Algoritmi | User | Rui Manuel Ribeiro de Castro Mendes

Rui Manuel Ribeiro de Castro Mendes

Rui Manuel Ribeiro de Castro Mendes
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0002-5321-6863Researcher ID
K-1928-2013Ciência ID
CD1B-9D4E-3D36Google Scholar
4200Q1 / Q2
15About Me
Publications (50)
Cherry-Picking Meta-heuristic Algorithms and Parameters for Real Optimization Problems
2022 | book-chapter
Multi-objective Grammatical Evolution of Decision Trees for Mobile Marketing user conversion prediction
Expert Systems with Applications
2021 | journal-article
Neural Complexity Assessment: A Deep Learning Approach to Readability Classification for European Portuguese Corpora
2021 | book-chapter
Multi-step time series prediction intervals using neuroevolution
Neural Computing and Applications
2020 | journal-article
A realistic scooter rebalancing system via metaheuristics
GECCO 2020 Companion - Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
2020 | conference-paper
A Categorical Clustering of Publishers for Mobile Performance Marketing
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | book
Hunting ancestors: A unified approach for discovering genealogical information
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2019 | conference-paper
Using Deep Learning for Mobile Marketing User Conversion Prediction
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2019 | conference-paper
Using Neuroevolution for Predicting Mobile Marketing Conversion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | book
Using deep learning for ordinal classification of mobile marketing user conversion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | book
A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches for Mobile Marketing User Conversion Prediction
9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018: Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications, IS 2018 - Proceedings
2018 | conference-paper
JBiclustGE: Java API with unified biclustering algorithms for gene expression data analysis
Knowledge-Based Systems
2018 | journal-article
eOS: The exercise operating system
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2018 | conference-paper
Multi-objective learning of neural network time series prediction intervals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2017 | book
An approach towards the reconstruction of regulatory networks
Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette
2016 | journal-article
Reconstructing transcriptional Regulatory Networks using data integration and Text Mining
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Integrating Biological Databases in the Context of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics
2014 | journal-article
Optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes with bio-inspired algorithms
Expert Systems with Applications
2014 | journal-article
Reg4OptFlux: An OptFlux plug-in that comprises meta-heuristics approaches for Metabolic engineering using integrated models
2014 6th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Current trends in bio-ontologies and data integration
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2013 | book
A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks
8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, BIBE 2008
2008 | conference-paper
An integrated analysis of the metabolic and regulatory networks of escherichia coli K12
2008 | journal-article
Differential evolution for the offline and online optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes
Studies in Computational Intelligence
2008 | book
Natural computation meta-heuristics for the in silico optimization of microbial strains
Bmc Bioinformatics
2008 | journal-article
Network analysis of an integrated metabolic/regulatory model of Escherichia coli
2008 | journal-article
A platform for the selection of genes in DNA microarraydata using evolutionary algorithms
Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
2007 | conference-paper
Evaluating simulated annealing algorithms in the optimization of bacterial strains
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Stochastic barycenters and beta distribution for gaussian particle swarms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
A comparison of algorithms for the optimization of fermentation processes
2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2006
2006 | conference-paper
Neighborhood topologies in fully informed and best-of-neighborhood particle swarms
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on
2006 | journal-article
DynDE: A Differential Evolution for dynamic optimization problems
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2005. Proceedings
2005 | conference-paper
DynDE: a differential evolution for dynamic optimization problems
2005 Ieee Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-3, Proceedings
2005 | journal-article
Neighborhood re-structuring in particle swarm optimization
Ai 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
2005 | book-chapter
Neighborhood re-structuring in particle swarm optimization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
An architecture for co-evolving agents in the ROBOCUP Simulation League
2004 | journal-article
Population topologies and their influence in particle swarm performance
2004 | journal-article
The fully informed particle swarm: Simpler, maybe better
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2004 | journal-article
What makes a successful society? Experiments with population topologies in particle swarms
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Sbia 2004
2004 | book-chapter
What makes a successful society?: Experiments with population topologies in particle swarms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Avoiding the pitfalls of local optima: how topologies can save the day
2003 | journal-article
Neighborhood topologies in fully-informed and best-of-neighborhood particle swarms
SMCia 2003 - Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications
2003 | conference-paper
Watch thy neighbor or how the swarm can learn from its environment
Proceedings of the 2003 Ieee Swarm Intelligence Symposium (Sis 03)
2003 | journal-article
Particle swarms for feedforward neural network training
Proceeding of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vols 1-3
2002 | book-chapter
Particle swarms for feedforward neural network training
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2002 | conference-paper
Population structure and particle swarm performance
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2002
2002 | conference-paper
A parallel architecture for solving constraint satisfaction problems
Proceedings of Metaheuristics International Conference 2001
2001 | journal-article
Sitting guests at a wedding party: Experiments on genetic and evolutionary constrained optimization
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC
2001 | conference-paper
Sitting guests at a wedding party: Experiments on genetic and evolutionary constrained optimization
Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2
2001 | journal-article
Moving Toward Expert Systems Globally in the 21st Century
1994 | journal-article
