Algoritmi | User | Sérgio Adriano Fernandes Lopes

Sérgio Adriano Fernandes Lopes

Sérgio Adriano Fernandes Lopes
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage Email
0000-0002-8960-8498Researcher ID
B-4090-2008Ciência ID
3F1D-6328-75D1Google Scholar
46Q1 / Q2
1About Me
Assistant Professor at University of Minho, Portugal, since 2008, with teaching activities predominantly on computer programming, including aspects of software architecture and design. The main research area is computer science with a focus on software design and reuse. A software metamodel, specified in UML, was created and applied to the development of frameworks and libraries for domains such as products classification, state machines, and video cameras. Most of them are infrastructure or middleware frameworks. This research includes programming techniques and how they can be used to facilitate reuse, with emphasis on object-oriented techniques and the concept of component. More recently, the focus on reusability started to encompass efficiency and performance concerns, with development of frameworks for web and mobile applications addressing two concerns. The work carried out in the context of projects has been mostly software development, typically monitoring and automation systems based on a server and web- and mobile- clients, and embedded systems based on microcontrollers.
Publications (32)
State of the Art in Electric Batteries’ State-of-Health (SoH) Estimation with Machine Learning: A Review
2025 | journal-article
Open-Source Data Logger System for Real-Time Monitoring and Fault Detection in Bench Testing
2024 | journal-article
Software-Defined Platform for Global Navigation Satellite System Antenna Array Development and Testing
Applied Sciences
2024 | journal-article
An Efficient Adaptive Data-Link-Layer Architecture for LoRa Networks
Future Internet
2023 | journal-article
Editorial: Wireless Networks and IoT Applications
Mobile Networks and Applications
2023 | journal-article
Web Scraping Method for Extracting Search Results’ Data: Implementation for Airbnb Experiences
2023 | book-chapter
A dataflow execution engine for automatic visual inspection of production lines
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2022 | conference-paper
Documentation-driven GUI development for integration of image processing libraries
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
2022 | conference-paper
Environmental Parameters Monitoring System with an Application Interface for Smartphone
2022 | book-chapter
Science Mapping on Tourism and Technology: A Bibliometric Approach
2022 | book-chapter
Cost Effective CTD for Long Term Deployments in Water Columns
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)
2021 | conference-paper
Science and Technologies for Smart Cities
Springer International Publishing
2021 | book
EDGE4ALL: Edge Computing for Smart City
2020 | book-chapter
Preface S-cube 2019
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
Science and Technologies for Smart Cities
Henrique Santos, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Matthias Budde, Sérgio F. Lopes, Predrag Nikolic
2020 | edited-book
Yet a smarter irrigation system
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
A four-probe salinity sensor optimized for long-term autonomous marine deployments
OCEANS 2019 - Marseille
2019 | conference-paper
An adaptive serious game of statistics: Project development and mechanisms
Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference, 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Serious Game for Teaching Statistics in Higher Education: Storyboard Design
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2019 | book
A mind-mapping front-end for text writing
Proceedings - IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2018
2018 | conference-paper
A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Library for simplified timer implementation using standard C++
ICINCO 2015 - 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Development of a library for clients of ONVIF video cameras: Challenges and solutions
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2013 | conference-paper
UMOC - A C library for clients of ONVIF network video transmitters: Library design and device discovery support
ICINCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2013 | conference-paper
An easy-to-use and flexible object-oriented framework for extended finite state machines
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
2012 | conference-paper
Framework characteristics - A starting point for addressing reuse difficulties
4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2009, Includes SEDES 2009: Simposio para Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software
2009 | conference-paper
An architectural model for small-scale component-oriented frameworks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Design and description of a classification system framework for easier reuse
Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems
2007 | conference-paper
Instantiation of a Classification System Framework that facilitates reuse
Journal of Software
2007 | journal-article
Application development by reusing object-oriented frameworks
EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool
2005 | conference-paper
Development of embedded systems using oort: A case study
Design of Embedded Control Systems
2005 | book
Simulation and targeting using OORT
2001 | book
Fundings (5)
Portal multilingue para línguas de especialidade: extração de recursos bilingues a partir de dados em acesso aberto/ Multilingual Portal for Specialized Languages: mining open data for cross-language information retrieval
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-11 to 2022-11 | PTDC/LLT-LIG/31113/2017
Os Desafios Óptimos na Irrigação/ The Optimal Challenges in Irrigation
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018-06 to 2021-05 | PTDC/MAT-APL/28247/2017
Sistema Inteligente de Alerta Climático para Água e Agricultura Sustentáveis/ Climate Alert Smart System for Sustainable Water and Agriculture
2017-09 to 2021-02 | ERA4CS/0004/2016
NextSea Next generation monitoring of coastal ecosystems in a scenario of global change
2016-07 to 2019-06 | NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032
Integration of ONVIF communication protocols for IP cameras
2011- to 2012- | FEDER/ON2, Vale I&DT nº 2011/1869
Init | End | Change | Value | |
6,18E+15 | ||||
17/01/2023 20:10 |
State of the Art in Electric Batteries’ State-of-Health (SoH) Estimation with Machine Learning: A Review
2025 | journal-article
Open-Source Data Logger System for Real-Time Monitoring and Fault Detection in Bench Testing
2024 | journal-article
Software-Defined Platform for Global Navigation Satellite System Antenna Array Development and Testing
Applied Sciences
2024 | journal-article
An Efficient Adaptive Data-Link-Layer Architecture for LoRa Networks
Future Internet
2023 | journal-article
Editorial: Wireless Networks and IoT Applications
Mobile Networks and Applications
2023 | journal-article
Web Scraping Method for Extracting Search Results’ Data: Implementation for Airbnb Experiences
2023 | book-chapter
A dataflow execution engine for automatic visual inspection of production lines
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2022 | conference-paper
Documentation-driven GUI development for integration of image processing libraries
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
2022 | conference-paper
Environmental Parameters Monitoring System with an Application Interface for Smartphone
2022 | book-chapter
Science Mapping on Tourism and Technology: A Bibliometric Approach
2022 | book-chapter
Cost Effective CTD for Long Term Deployments in Water Columns
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)
2021 | conference-paper
Science and Technologies for Smart Cities
Springer International Publishing
2021 | book
EDGE4ALL: Edge Computing for Smart City
2020 | book-chapter
Preface S-cube 2019
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
Science and Technologies for Smart Cities
Henrique Santos, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Matthias Budde, Sérgio F. Lopes, Predrag Nikolic
2020 | edited-book
Yet a smarter irrigation system
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | book
A four-probe salinity sensor optimized for long-term autonomous marine deployments
OCEANS 2019 - Marseille
2019 | conference-paper
An adaptive serious game of statistics: Project development and mechanisms
Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference, 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Serious Game for Teaching Statistics in Higher Education: Storyboard Design
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2019 | book
A mind-mapping front-end for text writing
Proceedings - IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2018
2018 | conference-paper
A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Library for simplified timer implementation using standard C++
ICINCO 2015 - 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Development of a library for clients of ONVIF video cameras: Challenges and solutions
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2013 | conference-paper
UMOC - A C library for clients of ONVIF network video transmitters: Library design and device discovery support
ICINCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2013 | conference-paper
An easy-to-use and flexible object-oriented framework for extended finite state machines
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
2012 | conference-paper
Framework characteristics - A starting point for addressing reuse difficulties
4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2009, Includes SEDES 2009: Simposio para Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software
2009 | conference-paper
An architectural model for small-scale component-oriented frameworks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Design and description of a classification system framework for easier reuse
Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems
2007 | conference-paper
Instantiation of a Classification System Framework that facilitates reuse
Journal of Software
2007 | journal-article
Application development by reusing object-oriented frameworks
EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool
2005 | conference-paper
Development of embedded systems using oort: A case study
Design of Embedded Control Systems
2005 | book
Simulation and targeting using OORT
2001 | book
Portal multilingue para línguas de especialidade: extração de recursos bilingues a partir de dados em acesso aberto/ Multilingual Portal for Specialized Languages: mining open data for cross-language information retrieval
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-11 to 2022-11 | PTDC/LLT-LIG/31113/2017
Os Desafios Óptimos na Irrigação/ The Optimal Challenges in Irrigation
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018-06 to 2021-05 | PTDC/MAT-APL/28247/2017
Sistema Inteligente de Alerta Climático para Água e Agricultura Sustentáveis/ Climate Alert Smart System for Sustainable Water and Agriculture
2017-09 to 2021-02 | ERA4CS/0004/2016
NextSea Next generation monitoring of coastal ecosystems in a scenario of global change
2016-07 to 2019-06 | NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032
Integration of ONVIF communication protocols for IP cameras
2011- to 2012- | FEDER/ON2, Vale I&DT nº 2011/1869
Start | End | Term | Value | |
6,18E+15 | ||||
17/01/2023 20:10 |