Algoritmi | User | José Dinis de Araújo Carvalho

José Dinis de Araújo Carvalho

José Dinis de Araújo Carvalho

At Algoritmi

Senior Researcher with Dr habil

Member of the IEM R&D Group

Member of the LPSL R&D Lab

Academic Degree

Dr habil

Current Position

Associate Professor with Habilitation at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


About Me

Assessment of Performance Measurement Systems’ Ability to Mitigate or Eliminate Typical Barriers Compromising Organisational Sustainability


2024 | journal-article

Sustainability - B Corporation Geo Distribution

2024 | book-chapter

The Contribution of SMED to the Sustainability of Organizations

2024 | book-chapter

The Impact of SMED on Productivity and Safety

2024 | book-chapter

The Sustainable Impact of the Use of Science Based Targets in Organisations

System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment

2023 | journal-article

Science Based Targets and the factors contributing to the sustainable development of an organisation from a Literature review to a conceptual model

Production Engineering Archives

2023 | journal-article

Continuous Improvement in Organizations


2023 | book

Performance Measurement Systems in Continuous Improvement Environments: Obstacles to Their Effectiveness


2023 | journal-article

A New Conceptual Model for Excellence in Business Towards Sustainable Development

Quality Innovation Prosperity

2023 | journal-article

Assessment of the Impact of Lean Tools on the Safety of the Shoemaking Industry


2023 | journal-article

Improving the Performance of a SME in the Cutlery Sector Using Lean Thinking and Digital Transformation


2023 | journal-article

Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic to improve project/service-based learning approaches: findings from Engineering students

Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

2023 | journal-article

Using Simulation to Cell Design

2023 | book-chapter

The Development of an Excellence Model Integrating the Shingo Model and Sustainability


2022 | journal-article

A systematized approach for reduction of medical appointment waiting list


2022 | journal-article

Applying Lean Tools to Improve the Performance of a Small and Medium-Sized Cutlery Company

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

2022 | conference-paper

Brazilian students and working capital: An analysis of their decisions when using virtual market business games

2022 | journal-article

Influence of Gender, Education, Age Group and Time in the Company on the Adoption of New Technologies and their Impact on Continuous Improvement

FME Transactions

2022 | journal-article

Occupational Safety & Ergonomics training of Future Industrial Engineers: A Project-Based Learning Approach

Procedia Computer Science

2022 | conference-paper

Prioritizing Internal Production on MRI Waiting List Management: An Optimization Model

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2022 | book

Project-based learning applied to improve the performance of a family wine bottling unit

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2022 | conference-paper

Reducing Waiting Time for Orthopaedic Consultation Through a Continuous Improvement Approach

2022 | book-chapter

The Impact of Women’s Absenteeism on an Electric Components’ Industry

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2022 | book

WIDEA: Waste Identification Diagram with Ergonomic Assessment—Towards the Integration of Lean and Ergonomics

2022 | book-chapter

Improving the Performance of Student Teams in Project-Based Learning with Scrum

Education Sciences

2021 | journal-article

Melhoria Contínua nas Organizações


2021 | book

Improving hospital operations management to reduce ineffective medical appointments

Cogent Engineering

2021 | journal-article

Modeling, Assessment and Design of an Emergency Department of a Public Hospital through Discrete-Event Simulation

Applied Sciences

2021 | journal-article

A game for process mapping in office and knowledge work

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

An Empirical Study of the Work Conditions and Productive Performance After Collaborative Robotics Implementation in a Manufacturing Assembly Process,ЕМПИРИЈСКА СТУДИЈА УСЛОВА РАДА И ПЕРФОРМАНСИ ПРОДУКТИВНОСТИ ПОСЛЕ ИМПЛЕМЕНТАЦИЈЕ КОЛАБОРАТИВНЕ РОБОТИКЕ У ПРОЦЕСУ ПРОИЗВОДНЕ МОНТАЖЕ

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Data Modelling and Validation of An Emergency Department Simulation Model—A Lean Healthcare Approach

2021 | book-chapter

Implementation of lean in health care environments: an update of systematic reviews

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2021 | journal-article

The role of lean training in lean implementation

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

Toyota Inspired Excellence Models

2021 | book-chapter

A service learning experience with engineering students

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2020 | conference-paper

Continuous Improvement System: Team Members’ Perceptions

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

2020 | book

Optimization model for waiting list management and service continuous improvement

2020 | other

Análise e melhoria de um sistema de melhoria contínua

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação dos Princípios Kata para a melhoria de desempenho dos serviços de uma organização pública brasileira

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Corporate memory in the lean context: Preventing short- andlong-term information loss

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2019 | conference-paper

Development of a continuous improvement process for agile software development teams

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Effectiveness of SCRUM in project based learning: Students view

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Filosofia lean na melhoria do fluxo de pacientes em consulta externa

2019 | dissertation-thesis

How Industry 4.0 can enhance lean practices

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Introducing Scrum in a PBL context

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2019 | conference-paper

Melhoria e duplicação de uma linha de montagem na indústria automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Otimização de células de produção de artigos em alumínio fundido

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Process mapping in a prototype development case

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Redução de desperdícios na montagem final de caixas acústicas

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagram and value stream mapping: A comparative analysis

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2019 | journal-article

Aplicação da metodologia Kaizen numa instituição de ensino superior: processo de aquisição de bens e serviços e processo de formação contínua

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do Toyota KATA para reduzir o consumo de tinta num processo de pintura

2018 | dissertation-thesis

How to apply SCRUM in PBL teams

2018 | conference-paper

How to apply SCRUM in PBL teams

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Implementation of lean principles for performance improvement: Use of VSM+WID for waste identification

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2018 | conference-paper

Implementação de princípios e conceitos de produção Lean numa empresa de molduras

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

2018 | conference-paper

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

2018 | other

Project-based learning as a bridge to the industrial practice

2018 | other

Redução do tempo de setup numa linha de produção de revestimentos de luvas têxteis

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Análise e desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de monitorização de produção

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação da abordagem Lean Six Sigma para reduzir devolução de produtos com blowout

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas Lean numa PME do setor do calçado

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do modelo WID para identificação e redução de desperdício em uma fábrica

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do pensamento lean nas tarefas administrativas em uma organização militar no Brasil

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Applying lean concepts to teaching and learning in higher education: Findings from a pilot study

International Journal of Engineering Education

2017 | journal-article

Combining lean teaching and learning with eduScrum

International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage

2017 | journal-article

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: a successful cooperation with industry


2017 | journal-article

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: a successful cooperation with industry

2017 | journal-article

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies

2017 | other

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies,Implementação de projetos de engenharia e gestão industrial em interação com empresas

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Mapeamento de processos de um setor de compras e implementação de melhorias

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Ten years of project-based learning (PBL) in industrial engineering and management at the University of Minho

PBL in Engineering Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum Change

2017 | book

Waste types in people processing services

Springer International Publishing

2017 | book

A student team project in real context: The team view

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2016 | conference-paper

Aplicação de conceitos Lean e da Gestão de Stocks numa empresa de embelezamento automotivo

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Gamification based lean knowledge dissemination: A case study

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Lean education at University of Minho: Aligning and pulling the right requirements geared on competitive industries

Lean Education: An Overview of Current Issues

2016 | book

Mapeamento do processo de pedido de alterações e implementação de scrum

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Performance enhancing in the manufacturing industry: An improvement KATA application

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Produção e Sistemas (DPS)

2016 | book

Redesign of the production system: A hard decision-making process

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Student’s role in the implementation of a lean teaching and learning model

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2016 | conference-paper

Implementing lean office: A successful case in public sector

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Process mapping improvement: Extending value stream maps with waste identification diagrams

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Production systems redesign in a lean context: A matter of sustainability

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Waste identification diagrams

Production Planning and Control

2015 | journal-article

Workplace ergonomics in lean production environments: A literature review


2015 | journal-article

Moving from job-shop to production cells without losing flexibility: A case study from the wooden frames industry

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

2014 | journal-article

An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education


2013 | journal-article

Aplicação de princípios de Lean Manufacturing numa empresa de metalomecânica pesada

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implantação da Estratégia P2BL na FE/UFJF : relato, análise e avaliação

2013 | conference-paper

Industrial engineering and operations management - special issue

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2013 | journal-article

Project cell: Cellular organization of the building design process

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

2013 | journal-article

A project management framework for planning and executing interdisciplinary learning projects in engineering education

Project Approaches to Learning in Engineering Education: The Practice of Teamwork

2012 | book

Aprendizagem ativa na disciplina Eficiência Energética : um experimento metodológico

2012 | conference-paper

Lean production as promoter of thinkers to achieve companies' agility

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Melhoria da produtividade através da identificação de restrições : caso de estudo - Grupnor Elevadores

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Model of a game for improving integrated decisions in production management

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Project based learning in first year, first semester of industrial engineering and management: Some results

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2012 | conference-paper

Análise e melhoria de uma unidade de produção do ramo automóvel

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Brazilian students and working capital: An analysis of their decisions when using virtual market business games

International Journal of Engineering Education

2011 | journal-article

Identificação de desperdícios numa empresa de enchimento de aerossóis

2011 | dissertation-thesis

SITEBLAST - rapid and sensitive local alignment of genomic sequences employing motif anchors


2011 | journal-article

Third International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2011): aligning engineering education with engineering challenges

2011 | conference-paper

Waste identification diagrams

2011 | conference-paper

Célula de projectos : a organização celular do processo de projecto de edifícios

2010 | dissertation-thesis

Modelo de análise e diagnóstico de uma unidade produtiva

2010 | dissertation-thesis

An industrial application of resource constrained scheduling for quick changeover

IEEM 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2009 | conference-paper

Arquitectura de sistemas de informação para a indústria das serrações de madeiras

2009 | dissertation-thesis

Avaliação do processo de implementação de sistemas de gestão ambiental

2009 | dissertation-thesis

Células administrativas orientadas ao produto: caso de estudo CaetanoBus

2008 | dissertation-thesis

The role of Bill of Materials and Movements (BOMM) in the virtual enterprises environment

International Journal of Production Research

2008 | journal-article

A case study on project led education in engineering: students' and teachers' perceptions

European Journal of Engineering Education

2007 | journal-article

Avaliação da excelência operacional das empresas

2006 | dissertation-thesis

Monitoring and control measures applied to software development,Medidas de acompanhamento e controle aplicadas ao desenvolvimento de software

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Project management methodology applied to digital content production for e-learning,Metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos aplicado à produção de conteúdo digital para e-learning

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Survival mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLANs,Mecanismo de sobrevivência para WLANs IEEE 802.11

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Autonomous Production Systems in virtual enterprises

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2005 | journal-article

Consortium agreement template for virtual enterprises

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity

European Commission

- to 2018-09 | 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293

Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas


2016- to 2017- | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-012663

Balanças Marques: Projeto Conjunto Qualificação Improve It


2016-06 to 2018-03 | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-017050

HOMLean - Hospital Operations Management: a Lean Healthcare Framework


2018-07 to 2021-05 | FCT/COMPETE2020/POCI - Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (IC&DT) - 02/SAICT/2017

Easy Ride – Experience is Everything

Agência Nacional de Inovação

2018-07 to 2021-06 | GRANT_NUMBER: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334

Ibero-Ameican Symposium on Project Approches in Engineering Education - PAEE’2009

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2009-07 to - | 147200947786FAC

Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2021-01 to 2025-12 | 168241UID

Projecto Estratégico - UI 252 - 2011-2012

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2011-01 to 2013-12 | 123480UID

Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020

Projecto Estratégico - UI 252 - 2011-2012

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019

PT SMART RETAIL: Portugal como referência para a nova geração de retalho autónomo e inteligente

Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) através da Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação – IAPMEI, I.P.

