Algoritmi | User | Vaibhav Shah

Vaibhav Shah

Vaibhav Shah

At Algoritmi

Researcher with PhD

Member of the IEM R&D Group

Academic Degree


Current Position

Invited Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


Spatial Visual Feedback for Robotic Arc-Welding Enforced by Inductive Machine Learning

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

2024 | journal-article

Analysing Impact of the Digitalization on Visual Inspection Process in Smartphone Manufacturing by Using Computer Vision

2022 | book-chapter

Evaluating the Statistical Process Control Data Acquisition System in a Heat Exchanger Factory

2022 | book-chapter

An Intelligent Scheduling System Architecture for Manufacturing Systems Based on I4.0 Requirements

2021 | book-chapter

Machine learning in cyber-physical systems and manufacturing singularity – it does not mean total automation, human is still in the centre Part ii – in-cps and a view from community on industry 4.0 impact on society

Journal of Machine Engineering

2021 | journal-article

New Performance Metrics for Offline Content-Based TV Recommender System

2021 | book

Machine learning in cyber-physical systems and manufacturing singularity – it does not mean total automation, human is still in the centre: Part i – manufacturing singularity and an intelligent machine architecture

Journal of Machine Engineering

2020 | journal-article

Machine learning based manufacturing control system for intelligent cyber-physical systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

A Road Condition Service Based on a Collaborative Mobile Sensing Approach

2018 | conference-paper

Disruptive data visualization towards zero-defects diagnostics

2018 | conference-paper

Group Characteristics and Task Accuracy in Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing as Collaborative Environment

2018 | book

Road anomalies detection system evaluation

Sensors (Switzerland)

2018 | journal-article

A Cloud-Based Architecture with embedded Pragmatics Renderer for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Anomaly Detection in Roads with a Data Mining Approach

2017 | conference-paper

Collaborative portal for supporting manufacturing resources selection in a global market

2017 | book

Interfaces for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing as collaborative environment

2017 | book

Analysing the correlation between social network analysis measures and performance of students in social network-based engineering education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education

2016 | journal-article

Interface for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing: Manufacturing and education sectors led view

2016 | book

Software tools for understanding grammatical inference algorithms: Part I - tools for regular grammars and finite-state automata

FME Transactions

2016 | journal-article

Interfaces for Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing: Working Individually or in Collaborative Group?

2015 | conference-paper

Smart objects embedded production and quality management functions

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

2014 | book

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

FME Transactions

2014 | journal-article

Cloudlet architecture for dashboard in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

2013 | conference-paper

Human-computer interactions and user interfaces for remote control of manufacturing systems

FME Transactions

2013 | journal-article

Meta-organization and manufacturing Web 3.0 for ubiquitous virtual enterprise of manufacturing SMEs: A framework

2013 | conference-paper

A review of agile and lean manufacturing as issues in selected international and national research and development programs and roadmaps

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Effective service dynamic packages for ubiquitous manufacturing system

2012 | book

Prototype multiplex communication system for remote control of machine tools

2012 | book

Contribution to Automatic Synthesis of Formal Theories for Production Systems and Virtual Enterprises

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2009-10 to 2013-09 | SFRH/BD/62313/2009

Init End Change Value

Spatial Visual Feedback for Robotic Arc-Welding Enforced by Inductive Machine Learning

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

2024 | journal-article

Analysing Impact of the Digitalization on Visual Inspection Process in Smartphone Manufacturing by Using Computer Vision

2022 | book-chapter

Evaluating the Statistical Process Control Data Acquisition System in a Heat Exchanger Factory

2022 | book-chapter

An Intelligent Scheduling System Architecture for Manufacturing Systems Based on I4.0 Requirements

2021 | book-chapter

Machine learning in cyber-physical systems and manufacturing singularity – it does not mean total automation, human is still in the centre Part ii – in-cps and a view from community on industry 4.0 impact on society

Journal of Machine Engineering

2021 | journal-article

New Performance Metrics for Offline Content-Based TV Recommender System

2021 | book

Machine learning in cyber-physical systems and manufacturing singularity – it does not mean total automation, human is still in the centre: Part i – manufacturing singularity and an intelligent machine architecture

Journal of Machine Engineering

2020 | journal-article

Machine learning based manufacturing control system for intelligent cyber-physical systems

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

A Road Condition Service Based on a Collaborative Mobile Sensing Approach

2018 | conference-paper

Disruptive data visualization towards zero-defects diagnostics

2018 | conference-paper

Group Characteristics and Task Accuracy in Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing as Collaborative Environment

2018 | book

Road anomalies detection system evaluation

Sensors (Switzerland)

2018 | journal-article

A Cloud-Based Architecture with embedded Pragmatics Renderer for Ubiquitous and Cloud Manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2017 | journal-article

Anomaly Detection in Roads with a Data Mining Approach

2017 | conference-paper

Collaborative portal for supporting manufacturing resources selection in a global market

2017 | book

Interfaces for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing as collaborative environment

2017 | book

Analysing the correlation between social network analysis measures and performance of students in social network-based engineering education

International Journal of Technology and Design Education

2016 | journal-article

Interface for distributed remote user controlled manufacturing: Manufacturing and education sectors led view

2016 | book

Software tools for understanding grammatical inference algorithms: Part I - tools for regular grammars and finite-state automata

FME Transactions

2016 | journal-article

Interfaces for Distributed Remote User Controlled Manufacturing: Working Individually or in Collaborative Group?

2015 | conference-paper

Smart objects embedded production and quality management functions

International Journal for Quality Research

2015 | journal-article

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

2014 | book

Dashboard services for pragmatics-based interoperability in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

International Journal of Web Portals

2014 | journal-article

Representational fidelity in distributed and remote lab environment

FME Transactions

2014 | journal-article

Cloudlet architecture for dashboard in cloud and ubiquitous manufacturing

2013 | conference-paper

Human-computer interactions and user interfaces for remote control of manufacturing systems

FME Transactions

2013 | journal-article

Meta-organization and manufacturing Web 3.0 for ubiquitous virtual enterprise of manufacturing SMEs: A framework

2013 | conference-paper

A review of agile and lean manufacturing as issues in selected international and national research and development programs and roadmaps

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Effective service dynamic packages for ubiquitous manufacturing system

2012 | book

Prototype multiplex communication system for remote control of machine tools

2012 | book

Contribution to Automatic Synthesis of Formal Theories for Production Systems and Virtual Enterprises

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2009-10 to 2013-09 | SFRH/BD/62313/2009

Start End Term Value
This user account status is Approved