Synthetic Intelligence group (ISLab)

Synthetic Intelligence group (ISLab)

ISLab has the vision that intelligent solutions should focus on being useful to the environment where they are integrated. Thus, Synthetic Intelligence is seen as a way of promoting innovation and providing solutions, to society and institutions, in real domains. Currently, the group engages in projects of various kinds, from Computational Sustainability to Ambient Intelligence, in which well-being and sustainability are areas that stand out.

The main lines of research that have been pursued in the last years, despite being naturally different, share some core ideas that bind them:

  • The use of techniques from Artificial Intelligence/Intelligent Systems;
  • The use of non-invasive and non-intrusive approaches.

In the last years, the group has been applying these ideas in specific domains, always with a very practical sense of solving existing problems. Specifically, the group has acquired competences, namely in the following fields:

  • Intelligent Systems;
  • Machine Learning;
  • Ambient Intelligence;
  • Behavioural Analysis;
  • Computational Sustainability and Smart Cities;
  • Medical Informatics;
  • Applications of Synthetic Intelligence;
  • Ethics, Privacy and Data Protection.

ISLab leader: Paulo Novais

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Recent ISLab Publications: