Algoritmi | User | Flávio Arthur Oliveira Santos

Flávio Arthur Oliveira Santos

Flávio Arthur Oliveira Santos

At Algoritmi

Assistant Researcher with MSc

Member of the CST R&D Group

Member of the ISLab R&D Lab

Academic Degree


Current Position

Other at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID

FCT Public Key


Ciência ID


Google Scholar






Q1 / Q2


Computational experiments with cellular-automata generated images reveal intrinsic limitations of convolutional neural networks on pattern recognition tasks

APL Machine Learning

2024 | journal-article

Image Classification Understanding with Model Inspector Tool

2023 | book-chapter

Towards Background and Foreground Color Robustness with Adversarial Right for the Right Reasons

2023 | book-chapter

Weakness Evaluation on In-Vehicle Violence Detection: An Assessment of X3D, C2D and I3D against FGSM and PGD


2022 | journal-article

Combining deep learning model compression techniques

IEEE Latin America Transactions

2022 | journal-article

Neural Network eXplainable AI Based on Paraconsistent Analysis - an Initial Approach

2022 | book-chapter

Neural Network Explainable AI Based on Paraconsistent Analysis: An Extension


2021 | journal-article

A Hybrid Post Hoc Interpretability Approach for Deep Neural Networks

2021 | book-chapter

Comparison of Transfer Learning Behaviour in Violence Detection with Different Public Datasets

2021 | book-chapter

Efficient Violence Detection Using Transfer Learning

2021 | book-chapter

In-Car Violence Detection Based on the Audio Signal

2021 | book-chapter

Modelling a Deep Learning Framework for Recognition of Human Actions on Video

2021 | book-chapter

Review of Trends in Automatic Human Activity Recognition Using Synthetic Audio-Visual Data

2020 | book-chapter

Active Image Data Augmentation

2019 | book-chapter

Init End Change Value

Computational experiments with cellular-automata generated images reveal intrinsic limitations of convolutional neural networks on pattern recognition tasks

APL Machine Learning

2024 | journal-article

Image Classification Understanding with Model Inspector Tool

2023 | book-chapter

Towards Background and Foreground Color Robustness with Adversarial Right for the Right Reasons

2023 | book-chapter

Weakness Evaluation on In-Vehicle Violence Detection: An Assessment of X3D, C2D and I3D against FGSM and PGD


2022 | journal-article

Combining deep learning model compression techniques

IEEE Latin America Transactions

2022 | journal-article

Neural Network eXplainable AI Based on Paraconsistent Analysis - an Initial Approach

2022 | book-chapter

Neural Network Explainable AI Based on Paraconsistent Analysis: An Extension


2021 | journal-article

A Hybrid Post Hoc Interpretability Approach for Deep Neural Networks

2021 | book-chapter

Comparison of Transfer Learning Behaviour in Violence Detection with Different Public Datasets

2021 | book-chapter

Efficient Violence Detection Using Transfer Learning

2021 | book-chapter

In-Car Violence Detection Based on the Audio Signal

2021 | book-chapter

Modelling a Deep Learning Framework for Recognition of Human Actions on Video

2021 | book-chapter

Review of Trends in Automatic Human Activity Recognition Using Synthetic Audio-Visual Data

2020 | book-chapter

Active Image Data Augmentation

2019 | book-chapter

Start End Term Value
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