Ramón Dueñas finaliza o seu Doutoramento
Tema da Tese: ‘Tutoría Inteligente para mejorar los Resultados de Aprendizaje. Un enfoque en Inteligencia Ambiente’
Autor: Ramón Alfredo Toala Dueñas
Orientadores: Paulo Novais; Dalila Durães
Data: 04/05/2022
Programa Doutoral: Informática
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) aims to adapt to the student’s profile, applying the techniques that best suit each of them to obtain better learning results. Some of the tutors on the market only assess the student’s emotional state at the end of the work sessions, which alone is not enough to improve learning.
However, many existing platforms do not consider the student’s profile and emotional state, making the system very rigid. The ideal would be to have a system that monitors students’ profiles and emotions with intelligent environments and affective computing to improve learning.
This work aims to consider the student’s interaction with the system, relating emotions, and behaviour, applying techniques that best adapt to obtain the best learning results.
The proposed system is based on the basic structure of an ITS (Domain, Student, Tutor, and Interface). The main objective is to create a network with different modules. Each module will be responsible for monitoring and classifying mood, emotions, and student involvement in learning.
The system has two functions. The first will analyze the student’s profile on this way to learn. The second will analyze the student’s execution of tasks, such as the time needed to finish the activities, the grades obtained, the mistakes made, etc. At the same time, the functionality of peripheral devices is also monitored and analyzed. The use of the mouse and keyboard is supervised to determine anxiety, attention, and performance. All these functions allow the system to automatically adapt each student’s tasks to improve the student’s results and involvement.
Keywords: Intelligent Tutor, Environmental Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, learning improvements, emotions