journal-article
Análise E Simulações De Um Filtro Banda Adaptativo Aplicado A Um Filtro Activo Série
2004 | conference-paper
Análise e simulações de um filtro banda adaptativo aplicado a um filtro activo série
2004 | conference-paper
Implementação de um filtro activo de potência para optimização da interface entre a rede e outros sistemas eléctricos : estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal
2004 | dissertation-thesis
A Personal Computer Based Controller for an Active Power Filter
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’03)
2003 | conference-paper
A Series Active Filter Controlled by Personal Computer
Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ’03)
2003 | conference-paper
A series active power filter controlled by personal computer
2003 | journal-article
p-q Theory Power Components Calculations
2003 | conference-paper
Filtro activo série para compensação de tensão
2002 | journal-article
Filtros activos de potência para melhoria da qualidade de energia eléctrica
2000 | journal-article
Developing an automated system for shoe sole halogenation
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
1997 | conference-paper
An Automated System for Shoe Sole Halogenation
A.M.S.E. Conference
1992 | conference-paper
Fundings (13)
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Avançados Integrados de Eletrónica de Potência para Veículos Elétricos
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018-07 to 2021-07 | PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017
UPQC-IM-REI - Condicionador Unificado para Qualidade de Energia com Monitorização Integrada e Interface para Energias Renováveis
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010-04 to 2013-06 | PTDC/EEA-EEL/104569/2008
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009-04 to 2013-03 | MIT-Pt/EDAM-SMS/0030/2008
MobiCar - Design, development, testing and demonstration of sustainable mobility solutions (PPS 4: MOBICarPower - Development of powertrain architectures for electrical systems)
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2011-01 to 2014-02 | AAC n.º 36/SI/2009 - 13844
Project OficAuto - Multifunctional Diagnostic System for Automobile Maintenance and Repair Support
Autoridade de Gestão do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
2012-09 to 2015-02 | NORTE-07-0202-FEDER-024812
ECORAIL - Regenerative Energy in Urban Trains
2009-05 to 2010-12 | AAC n.º 21/SI/2008 - 5313
SINUS - Technology for Dynamic Compensation of Harmonics, Power Factor and Imbalances
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2005-02 to 2008-04 | DEMTEC/020/1/03
Development of Active Power Filters for Improved Power Quality
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2002-05 to 2006-10 | POCTI/ESE/41170/2001
IN2STEMPO: Smart stations, power supply and energy management
2017-09 to 2022-08 | IN2STEMPO - 777515
Sensible Car - Sensores Inteligentes para a Condução Autónoma
2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902
Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020
ALGORITMI Research Centre
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019
Strategic Project - UI 319 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-C/EEI/UI0319/2011
Init | End | Change | Value |
An Islanded Microgrid to Increase Quality of Life and Support Agricultural Activities of Rural Communities in Marracuene, Maputo: Challenges, Sizing, and Validation
2022 | conference-paper
A Novel Multilevel Converter for On-Grid Interface of Renewable Energy Sources in Smart Grids
2019 | conference-paper
A Proposed Bidirectional Three-Level dc-dc Power Converter for Applications in Smart Grids: An Experimental Validation
2019 | conference-paper
Comparative Analysis of Power Electronics Topologies to Interface dc Homes with the Electrical ac Power Grid
2019 | conference-paper
Sliding Mode Control of an Innovative Single-Switch Three-Level Active Rectifier
IEEE SEST 2019 - 2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A novel converter topology for applications in smart grids: technical and economical evaluation
2019 | conference-paper
Unified power converters for battery charging and traction drive systems for electric vehicles: cost and performance analysis
ICEE 2019 - International Conference on Energy and Environment: Bringing Together Engineering and Economics
2019 | conference-paper
Interface de uma fonte de energia renovável com a rede elétrica utilizando conversor comutado
2019 | dissertation-thesis
A Novel Single-Phase Bidirectional Nine-Level Converter Employing Four Quadrant Switches
IEEE SEST 2018 - International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2018
2018 | conference-paper
A new approach for real time train energy efficiency optimization
2018 | journal-article
A novel five-level semi-bridgeless power factor correction topology
2018 | conference-paper
Auditoria energética a empresa têxtil
2017 | dissertation-thesis
Car diagnostics using sound
2017 | conference-paper
Comprehensive analysis and comparison of digital current control techniques for active rectifiers
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Evaluation of the introduction of electric vehicles in the power grid—A study for the Island of maio in cape Verde
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog pid controller: A framework for a laboratorial experiment
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Mobile platform motion control system based on human gestures
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Remote control system for a mobile platform with four Mecanum wheels
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Fonte de alimentação ininterrupta sem baterias para uma linha de montagem didática, recorrendo a ultracondensadores
2016 | dissertation-thesis
Transportador linear industrial
2016 | dissertation-thesis
A new energetically optimized power supply system for a mobile robot platform, using ultracapacitors and batteries to ensure both ultra-fast charging and autonomy
ICINCO 2015 - 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Desenvolvimento de um contador digital com leitura de harmónicos
2015 | dissertation-thesis
Learning electronics project inside a control inspired conceptual map
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | book
New Control Algorithm for Single-Phase Series Active Power Filter
Electric Power Components and Systems
2015 | journal-article
Three-phase three-level current-source converter for EVs fast battery charging systems
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2015 | conference-paper
Filtro activo de potência para interface da rede com cargas eléctricas
Novas Edições Acadêmicas
2014 | book
Sistemas de Energia (2ª Edição)
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2014 | manual
Using ultracapacitors as energy-storing devices on a mobile robot platform power system for ultra-fast charging
ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education
2013 | journal-article
Efeitos dos harmónicos nos contadores de energia
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Interface entre um painel fotovoltaico e a rede elétrica
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Potência e comando de sistemas industriais
2013 | dissertation-thesis
Design of a high-performance single-phase offline UPS with reduced switching time
2012 | conference-paper
Gaining insight into Tua railway line through interactive experiments
FOZTUA Project
2012 | book
Números Complexos
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2012 | manual
Design and development of a new mechatronic system to be used as a medical device for wrist rehabilitation - controlledbioball
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2011 | journal-article
Simple camera calibration for light measurements
2008 | conference-paper
Thermonuclear power plant model
2008 | book
Experimental results of a single-phase shunt active filter prototype with different switching techniques
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2007 | conference-paper
Low-cost digital system for power quality monitoring,Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica
Informacion Tecnologica
2007 | journal-article
Parallel association of shunt active power filters
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2007 | conference-paper
Sistema digital de bajo coste para la monitorización de la calidad de energía eléctrica
2007 | journal-article
Sistemas de Energia
Departamento d Eletrónica Industrial, Universidade do Minho
2007 | manual
Thermonuclear power plant model
2007 | conference-paper
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Apontamentos teóricos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência, sobre circuitos de drive, snubbers, circuitos de controlo para conversores electrónicos de potência, rectificadores, semicondutores de potência e projectos de sistemas de potência.
