Information Systems and Technologies for Transformation of Organizations and Society (ISTTOS)

ISTTOS is a research group within the Information Systems and Technologies (IST) R&D line. ISTTOS stands for Information Systems and Technologies for Transformation of Organizations and Society. The group focus on understanding the adoption, use and exploration of Information Technology (IT) in organizational/social contexts and on developing grounded design knowledge (e.g., methods, techniques, tools) for the activities of Information Systems and Technologies (IST) professionals (mainly, designers of human activity systems that aim at realizing the benefits of IT and managers of IT-related resources that aim at assuring that IT resources contribute to the well-being of the embracing human activity systems).
ISTTOS research outcomes include:
– Models and theories about the role of information and knowledge in human activities;
– Models and theories about IT in work contexts, and the dynamics of its adoption and use;
– Assessing the impact of IST approaches and technologies on organizational and societal traits such as collective intelligence, agility, resilience, transparency and citizen empowerment;
– Models and theories about phenomena relevant to IST professional activities, i.e., activities that involve engineering and/or management of IT and IS;
– Improvements to existing methods and practices for activities related to information and information systems engineering and management;
– Methodological approaches and IT tools that foster organizational and business development, knowledge creation and application, IS/IT security, organizational government, and governance;
– Innovative IT applications capable of enhancing existing work practices or enabling new ones.
Due to the nature of its R&D objects and goals, ISTTOS research is typically multidisciplinary often depending on combinations of research methods and approaches from the social sciences and from technical areas.
ISTTOS leader: Rui Manuel Dinis Sousa
Recent ISTTOS Publications: