Algoritmi | User | Goran Putnik

Goran Putnik

Goran Putnik

At Algoritmi

Senior Researcher with Dr habil

Member of the IEM R&D Group

Academic Degree

Dr habil

Current Position

Full Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


Collaborative manufacturing and management contextualization in the Industry 4.0 based on a systematic literature review

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management

2024 | journal-article

Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems for manufacturing

2024 | conference-paper

Self-organization in open and very large and complex design and manufacturing networks through entropy and power law distribution

CIRP Annals

2024 | journal-article

Data Science for Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Survey and Analysis Based on Open Data


2023 | journal-article

The concept of collaborative engineering: a systematic literature review

Production & Manufacturing Research

2022 | journal-article

A Contribution to the Learning Factory Architecture Implementations for Engineering Education

2022 | book-chapter

A Novel Integrated Framework Approach for TEBC Technologies in Distributed Manufacturing Systems: A Systematic Review and Opportunities

2022 | book-chapter

A Systematic Review of Manufacturing Scheduling for the Industry 4.0

2022 | book-chapter

An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to Effectively Address Industry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches

2022 | book-chapter

Analysing Impact of the Digitalization on Visual Inspection Process in Smartphone Manufacturing by Using Computer Vision

2022 | book-chapter

Evaluating the Statistical Process Control Data Acquisition System in a Heat Exchanger Factory

2022 | book-chapter

ICARUS Pedagogical Methodologies Framework, or Reference Model

2022 | book-chapter

Industry 4.0: from Illusion to Revolution through Digital Transformation

2022 | book-chapter

The Impact of Technological Implementation Decisions on Job-Shop Scheduling Simulator Performance Using Secondary Storage and Parallel Processing

2022 | book-chapter

Is the incorporation of sustainability issues and Sustainable Development Goals in project management a catalyst for sustainable project delivery?

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

2021 | journal-article

An Industry 4.0 Training Framework Addressing ‘COVID-19 Type’ Disruptions on Manufacturing

Digital Manufacturing Technology

2021 | journal-article

A Heterogeneous Data Analytics Framework for RFID-Enabled Factories

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems

2021 | journal-article

How environment dynamics affects production scheduling: Requirements for development of CPPS models

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Manufacturing system and enterprise management for Industry 4.0: Guest editorial

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Organizational efficiency prospects for management in Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Semi-Double-loop machine learning based CPS approach for predictive maintenance in manufacturing system based on machine status indications

CIRP Annals

2021 | journal-article

Specifications for a Digital Training Toolbox for Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Value analysis as a mechanism to reduce the complexity of the selection of the resources system for Agile/Virtual Enterprises in the context of Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Analysing meta-organizations with embedded brokering services performance modelled as a call-centre for supporting dynamic reconfigurability of networked and virtual organizations

FME Transactions

2020 | journal-article

Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) decision making duration time impact on manufacturing system performance

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Impact of UTAUT predictors on the intention and usage of electronic health records and telemedicine from the perspective of clinical staffs

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Industry 4.0 and industrial revolutions: An assessment based on complexity

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Industry 4.0: Models, tools and cyber-physical systems for manufacturing

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Investigation of copper and zinc contamination on the work piece surface with WEDM

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Machine learning based manufacturing control system for intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Towards a high performance computing scalable implementation of Cyber Physical Systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

What is a Cyber-Physical System: Definitions and models spectrum

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Waste remanufacturing modeling originated from household equipment

Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management

2018 | journal-article

A collaborative multiplicative Holt-Winters forecasting approach with dynamic fuzzy-level component

Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

2018 | journal-article

A text mining based supervised learning algorithm for classification of manufacturing suppliers

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Collaborative framework for virtual organisation synthesis based on a dynamic multi-criteria decision model

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2018 | journal-article

Collaborative paradigm for single-machine scheduling under just-in-time principles: Total holding-tardiness cost problem

Management and Production Engineering Review

2018 | journal-article

Disruptive data visualization towards zero-defects diagnostics

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Group Characteristics and Task Accuracy in Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing as Collaborative Environment

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Intelligent Collaborative Decision-Making Models, Methods, and Tools

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

2018 | journal-article

Intelligent platform for supervision and production activity control in real time

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2018 | book

Manufacturing services classification in a decentralized supply chain using text mining

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Mechanical Design of a Standing Frame adapted for Children with mental deficiency

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Ranked sequence positional weight heuristic for simultaneous balancing and scheduling jobs in a distributed manufacturing environment

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Research into possibilities of reducing the X155CrVMo12-1 tool steel fragility

Anali Zavoda za Povijesne Znanosti Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Dubrovniku

2018 | journal-article

Research into possibilities of reducing the X155CrVMo12-1 tool steel fragility


2018 | journal-article

Role of the Metal-Oxide Work Function on Photocurrent Generation in Hybrid Solar Cells

Scientific Reports

2018 | journal-article

Supplier evaluation and selection: A fuzzy novel multi-criteria group decision-making approach

International Journal for Quality Research

2018 | journal-article

Trends in peace research: Can cyber détente lead to lasting peace?

Cyber Security and Threats: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2018 | book

Web-based decision system for distributed process planning in a networked manufacturing environment

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2018 | book

A Biphilic Phosphetane Catalyzes N-N Bond-Forming Cadogan Heterocyclization via PIII/PV= O Redox Cycling

Journal of the American Chemical Society

2017 | journal-article

A Cloud-Based Architecture with embedded Pragmatics Renderer for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

A simulation platform prototype for evaluating alternative scenarios of members integration in virtual organizations

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2017 | book

Analysing critical success factors for supporting online shopping

International Journal of Web Portals

2017 | journal-article

Collaborative portal for supporting manufacturing resources selection in a global market

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2017 | book

Contemporary deception techniques: Social engineering – semantic, phenomenological and security aspects

Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges

2017 | book

Industrial plant layout analyzing based on SNA

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2017 | book

Interfaces for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing as collaborative environment

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2017 | book

New challenges and revision of the human security concept

Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges

2017 | book

Power quality disturbance classification based on wavelet transform and support vector machine

2017 11th International Conference on Measurement, MEASUREMENT 2017 - Proceedings

2017 | conference-paper

Ubiquitous and cloud enterprise for manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Virtual Enterprise integration management based on a Meta-enterprise - A PMBoK approach

Procedia Computer Science

2017 | conference-paper

A prototype/demonstrator tool to perform the resources selection in distributed/agile/virtual enterprises

International Journal of Business Excellence

2016 | journal-article

Analysing the correlation between social network analysis measures and performance of students in social network-based engineering education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education

2016 | journal-article


International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Integrated platform for real-time control and production and productivity monitoring and analysis

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2016 | journal-article

Integration of process planning and scheduling using mobile-agent based approach in a networked manufacturing environment

Computers and Industrial Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Interface for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing: Manufacturing and education sectors led view

Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications

2016 | book

Second World War monuments in Yugoslavia as witnesses of the past and the future

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

2016 | journal-article

Software tools for understanding grammatical inference algorithms: Part I - tools for regular grammars and finite-state automata

FME Transactions

2016 | journal-article

System dynamics model for evaluation of reuse of electronic waste originated from personal computers

Serbian Journal of Management

2016 | journal-article

The transcriptional coregulator MAML1 affects DNA methylation and gene expression patterns in human embryonic kidney cells

Molecular Biology Reports

2016 | journal-article

Value Analysis approach in the resources pre-selection of agile/virtual enterprises: Domain of applicability and selection time

Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE IESM 2015

2016 | conference-paper

Web-based decision system for effective process planning in network manufacturing environment

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2016 | conference-paper

A Cloud and Ubiquitous Architecture for Effective Environmental Sensing and Monitoring

Procedia Computer Science

2015 | conference-paper

A comparison of light-coupling into high and low index nanostructured photovoltaic thin films

APL Materials

2015 | journal-article

An integrated framework for supporting fuzzy decision-making in networked manufacturing environments

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2015 | journal-article

Antinuclear antibodies in atopic dermatitis: A cross-sectional study on 346 children

International Journal of Dermatology

2015 | journal-article

Collaborative negotiation platform using a dynamic multi-criteria decision model

International Journal of Decision Support System Technology

2015 | journal-article

Condition based maintenance optimization for multi-state wind power generation systems under periodic inspection

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Interfaces for Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing: Working Individually or in Collaborative Group?

Procedia Manufacturing

2015 | journal-article

Les parcs mémoriaux dans ĺespace yougoslave et postyougoslave

Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest

2015 | journal-article

MS-HRM assay identifies high levels of epigenetic heterogeneity in human immortalized cell lines


2015 | journal-article

Mechanisms to promote continuous improvement in quality management systems

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Modelling and enhancement of organizational resilience potential in process industry smes

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2015 | journal-article

Proposal of an empirical model for suppliers selection

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Resource scalability in networked manufacturing system: Social network analysis

HandBook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

2015 | book

Scheduling and batching in multi-site flexible flow shop environments

2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Simulation study of large production network robustness in uncertain environment

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

2015 | journal-article

Smart objects embedded production and quality management functions

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Spatial-temporal business partnership selection in uncertain environments

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

The impact of media on students’ perception of the security risks associated with internet social networking - A case study,Utjecaj medija na percepciju sigurnosnih rizika povezanih s društvenim umrežavanjem putem interneta - studija slučaja

Croatian Journal of Education

2015 | journal-article

A Web-Based Decision Support System for Supply Chain Operations Management Towards an Integrated Framework

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2014 | book

A hybrid framework for supporting scheduling in extended manufacturing environments

2014 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2014

2014 | conference-paper

A taxonomy for virtual enterprises

Journal of Universal Computer Science

2014 | journal-article

Alternative approaches analysis for scheduling in an Extended Manufacturing Environment

2014 6th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Arsenic-induced suppression of kidney cell proliferation and the transcriptional coregulator MAML1


2014 | journal-article

Celiac disease in children with atopic dermatitis

Pediatric Dermatology

2014 | journal-article

Collaborative framework for dynamic scheduling supporting in networked manufacturing environments

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Congenital thrombocytopenia with nephritis - The first case of MYH9 related disorder in Serbia,Kongenitalna trombocitopenija sa nefritisom - Prvi bolesnik sa MYH9 poremećajem u Srbiji

Vojnosanitetski Pregled

2014 | journal-article

Control of recombination pathways in TiO2 nanowire hybrid solar cells using Sn4+ dopants

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

2014 | journal-article

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

Cloud Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2014 | book

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Evaluation of user acceptance of virtual environments and interfaces for communication in virtual teams

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Low prevalence of IgA anti-transglutaminase 1, 2, and 3 autoantibodies in children with atopic dermatitis

BMC Research Notes

2014 | journal-article

Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

FME Transactions

2014 | journal-article

A Contribution for a Pragmatics-Based Approach to Concurrent Engineering Implementation

Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering

2013 | journal-article

Cloudlet architecture for dashboard in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

Procedia CIRP

2013 | conference-paper

Engineering energy levels at the TiO2: P3HT interface using atomic layer deposition

Fuels and Petrochemicals Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future

2013 | conference-paper

Human-computer interactions and user interfaces for remote control of manufacturing systems

FME Transactions

2013 | journal-article

Meta-organization and manufacturing Web 3.0 for ubiquitous virtual enterprise of manufacturing SMEs: A framework

Procedia CIRP

2013 | conference-paper

Renal involvement in primary Sjogren syndrome of childhood: Case report and literature review

Modern Rheumatology

2013 | journal-article

Scalability in manufacturing systems design and operation: State-of-the-art and future developments roadmap

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2013 | journal-article

The use of customer relationship management software in meta-enterprises for virtual enterprise integration

Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2013 | book

A Platform for Agile Virtual Enterprise Synthesis

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

A Survey Analysis Of The Resource Selection Models In Agile/Virtual Enterprises

Journal of Applied Research and Technology

2012 | journal-article

A platform for Agile virtual enterprise synthesis

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

A review of agile and lean manufacturing as issues in selected international and national research and development programs and roadmaps

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

A survey analysis of the resource selection models in Agile/Virtual Enterprises

Journal of Applied Research and Technology

2012 | journal-article

Advanced manufacturing systems and enterprises: Cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing and an architecture

Journal of Applied Engineering Science

2012 | journal-article

Collaborative network platform for multi-site production

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2012 | book

Communications in Computer and Information Science: Preface

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Effective Service Dynamic Packages for Ubiquitous Manufacturing System

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Effective service dynamic packages for ubiquitous manufacturing system

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Experimental Platform for Collaborative Inter and Intra Cellular Fuzzy Scheduling in an Ubiquitous Manufacturing System

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Experimental platform for collaborative inter and intra cellular fuzzy scheduling in an ubiquitous manufacturing system

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Global identification of genes regulated by estrogen signaling and demethylation in MCF-7 breast cancer cells

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

2012 | journal-article

Knowledge Based Economy: The Role of Expert Diaspora


2012 | journal-article

Lean vs agile from an organizational sustainability, complexity and learning perspective

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Lean vs agile in the context of complexity management in organizations

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

P2P Decision Support System for Cooperative Electrical Energy Distribution Network Management

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

P2P decision support system for cooperative electrical energy distribution network management

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Prototype Multiplex Communication System for Remote Control of Machine Tools

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Prototype multiplex communication system for remote control of machine tools

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Supplier's selection model based on an empirical study

4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People

2012 | book-chapter

Technologies Integration for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling in a Virtual Enterprise

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Technologies integration for distributed manufacturing scheduling in a virtual enterprise

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Towards effective tourism and people alignment

Organizational Integration of Enterprise Systems and Resources: Advancements and Applications

2012 | book

Towards effective tourism dynamic packages

Information Resources Management Journal

2012 | journal-article

Web-based technologies integration for distributed manufacturing scheduling in a virtual enterprise

International Journal of Web Portals

2012 | journal-article

[Chronic kidney disease during a 12-year period at tertiary health institution].

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

2012 | journal-article

Handbook of research on business social networking: Organizational, managerial, and technological dimensions

Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions

2011 | book


Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions

2011 | book

The role of social networks for modern sociopolitical and security events,Uloga društvenih mreža u savremenim socio-političkim i bezbednosnim pojavama

2011 19th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2011 - Proceedings of Papers

2011 | conference-paper

Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism

Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo

2011 | journal-article

A semiotic framework for manufacturing systems integration -Part I: Generative integration model

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

An exploration of the integrative function of dialogue in manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

Disclosing the Tourism Dynamic Packages

Enterprise Information Systems Pt I

2010 | book-chapter

Disclosing the tourism dynamic packages

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2010 | book

External jugular cannulation is irreplaceable in many situations


2010 | journal-article

Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2010 | book

Semiotics-based Manufacturing System Integration

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

A changed economy with unchanged universities? A contribution to the university of the future

Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions

2009 | book

Binding of estrogen receptor α/β heterodimers to chromatin in MCF-7 cells

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

2009 | journal-article

Complexity framework for sustainability: An analysis of five papers

Learning Organization

2009 | journal-article

Effects of two common polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated regions of estrogen receptor β on mRNA stability and translatability

BMC Genetics

2009 | journal-article

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

Social, Managerial, and Organizational Dimensions of Enterprise Information Systems

2009 | book

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems

2009 | journal-article


The Learning Organization

2009 | journal-article

Microarray analysis of altered gene expression in ERβ-overexpressing HEK293 cells


2009 | journal-article

Transient type 1 pseudo-hypoaldosteronism: Report on an eight-patient series and literature review

Pediatric Nephrology

2009 | journal-article

Congenital nephrotic syndrome

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

2008 | journal-article

Effects of estrogen on gene expression profiles in mouse hypothalamus and white adipose tissue: Target genes include glutathione peroxides 3 and cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor, α-subunit-like effector A

Journal of Endocrinology

2008 | journal-article

Functional requirements for user-interface architectures for Virtual Enterprise dynamic reconfiguration

Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

2008 | book

Virtual environments for dynamically reconfigurable Concurrent/Collaborative Engineering "virtual" teams

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2008 | journal-article

A changed economy with unchanged universities? A contribution to the university of the future

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

2007 | journal-article

Chaordic systems thinking for novelty in contemporary manufacturing

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2007 | journal-article

Functional requirements for user-interface architectures for Virtual Enterprise dynamic reconfiguration

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping: Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing Advanced Research Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

2007 | conference-paper

Reconfigurability of Manufacturing Systems for agility implementation - Part I: Requirements and principles

Digital Enterprise Technology: Perspectives and Future Challenges

2007 | book

Technologies to support the market of resources as an infrastructure for agile/virtual enterprise integration

Agent and Web Service Technologies in Virtual Enterprises

2007 | book

The interaction of ETV6 (TEL) and TIP60 requires a functional histone acetyltransferase domain in TIP60

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease

2007 | journal-article

Towards Ubiquitous Production Systems and Enterprises

2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8

2007 | book

Agile virtual enterprises: Implementation and management support

Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management Support

2006 | book

BM_Virtual Enterprise Architecture Reference Model for Concurrent Engineering and Product Improvement: An Experiment

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book

Enterprise reconfiguration dynamics and business alignment

Adaptive Technologies and Business Integration: Social, Managerial and Organizational Dimensions

2006 | book

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions

2006 | book

Identification of the domain of opportunities for a market of resources for virtual enterprise integration

International Journal of Production Research

2006 | journal-article

Market of Resources as an enabler of (inter-)organizational reconfiguration dynamics

Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems

2006 | book-chapter

Mutations in the Wilms' tumor 1 gene cause isolated steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome and occur in exons 8 and 9

Pediatric Research

2006 | journal-article

On formal theories and formalisms for Virtual Enterprises

Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems

2006 | book-chapter

Performance measures, benchmarking and best practices in the new economy

Benchmarking: An International Journal

2006 | journal-article


Adaptive Technologies and Business Integration: Social, Managerial and Organizational Dimensions

2006 | book


Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions

2006 | book

Reconfigurable manufacturing network: An educational test-bed

Annals of DAAAM for 2006 & Proceedings of the 17th International DAAAM Symposium: INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING & AUTOMATION: FOCUS ON MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS

2006 | book

Reconfigurable manufacturing network: An educational test-bed

Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

2006 | conference-paper

User-interface Architectures for VE Dynamic Reconfiguration: An Initial Analysis

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book

A different view of learning and knowledge creation in collaborative networks

Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments

2005 | book-chapter

A different view of learning and knowledge creation in collaborative networks

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | book

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing Systems

2005 | book-chapter

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | book

Analyses of the resources system selection algorithms for agile/virtual enterprises integration through genetic algorithms

WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications

2005 | journal-article

BM_virtual enterprise: A model for dynamics and virtuality

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Broker performance for agile/virtual enterprise integration

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Business alignment requirements and dynamic organizations

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Information technology infrastructure and solutions

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Market of resources as a knowledge management enabler in VE

Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management

2005 | book

Market of resources as a virtual enterprise integration enabler

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

On the dynamics of Agile/Virtual Enterprise reconfiguration

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2005 | journal-article


Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Virtual enterprise integration: Challenges of a new paradigm

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Virtual enterprise integration: Technological and organizational perspectives

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Chaordic systems thinking for learning organizations : Reflections and some suggestions for use

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Chaos, complexity, learning, and the learning organization: Towards a chaordic enterprise

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Introduction-“Chaordic systems thinking” for learning organizations

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Trends and solutions in virtual enterprise integration

Innovations Through Information Technology, Vols 1 and 2

2004 | book

Concurrent engineering based on BM_VEARM for development of infrastructure for distance learning

Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering

2003 | book

Brokerage function in agile virtual enterprise integration - A literature review

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

Discussion on requirements for agile virtual enterprises reconfigurability dynamics: The example of the automotive industry

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

Mechatronics education at the University of Minho: a summary of the present; perspectives for the future


2002 | journal-article

Part I – Towards an OPIM system: manufacturing SME organisation for the future

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2002 | journal-article

Part II – Towards an OPIM system: results of the OPIM system design simulation and an applicability analysis

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2002 | journal-article

Team work for concurrent engineering in Agile/Virtual Enterprise by BM_Virtual Enterprise architecture reference model

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

A multi-agent based cell controller

Etfa 2001: 8th Ieee International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vol 2, Proceedings

2001 | book

A multi-agent based cell controller

IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA

2001 | journal-article

Involvement of multiple genetic loci in Staphylococcus aureus teicoplanin resistance

FEMS Microbiology Letters

2001 | journal-article

Teleradiology at Military Medical Academy: Present and future

Archive of Oncology

2001 | journal-article

A contribution to algebraic approach for a CAD/CAPP specification

Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing: Multi-Agent Systems and Virtual Organization

1998 | book

Electrocardiography and echocardiography in the diagnosis of chronic cor pulmonale,Elektrokardiografija i ehokardiografija u dijagnostici hronicnog plućnog srca.

Medicinski pregled

1998 | journal-article

Man-Machine Interface for remote programming and control of NC machine tools at the task level: An example

Mechatronics '98

1998 | book

Manufacturing system simulation model synthesis: Towards application of inductive inference

Re-Engineering for Sustainable Industrial Production

1997 | book

Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients in a human immunodeficiency virus cohort in Switzerland

Journal of Clinical Microbiology

1997 | journal-article

Virtual enterprise OPIM concepts: An institutionalization framework

Balanced Automation Systems Ii: Implementation Challenges for Anthropocentric Manufacturing

1996 | book

32Si in limestone aquifers

Chemical Geology

1995 | journal-article


Moving toward Expert Systems Globally in the 21st Century

1994 | book

Some aspects of application of waste polymer materials as a coalescence medium for oily wastewater treatment

Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)

1992 | journal-article


Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

1989 | journal-article

(Principal features of the development of manufacturing structure in developing countries).,Hlavni rysy vyvoje struktury vyroby v rozvojovych zemich.

Ekonomicky Casopis

1984 | journal-article

EPR linewidth anisotropies of CsMnBr3 and RbMnBr3

Solid State Communications

1980 | journal-article

A Dimeric Naphthyl Hydride Derivative of Zirconocene. Synthesis, Structure, and Chemical Properties

Journal of the American Chemical Society

1979 | journal-article

Electron resonance linewidth anisotropy of CsMnCl3

Solid State Communications

1978 | journal-article

Metal Clusters in Catalysis. 15.1a A Structural and Chemical Study of a Dinuclear Metal Complex, [η3-C3H5Fe(CO)3]2

Journal of the American Chemical Society

1978 | journal-article


Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

1978 | book

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 7. Magnon Sidebands in the Electronic Absorption Spectra of CsCoCl3 and RbCoCl3

Inorganic Chemistry

1977 | journal-article

Physical Properties Of Linear-Chain Systems. 5. Optical Spectrum of (CH3)4NMnBr3(TMMB)

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 4. Optical Spectrum of RbMnBr3

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 6. Single-Crystal Absorption Spectra of RbCrCl3 and CsCrCl3

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. III. Absorption Spectra of RbFeBr3, CsFeBr3, RbFeCl3, CsFeCl3, and (CsMg1-xFexCl3)

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. II. Optical Spectrum of CsMnBr3

Inorganic Chemistry

1975 | journal-article

Comparative study of the eye response in horses sensitized by conventional methods and by way of the anterior eye chamber,Uporedna ispitivanja reakcija oka konja senzibilisanih klasicnim nacinom i putem prednje ocne komore.

Glas. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje medicinskih nauka

1971 | journal-article


Acta medica Iugoslavica

1964 | journal-article

Whooping cough in an infectious disease clinic in Sarajevo during the past 3 years

Medicinski arhiv

1962 | journal-article

A rapid method for the determination of copper in serum and urine.

Glasnik. Belgrad. Higijenski institut NR Srbije

1961 | journal-article

Surgical treatment of rectal carcinoma and its results.,O operativnom lecenju i rezultatima kod carcinoma recti.

Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica

1955 | journal-article

In memory of dr. Ratko Zamurović.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Role of bacterial flora in strangulation in ileus,Uloga bakteriske crevne flore kod strangulacionog ileusa

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Surgery of varicose veins.,Operativno le6cenje pro6sirenih vena.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Treatment of varicose veins with injections.,Le6cenje pro6sirenih vena injekcijama.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Varicose thrombophlebitis.,Varikozni tromboflebit.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

A case of duodenopancreatectomy.,Duodeno-pancreatectomia.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Hydatid cyst of the gallbladder.,Ehinokok ciste u 6zu6cnoj kesi.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

1953 | journal-article

In memoriam Dr. Nestor Teodorovic, 1895-1953.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Not Available,Noma.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Perforation of intestinal tract caused by the swallowed foreign body.,Progutano strano telo kao uzrok perforacije intestinalnog trakta.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

1953 | journal-article

Init End Change Value

Collaborative manufacturing and management contextualization in the Industry 4.0 based on a systematic literature review

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management

2024 | journal-article

Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems for manufacturing

2024 | conference-paper

Self-organization in open and very large and complex design and manufacturing networks through entropy and power law distribution

CIRP Annals

2024 | journal-article

Data Science for Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: A Survey and Analysis Based on Open Data


2023 | journal-article

The concept of collaborative engineering: a systematic literature review

Production & Manufacturing Research

2022 | journal-article

A Contribution to the Learning Factory Architecture Implementations for Engineering Education

2022 | book-chapter

A Novel Integrated Framework Approach for TEBC Technologies in Distributed Manufacturing Systems: A Systematic Review and Opportunities

2022 | book-chapter

A Systematic Review of Manufacturing Scheduling for the Industry 4.0

2022 | book-chapter

An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to Effectively Address Industry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches

2022 | book-chapter

Analysing Impact of the Digitalization on Visual Inspection Process in Smartphone Manufacturing by Using Computer Vision

2022 | book-chapter

Evaluating the Statistical Process Control Data Acquisition System in a Heat Exchanger Factory

2022 | book-chapter

ICARUS Pedagogical Methodologies Framework, or Reference Model

2022 | book-chapter

Industry 4.0: from Illusion to Revolution through Digital Transformation

2022 | book-chapter

The Impact of Technological Implementation Decisions on Job-Shop Scheduling Simulator Performance Using Secondary Storage and Parallel Processing

2022 | book-chapter

Is the incorporation of sustainability issues and Sustainable Development Goals in project management a catalyst for sustainable project delivery?

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

2021 | journal-article

An Industry 4.0 Training Framework Addressing ‘COVID-19 Type’ Disruptions on Manufacturing

Digital Manufacturing Technology

2021 | journal-article

A Heterogeneous Data Analytics Framework for RFID-Enabled Factories

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems

2021 | journal-article

How environment dynamics affects production scheduling: Requirements for development of CPPS models

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Manufacturing system and enterprise management for Industry 4.0: Guest editorial

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Organizational efficiency prospects for management in Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Semi-Double-loop machine learning based CPS approach for predictive maintenance in manufacturing system based on machine status indications

CIRP Annals

2021 | journal-article

Specifications for a Digital Training Toolbox for Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Value analysis as a mechanism to reduce the complexity of the selection of the resources system for Agile/Virtual Enterprises in the context of Industry 4.0

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Analysing meta-organizations with embedded brokering services performance modelled as a call-centre for supporting dynamic reconfigurability of networked and virtual organizations

FME Transactions

2020 | journal-article

Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) decision making duration time impact on manufacturing system performance

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Impact of UTAUT predictors on the intention and usage of electronic health records and telemedicine from the perspective of clinical staffs

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Industry 4.0 and industrial revolutions: An assessment based on complexity

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Industry 4.0: Models, tools and cyber-physical systems for manufacturing

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Investigation of copper and zinc contamination on the work piece surface with WEDM

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Machine learning based manufacturing control system for intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Towards a high performance computing scalable implementation of Cyber Physical Systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

What is a Cyber-Physical System: Definitions and models spectrum

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Waste remanufacturing modeling originated from household equipment

Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management

2018 | journal-article

A collaborative multiplicative Holt-Winters forecasting approach with dynamic fuzzy-level component

Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

2018 | journal-article

A text mining based supervised learning algorithm for classification of manufacturing suppliers

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Collaborative framework for virtual organisation synthesis based on a dynamic multi-criteria decision model

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2018 | journal-article

Collaborative paradigm for single-machine scheduling under just-in-time principles: Total holding-tardiness cost problem

Management and Production Engineering Review

2018 | journal-article

Disruptive data visualization towards zero-defects diagnostics

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Group Characteristics and Task Accuracy in Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing as Collaborative Environment

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Intelligent Collaborative Decision-Making Models, Methods, and Tools

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

2018 | journal-article

Intelligent platform for supervision and production activity control in real time

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2018 | book

Manufacturing services classification in a decentralized supply chain using text mining

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2018 | book

Mechanical Design of a Standing Frame adapted for Children with mental deficiency

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Ranked sequence positional weight heuristic for simultaneous balancing and scheduling jobs in a distributed manufacturing environment

Procedia CIRP

2018 | conference-paper

Research into possibilities of reducing the X155CrVMo12-1 tool steel fragility

Anali Zavoda za Povijesne Znanosti Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Dubrovniku

2018 | journal-article

Research into possibilities of reducing the X155CrVMo12-1 tool steel fragility


2018 | journal-article

Role of the Metal-Oxide Work Function on Photocurrent Generation in Hybrid Solar Cells

Scientific Reports

2018 | journal-article

Supplier evaluation and selection: A fuzzy novel multi-criteria group decision-making approach

International Journal for Quality Research

2018 | journal-article

Trends in peace research: Can cyber détente lead to lasting peace?

Cyber Security and Threats: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2018 | book

Web-based decision system for distributed process planning in a networked manufacturing environment

Studies in Computational Intelligence

2018 | book

A Biphilic Phosphetane Catalyzes N-N Bond-Forming Cadogan Heterocyclization via PIII/PV= O Redox Cycling

Journal of the American Chemical Society

2017 | journal-article

A Cloud-Based Architecture with embedded Pragmatics Renderer for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

A simulation platform prototype for evaluating alternative scenarios of members integration in virtual organizations

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2017 | book

Analysing critical success factors for supporting online shopping

International Journal of Web Portals

2017 | journal-article

Collaborative portal for supporting manufacturing resources selection in a global market

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2017 | book

Contemporary deception techniques: Social engineering – semantic, phenomenological and security aspects

Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges

2017 | book

Industrial plant layout analyzing based on SNA

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2017 | book

Interfaces for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing as collaborative environment

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

2017 | book

New challenges and revision of the human security concept

Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges

2017 | book

Power quality disturbance classification based on wavelet transform and support vector machine

2017 11th International Conference on Measurement, MEASUREMENT 2017 - Proceedings

2017 | conference-paper

Ubiquitous and cloud enterprise for manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Virtual Enterprise integration management based on a Meta-enterprise - A PMBoK approach

Procedia Computer Science

2017 | conference-paper

A prototype/demonstrator tool to perform the resources selection in distributed/agile/virtual enterprises

International Journal of Business Excellence

2016 | journal-article

Analysing the correlation between social network analysis measures and performance of students in social network-based engineering education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education

2016 | journal-article


International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Integrated platform for real-time control and production and productivity monitoring and analysis

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2016 | journal-article

Integration of process planning and scheduling using mobile-agent based approach in a networked manufacturing environment

Computers and Industrial Engineering

2016 | journal-article

Interface for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing: Manufacturing and education sectors led view

Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications

2016 | book

Second World War monuments in Yugoslavia as witnesses of the past and the future

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

2016 | journal-article

Software tools for understanding grammatical inference algorithms: Part I - tools for regular grammars and finite-state automata

FME Transactions

2016 | journal-article

System dynamics model for evaluation of reuse of electronic waste originated from personal computers

Serbian Journal of Management

2016 | journal-article

The transcriptional coregulator MAML1 affects DNA methylation and gene expression patterns in human embryonic kidney cells

Molecular Biology Reports

2016 | journal-article

Value Analysis approach in the resources pre-selection of agile/virtual enterprises: Domain of applicability and selection time

Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IEEE IESM 2015

2016 | conference-paper

Web-based decision system for effective process planning in network manufacturing environment

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2016 | conference-paper

A Cloud and Ubiquitous Architecture for Effective Environmental Sensing and Monitoring

Procedia Computer Science

2015 | conference-paper

A comparison of light-coupling into high and low index nanostructured photovoltaic thin films

APL Materials

2015 | journal-article

An integrated framework for supporting fuzzy decision-making in networked manufacturing environments

Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics

2015 | journal-article

Antinuclear antibodies in atopic dermatitis: A cross-sectional study on 346 children

International Journal of Dermatology

2015 | journal-article

Collaborative negotiation platform using a dynamic multi-criteria decision model

International Journal of Decision Support System Technology

2015 | journal-article

Condition based maintenance optimization for multi-state wind power generation systems under periodic inspection

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Interfaces for Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing: Working Individually or in Collaborative Group?

Procedia Manufacturing

2015 | journal-article

Les parcs mémoriaux dans ĺespace yougoslave et postyougoslave

Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest

2015 | journal-article

MS-HRM assay identifies high levels of epigenetic heterogeneity in human immortalized cell lines


2015 | journal-article

Mechanisms to promote continuous improvement in quality management systems

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Modelling and enhancement of organizational resilience potential in process industry smes

Sustainability (Switzerland)

2015 | journal-article

Proposal of an empirical model for suppliers selection

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Resource scalability in networked manufacturing system: Social network analysis

HandBook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

2015 | book

Scheduling and batching in multi-site flexible flow shop environments

2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Simulation study of large production network robustness in uncertain environment

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

2015 | journal-article

Smart objects embedded production and quality management functions

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Spatial-temporal business partnership selection in uncertain environments

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

The impact of media on students’ perception of the security risks associated with internet social networking - A case study,Utjecaj medija na percepciju sigurnosnih rizika povezanih s društvenim umrežavanjem putem interneta - studija slučaja

Croatian Journal of Education

2015 | journal-article

A Web-Based Decision Support System for Supply Chain Operations Management Towards an Integrated Framework

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2014 | book

A hybrid framework for supporting scheduling in extended manufacturing environments

2014 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2014

2014 | conference-paper

A taxonomy for virtual enterprises

Journal of Universal Computer Science

2014 | journal-article

Alternative approaches analysis for scheduling in an Extended Manufacturing Environment

2014 6th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014

2014 | conference-paper

Arsenic-induced suppression of kidney cell proliferation and the transcriptional coregulator MAML1


2014 | journal-article

Celiac disease in children with atopic dermatitis

Pediatric Dermatology

2014 | journal-article

Collaborative framework for dynamic scheduling supporting in networked manufacturing environments

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Congenital thrombocytopenia with nephritis - The first case of MYH9 related disorder in Serbia,Kongenitalna trombocitopenija sa nefritisom - Prvi bolesnik sa MYH9 poremećajem u Srbiji

Vojnosanitetski Pregled

2014 | journal-article

Control of recombination pathways in TiO2 nanowire hybrid solar cells using Sn4+ dopants

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

2014 | journal-article

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

Cloud Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2014 | book

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Evaluation of user acceptance of virtual environments and interfaces for communication in virtual teams

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Low prevalence of IgA anti-transglutaminase 1, 2, and 3 autoantibodies in children with atopic dermatitis

BMC Research Notes

2014 | journal-article

Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

FME Transactions

2014 | journal-article

A Contribution for a Pragmatics-Based Approach to Concurrent Engineering Implementation

Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering

2013 | journal-article

Cloudlet architecture for dashboard in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

Procedia CIRP

2013 | conference-paper

Engineering energy levels at the TiO2: P3HT interface using atomic layer deposition

Fuels and Petrochemicals Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future

2013 | conference-paper

Human-computer interactions and user interfaces for remote control of manufacturing systems

FME Transactions

2013 | journal-article

Meta-organization and manufacturing Web 3.0 for ubiquitous virtual enterprise of manufacturing SMEs: A framework

Procedia CIRP

2013 | conference-paper

Renal involvement in primary Sjogren syndrome of childhood: Case report and literature review

Modern Rheumatology

2013 | journal-article

Scalability in manufacturing systems design and operation: State-of-the-art and future developments roadmap

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2013 | journal-article

The use of customer relationship management software in meta-enterprises for virtual enterprise integration

Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

2013 | book

A Platform for Agile Virtual Enterprise Synthesis

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

A Survey Analysis Of The Resource Selection Models In Agile/Virtual Enterprises

Journal of Applied Research and Technology

2012 | journal-article

A platform for Agile virtual enterprise synthesis

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

A review of agile and lean manufacturing as issues in selected international and national research and development programs and roadmaps

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

A survey analysis of the resource selection models in Agile/Virtual Enterprises

Journal of Applied Research and Technology

2012 | journal-article

Advanced manufacturing systems and enterprises: Cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing and an architecture

Journal of Applied Engineering Science

2012 | journal-article

Collaborative network platform for multi-site production

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

2012 | book

Communications in Computer and Information Science: Preface

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Effective Service Dynamic Packages for Ubiquitous Manufacturing System

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Effective service dynamic packages for ubiquitous manufacturing system

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Experimental Platform for Collaborative Inter and Intra Cellular Fuzzy Scheduling in an Ubiquitous Manufacturing System

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Experimental platform for collaborative inter and intra cellular fuzzy scheduling in an ubiquitous manufacturing system

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Global identification of genes regulated by estrogen signaling and demethylation in MCF-7 breast cancer cells

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

2012 | journal-article

Knowledge Based Economy: The Role of Expert Diaspora


2012 | journal-article

Lean vs agile from an organizational sustainability, complexity and learning perspective

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Lean vs agile in the context of complexity management in organizations

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

P2P Decision Support System for Cooperative Electrical Energy Distribution Network Management

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

P2P decision support system for cooperative electrical energy distribution network management

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Prototype Multiplex Communication System for Remote Control of Machine Tools

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Prototype multiplex communication system for remote control of machine tools

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Supplier's selection model based on an empirical study

4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People

2012 | book-chapter

Technologies Integration for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling in a Virtual Enterprise

Virtual and Networked Organizations, Emergent Technologies, and Tools

2012 | book-chapter

Technologies integration for distributed manufacturing scheduling in a virtual enterprise

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Towards effective tourism and people alignment

Organizational Integration of Enterprise Systems and Resources: Advancements and Applications

2012 | book

Towards effective tourism dynamic packages

Information Resources Management Journal

2012 | journal-article

Web-based technologies integration for distributed manufacturing scheduling in a virtual enterprise

International Journal of Web Portals

2012 | journal-article

[Chronic kidney disease during a 12-year period at tertiary health institution].

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

2012 | journal-article

Handbook of research on business social networking: Organizational, managerial, and technological dimensions

Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions

2011 | book


Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions

2011 | book

The role of social networks for modern sociopolitical and security events,Uloga društvenih mreža u savremenim socio-političkim i bezbednosnim pojavama

2011 19th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2011 - Proceedings of Papers

2011 | conference-paper

Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism

Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo

2011 | journal-article

A semiotic framework for manufacturing systems integration -Part I: Generative integration model

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

An exploration of the integrative function of dialogue in manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

Disclosing the Tourism Dynamic Packages

Enterprise Information Systems Pt I

2010 | book-chapter

Disclosing the tourism dynamic packages

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2010 | book

External jugular cannulation is irreplaceable in many situations


2010 | journal-article

Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2010 | book

Semiotics-based Manufacturing System Integration

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2010 | journal-article

A changed economy with unchanged universities? A contribution to the university of the future

Methods and Applications for Advancing Distance Education Technologies: International Issues and Solutions

2009 | book

Binding of estrogen receptor α/β heterodimers to chromatin in MCF-7 cells

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

2009 | journal-article

Complexity framework for sustainability: An analysis of five papers

Learning Organization

2009 | journal-article

Effects of two common polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated regions of estrogen receptor β on mRNA stability and translatability

BMC Genetics

2009 | journal-article

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

Social, Managerial, and Organizational Dimensions of Enterprise Information Systems

2009 | book

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems

2009 | journal-article


The Learning Organization

2009 | journal-article

Microarray analysis of altered gene expression in ERβ-overexpressing HEK293 cells


2009 | journal-article

Transient type 1 pseudo-hypoaldosteronism: Report on an eight-patient series and literature review

Pediatric Nephrology

2009 | journal-article

Congenital nephrotic syndrome

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

2008 | journal-article

Effects of estrogen on gene expression profiles in mouse hypothalamus and white adipose tissue: Target genes include glutathione peroxides 3 and cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor, α-subunit-like effector A

Journal of Endocrinology

2008 | journal-article

Functional requirements for user-interface architectures for Virtual Enterprise dynamic reconfiguration

Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

2008 | book

Virtual environments for dynamically reconfigurable Concurrent/Collaborative Engineering "virtual" teams

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2008 | journal-article

A changed economy with unchanged universities? A contribution to the university of the future

International Journal of Distance Education Technologies

2007 | journal-article

Chaordic systems thinking for novelty in contemporary manufacturing

Cirp Annals-Manufacturing Technology

2007 | journal-article

Functional requirements for user-interface architectures for Virtual Enterprise dynamic reconfiguration

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping: Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing Advanced Research Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

2007 | conference-paper

Reconfigurability of Manufacturing Systems for agility implementation - Part I: Requirements and principles

Digital Enterprise Technology: Perspectives and Future Challenges

2007 | book

Technologies to support the market of resources as an infrastructure for agile/virtual enterprise integration

Agent and Web Service Technologies in Virtual Enterprises

2007 | book

The interaction of ETV6 (TEL) and TIP60 requires a functional histone acetyltransferase domain in TIP60

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease

2007 | journal-article

Towards Ubiquitous Production Systems and Enterprises

2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8

2007 | book

Agile virtual enterprises: Implementation and management support

Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management Support

2006 | book

BM_Virtual Enterprise Architecture Reference Model for Concurrent Engineering and Product Improvement: An Experiment

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book

Enterprise reconfiguration dynamics and business alignment

Adaptive Technologies and Business Integration: Social, Managerial and Organizational Dimensions

2006 | book

Environments for virtual enterprise integration

Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions

2006 | book

Identification of the domain of opportunities for a market of resources for virtual enterprise integration

International Journal of Production Research

2006 | journal-article

Market of Resources as an enabler of (inter-)organizational reconfiguration dynamics

Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems

2006 | book-chapter

Mutations in the Wilms' tumor 1 gene cause isolated steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome and occur in exons 8 and 9

Pediatric Research

2006 | journal-article

On formal theories and formalisms for Virtual Enterprises

Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems

2006 | book-chapter

Performance measures, benchmarking and best practices in the new economy

Benchmarking: An International Journal

2006 | journal-article


Adaptive Technologies and Business Integration: Social, Managerial and Organizational Dimensions

2006 | book


Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions

2006 | book

Reconfigurable manufacturing network: An educational test-bed

Annals of DAAAM for 2006 & Proceedings of the 17th International DAAAM Symposium: INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING & AUTOMATION: FOCUS ON MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICS

2006 | book

Reconfigurable manufacturing network: An educational test-bed

Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

2006 | conference-paper

User-interface Architectures for VE Dynamic Reconfiguration: An Initial Analysis

Intelligent Production Machines and Systems - 2nd I*PROMS Virtual International Conference 3-14 July 2006

2006 | book

A different view of learning and knowledge creation in collaborative networks

Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments

2005 | book-chapter

A different view of learning and knowledge creation in collaborative networks

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | book

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing Systems

2005 | book-chapter

A formal theory of BM virtual enterprises structures

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

2005 | book

Analyses of the resources system selection algorithms for agile/virtual enterprises integration through genetic algorithms

WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications

2005 | journal-article

BM_virtual enterprise: A model for dynamics and virtuality

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Broker performance for agile/virtual enterprise integration

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Business alignment requirements and dynamic organizations

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Information technology infrastructure and solutions

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Market of resources as a knowledge management enabler in VE

Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management

2005 | book

Market of resources as a virtual enterprise integration enabler

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

On the dynamics of Agile/Virtual Enterprise reconfiguration

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2005 | journal-article


Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Virtual enterprise integration: Challenges of a new paradigm

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Virtual enterprise integration: Technological and organizational perspectives

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Chaordic systems thinking for learning organizations : Reflections and some suggestions for use

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Chaos, complexity, learning, and the learning organization: Towards a chaordic enterprise

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Introduction-“Chaordic systems thinking” for learning organizations

The Learning Organization

2004 | journal-article

Trends and solutions in virtual enterprise integration

Innovations Through Information Technology, Vols 1 and 2

2004 | book

Concurrent engineering based on BM_VEARM for development of infrastructure for distance learning

Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering

2003 | book

Brokerage function in agile virtual enterprise integration - A literature review

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

Discussion on requirements for agile virtual enterprises reconfigurability dynamics: The example of the automotive industry

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

Mechatronics education at the University of Minho: a summary of the present; perspectives for the future


2002 | journal-article

Part I – Towards an OPIM system: manufacturing SME organisation for the future

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2002 | journal-article

Part II – Towards an OPIM system: results of the OPIM system design simulation and an applicability analysis

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

2002 | journal-article

Team work for concurrent engineering in Agile/Virtual Enterprise by BM_Virtual Enterprise architecture reference model

Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises

2002 | book-chapter

A multi-agent based cell controller

Etfa 2001: 8th Ieee International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vol 2, Proceedings

2001 | book

A multi-agent based cell controller

IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA

2001 | journal-article

Involvement of multiple genetic loci in Staphylococcus aureus teicoplanin resistance

FEMS Microbiology Letters

2001 | journal-article

Teleradiology at Military Medical Academy: Present and future

Archive of Oncology

2001 | journal-article

A contribution to algebraic approach for a CAD/CAPP specification

Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing: Multi-Agent Systems and Virtual Organization

1998 | book

Electrocardiography and echocardiography in the diagnosis of chronic cor pulmonale,Elektrokardiografija i ehokardiografija u dijagnostici hronicnog plućnog srca.

Medicinski pregled

1998 | journal-article

Man-Machine Interface for remote programming and control of NC machine tools at the task level: An example

Mechatronics '98

1998 | book

Manufacturing system simulation model synthesis: Towards application of inductive inference

Re-Engineering for Sustainable Industrial Production

1997 | book

Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients in a human immunodeficiency virus cohort in Switzerland

Journal of Clinical Microbiology

1997 | journal-article

Virtual enterprise OPIM concepts: An institutionalization framework

Balanced Automation Systems Ii: Implementation Challenges for Anthropocentric Manufacturing

1996 | book

32Si in limestone aquifers

Chemical Geology

1995 | journal-article


Moving toward Expert Systems Globally in the 21st Century

1994 | book

Some aspects of application of waste polymer materials as a coalescence medium for oily wastewater treatment

Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)

1992 | journal-article


Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

1989 | journal-article

(Principal features of the development of manufacturing structure in developing countries).,Hlavni rysy vyvoje struktury vyroby v rozvojovych zemich.

Ekonomicky Casopis

1984 | journal-article

EPR linewidth anisotropies of CsMnBr3 and RbMnBr3

Solid State Communications

1980 | journal-article

A Dimeric Naphthyl Hydride Derivative of Zirconocene. Synthesis, Structure, and Chemical Properties

Journal of the American Chemical Society

1979 | journal-article

Electron resonance linewidth anisotropy of CsMnCl3

Solid State Communications

1978 | journal-article

Metal Clusters in Catalysis. 15.1a A Structural and Chemical Study of a Dinuclear Metal Complex, [η3-C3H5Fe(CO)3]2

Journal of the American Chemical Society

1978 | journal-article


Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

1978 | book

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 7. Magnon Sidebands in the Electronic Absorption Spectra of CsCoCl3 and RbCoCl3

Inorganic Chemistry

1977 | journal-article

Physical Properties Of Linear-Chain Systems. 5. Optical Spectrum of (CH3)4NMnBr3(TMMB)

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 4. Optical Spectrum of RbMnBr3

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. 6. Single-Crystal Absorption Spectra of RbCrCl3 and CsCrCl3

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. III. Absorption Spectra of RbFeBr3, CsFeBr3, RbFeCl3, CsFeCl3, and (CsMg1-xFexCl3)

Inorganic Chemistry

1976 | journal-article

Physical Properties of Linear-Chain Systems. II. Optical Spectrum of CsMnBr3

Inorganic Chemistry

1975 | journal-article

Comparative study of the eye response in horses sensitized by conventional methods and by way of the anterior eye chamber,Uporedna ispitivanja reakcija oka konja senzibilisanih klasicnim nacinom i putem prednje ocne komore.

Glas. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje medicinskih nauka

1971 | journal-article


Acta medica Iugoslavica

1964 | journal-article

Whooping cough in an infectious disease clinic in Sarajevo during the past 3 years

Medicinski arhiv

1962 | journal-article

A rapid method for the determination of copper in serum and urine.

Glasnik. Belgrad. Higijenski institut NR Srbije

1961 | journal-article

Surgical treatment of rectal carcinoma and its results.,O operativnom lecenju i rezultatima kod carcinoma recti.

Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica

1955 | journal-article

In memory of dr. Ratko Zamurović.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Role of bacterial flora in strangulation in ileus,Uloga bakteriske crevne flore kod strangulacionog ileusa

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Surgery of varicose veins.,Operativno le6cenje pro6sirenih vena.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Treatment of varicose veins with injections.,Le6cenje pro6sirenih vena injekcijama.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

Varicose thrombophlebitis.,Varikozni tromboflebit.

Medicinski pregled

1954 | journal-article

A case of duodenopancreatectomy.,Duodeno-pancreatectomia.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Hydatid cyst of the gallbladder.,Ehinokok ciste u 6zu6cnoj kesi.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

1953 | journal-article

In memoriam Dr. Nestor Teodorovic, 1895-1953.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Not Available,Noma.

Medicinski pregled

1953 | journal-article

Perforation of intestinal tract caused by the swallowed foreign body.,Progutano strano telo kao uzrok perforacije intestinalnog trakta.

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

1953 | journal-article

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