2006 | manual
Caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência
2006 | manual
Caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Electrónica de Potência (UTAD).
2006 | manual
Projecto SINUS : tecnologias para melhoria da eficiência e da qualidade de energia em sistemas eléctricos
2006 | conference-paper
Revisão do caderno de exercícios propostos para a disciplina de Máquinas Eléctricas e Actuadores
2006 | manual
Revisão dos trabalhos de Electrónica de Potência e Máquinas Eléctricas para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III
2006 | manual
Sebentas de aparelhagem eléctrica e instalação de motores para a disciplina de Electrotecnia
2006 | manual
Trabalhos de projecto para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III.
2006 | manual
Trabalhos práticos de introdução e com amplificadores operacionais para a disciplina de Electrónica
2006 | manual
Vários trabalhos com máquinas eléctricas (e montagem do laboratório) e trabalhos com electrónica de potência para a disciplina de Laboratórios Integrados III.
2006 | manual
A Single Phase Power Series Compensator for Voltage Distortion
2005 | conference-paper
A single-phase power series compensator for voltage distortion
2005 | conference-paper
Estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal
2005 | journal-article
Projecto SINUS : tecnologia para compensação dinâmica de harmónicos, factor de potência e desequilíbrios
2005 | journal-article
Análise E Simulações De Um Filtro Banda Adaptativo Aplicado A Um Filtro Activo Série
2004 | conference-paper
Análise e simulações de um filtro banda adaptativo aplicado a um filtro activo série
2004 | conference-paper
Implementação de um filtro activo de potência para optimização da interface entre a rede e outros sistemas eléctricos : estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal
2004 | dissertation-thesis
A Personal Computer Based Controller for an Active Power Filter
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’03)
2003 | conference-paper
A Series Active Filter Controlled by Personal Computer
Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ’03)
2003 | conference-paper
A series active power filter controlled by personal computer
2003 | journal-article
p-q Theory Power Components Calculations
2003 | conference-paper
Filtro activo série para compensação de tensão
2002 | journal-article
Filtros activos de potência para melhoria da qualidade de energia eléctrica
2000 | journal-article
Developing an automated system for shoe sole halogenation
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
1997 | conference-paper
An Automated System for Shoe Sole Halogenation
A.M.S.E. Conference
1992 | conference-paper
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Avançados Integrados de Eletrónica de Potência para Veículos Elétricos
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018-07 to 2021-07 | PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017
UPQC-IM-REI - Condicionador Unificado para Qualidade de Energia com Monitorização Integrada e Interface para Energias Renováveis
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010-04 to 2013-06 | PTDC/EEA-EEL/104569/2008
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009-04 to 2013-03 | MIT-Pt/EDAM-SMS/0030/2008
MobiCar - Design, development, testing and demonstration of sustainable mobility solutions (PPS 4: MOBICarPower - Development of powertrain architectures for electrical systems)
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2011-01 to 2014-02 | AAC n.º 36/SI/2009 - 13844
Project OficAuto - Multifunctional Diagnostic System for Automobile Maintenance and Repair Support
Autoridade de Gestão do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
2012-09 to 2015-02 | NORTE-07-0202-FEDER-024812
ECORAIL - Regenerative Energy in Urban Trains
2009-05 to 2010-12 | AAC n.º 21/SI/2008 - 5313
SINUS - Technology for Dynamic Compensation of Harmonics, Power Factor and Imbalances
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2005-02 to 2008-04 | DEMTEC/020/1/03
Development of Active Power Filters for Improved Power Quality
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2002-05 to 2006-10 | POCTI/ESE/41170/2001
IN2STEMPO: Smart stations, power supply and energy management
2017-09 to 2022-08 | IN2STEMPO - 777515
Sensible Car - Sensores Inteligentes para a Condução Autónoma
2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902
Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020
ALGORITMI Research Centre
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019
Strategic Project - UI 319 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-C/EEI/UI0319/2011
Start | End | Term | Value | |