A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks
| conference-paper
Init | End | Change | Value |
Cherry-Picking Meta-heuristic Algorithms and Parameters for Real Optimization Problems
2022 | book-chapter
Multi-objective Grammatical Evolution of Decision Trees for Mobile Marketing user conversion prediction
Expert Systems with Applications
2021 | journal-article
Neural Complexity Assessment: A Deep Learning Approach to Readability Classification for European Portuguese Corpora
2021 | book-chapter
Multi-step time series prediction intervals using neuroevolution
Neural Computing and Applications
2020 | journal-article
A realistic scooter rebalancing system via metaheuristics
GECCO 2020 Companion - Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
2020 | conference-paper
A Categorical Clustering of Publishers for Mobile Performance Marketing
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | book
Hunting ancestors: A unified approach for discovering genealogical information
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2019 | conference-paper
Using Deep Learning for Mobile Marketing User Conversion Prediction
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2019 | conference-paper
Using Neuroevolution for Predicting Mobile Marketing Conversion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | book
Using deep learning for ordinal classification of mobile marketing user conversion
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | book
A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches for Mobile Marketing User Conversion Prediction
9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems 2018: Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications, IS 2018 - Proceedings
2018 | conference-paper
JBiclustGE: Java API with unified biclustering algorithms for gene expression data analysis
Knowledge-Based Systems
2018 | journal-article
eOS: The exercise operating system
OpenAccess Series in Informatics
2018 | conference-paper
Multi-objective learning of neural network time series prediction intervals
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2017 | book
An approach towards the reconstruction of regulatory networks
Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette
2016 | journal-article
Reconstructing transcriptional Regulatory Networks using data integration and Text Mining
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Integrating Biological Databases in the Context of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics
2014 | journal-article
Optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes with bio-inspired algorithms
Expert Systems with Applications
2014 | journal-article
Reg4OptFlux: An OptFlux plug-in that comprises meta-heuristics approaches for Metabolic engineering using integrated models
2014 6th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014
2014 | conference-paper
Current trends in bio-ontologies and data integration
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2013 | book
A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks
8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, BIBE 2008
2008 | conference-paper
An integrated analysis of the metabolic and regulatory networks of escherichia coli K12
2008 | journal-article
Differential evolution for the offline and online optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes
Studies in Computational Intelligence
2008 | book
Natural computation meta-heuristics for the in silico optimization of microbial strains
Bmc Bioinformatics
2008 | journal-article
Network analysis of an integrated metabolic/regulatory model of Escherichia coli
2008 | journal-article
A platform for the selection of genes in DNA microarraydata using evolutionary algorithms
Proceedings of GECCO 2007: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
2007 | conference-paper
Evaluating simulated annealing algorithms in the optimization of bacterial strains
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
Stochastic barycenters and beta distribution for gaussian particle swarms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2007 | book
A comparison of algorithms for the optimization of fermentation processes
2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2006
2006 | conference-paper
Neighborhood topologies in fully informed and best-of-neighborhood particle swarms
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on
2006 | journal-article
DynDE: A Differential Evolution for dynamic optimization problems
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2005. Proceedings
2005 | conference-paper
DynDE: a differential evolution for dynamic optimization problems
2005 Ieee Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-3, Proceedings
2005 | journal-article
Neighborhood re-structuring in particle swarm optimization
Ai 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
2005 | book-chapter
Neighborhood re-structuring in particle swarm optimization
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2005 | book
An architecture for co-evolving agents in the ROBOCUP Simulation League
2004 | journal-article
Population topologies and their influence in particle swarm performance
2004 | journal-article
The fully informed particle swarm: Simpler, maybe better
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
2004 | journal-article
What makes a successful society? Experiments with population topologies in particle swarms
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - Sbia 2004
2004 | book-chapter
What makes a successful society?: Experiments with population topologies in particle swarms
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | book
Avoiding the pitfalls of local optima: how topologies can save the day
2003 | journal-article
Neighborhood topologies in fully-informed and best-of-neighborhood particle swarms
SMCia 2003 - Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications
2003 | conference-paper
Watch thy neighbor or how the swarm can learn from its environment
Proceedings of the 2003 Ieee Swarm Intelligence Symposium (Sis 03)
2003 | journal-article
Particle swarms for feedforward neural network training
Proceeding of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vols 1-3
2002 | book-chapter
Particle swarms for feedforward neural network training
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2002 | conference-paper
Population structure and particle swarm performance
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2002
2002 | conference-paper
A parallel architecture for solving constraint satisfaction problems
Proceedings of Metaheuristics International Conference 2001
2001 | journal-article
Sitting guests at a wedding party: Experiments on genetic and evolutionary constrained optimization
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC
2001 | conference-paper
Sitting guests at a wedding party: Experiments on genetic and evolutionary constrained optimization
Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2
2001 | journal-article
Moving Toward Expert Systems Globally in the 21st Century
1994 | journal-article
A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks
| conference-paper
Start | End | Term | Value | |