2022-01 to 2024-12 |

Continental FoF - Continental AA''s Factory of the Future


- to - | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047512

Init End Change Value
Member Type Senior Researcher
17/01/2023 20:15
Member Type Researcher
Internal Member Type

Assessment of Performance Measurement Systems’ Ability to Mitigate or Eliminate Typical Barriers Compromising Organisational Sustainability


2024 | journal-article

Sustainability - B Corporation Geo Distribution

2024 | book-chapter

The Contribution of SMED to the Sustainability of Organizations

2024 | book-chapter

The Impact of SMED on Productivity and Safety

2024 | book-chapter

The Sustainable Impact of the Use of Science Based Targets in Organisations

System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment

2023 | journal-article

Science Based Targets and the factors contributing to the sustainable development of an organisation from a Literature review to a conceptual model

Production Engineering Archives

2023 | journal-article

Continuous Improvement in Organizations


2023 | book

Performance Measurement Systems in Continuous Improvement Environments: Obstacles to Their Effectiveness


2023 | journal-article

A New Conceptual Model for Excellence in Business Towards Sustainable Development

Quality Innovation Prosperity

2023 | journal-article

Assessment of the Impact of Lean Tools on the Safety of the Shoemaking Industry


2023 | journal-article

Improving the Performance of a SME in the Cutlery Sector Using Lean Thinking and Digital Transformation


2023 | journal-article

Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic to improve project/service-based learning approaches: findings from Engineering students

Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação

2023 | journal-article

Using Simulation to Cell Design

2023 | book-chapter

The Development of an Excellence Model Integrating the Shingo Model and Sustainability


2022 | journal-article

A systematized approach for reduction of medical appointment waiting list


2022 | journal-article

Applying Lean Tools to Improve the Performance of a Small and Medium-Sized Cutlery Company

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

2022 | conference-paper

Brazilian students and working capital: An analysis of their decisions when using virtual market business games

2022 | journal-article

Influence of Gender, Education, Age Group and Time in the Company on the Adoption of New Technologies and their Impact on Continuous Improvement

FME Transactions

2022 | journal-article

Occupational Safety & Ergonomics training of Future Industrial Engineers: A Project-Based Learning Approach

Procedia Computer Science

2022 | conference-paper

Prioritizing Internal Production on MRI Waiting List Management: An Optimization Model

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2022 | book

Project-based learning applied to improve the performance of a family wine bottling unit

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2022 | conference-paper

Reducing Waiting Time for Orthopaedic Consultation Through a Continuous Improvement Approach

2022 | book-chapter

The Impact of Women’s Absenteeism on an Electric Components’ Industry

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

2022 | book

WIDEA: Waste Identification Diagram with Ergonomic Assessment—Towards the Integration of Lean and Ergonomics

2022 | book-chapter

Improving the Performance of Student Teams in Project-Based Learning with Scrum

Education Sciences

2021 | journal-article

Melhoria Contínua nas Organizações


2021 | book

Improving hospital operations management to reduce ineffective medical appointments

Cogent Engineering

2021 | journal-article

Modeling, Assessment and Design of an Emergency Department of a Public Hospital through Discrete-Event Simulation

Applied Sciences

2021 | journal-article

A game for process mapping in office and knowledge work

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

An Empirical Study of the Work Conditions and Productive Performance After Collaborative Robotics Implementation in a Manufacturing Assembly Process,ЕМПИРИЈСКА СТУДИЈА УСЛОВА РАДА И ПЕРФОРМАНСИ ПРОДУКТИВНОСТИ ПОСЛЕ ИМПЛЕМЕНТАЦИЈЕ КОЛАБОРАТИВНЕ РОБОТИКЕ У ПРОЦЕСУ ПРОИЗВОДНЕ МОНТАЖЕ

FME Transactions

2021 | journal-article

Data Modelling and Validation of An Emergency Department Simulation Model—A Lean Healthcare Approach

2021 | book-chapter

Implementation of lean in health care environments: an update of systematic reviews

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2021 | journal-article

The role of lean training in lean implementation

Production Planning and Control

2021 | journal-article

Toyota Inspired Excellence Models

2021 | book-chapter

A service learning experience with engineering students

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2020 | conference-paper

Continuous Improvement System: Team Members’ Perceptions

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

2020 | book

Optimization model for waiting list management and service continuous improvement

2020 | other

Análise e melhoria de um sistema de melhoria contínua

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação dos Princípios Kata para a melhoria de desempenho dos serviços de uma organização pública brasileira

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Corporate memory in the lean context: Preventing short- andlong-term information loss

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

2019 | conference-paper

Development of a continuous improvement process for agile software development teams

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Effectiveness of SCRUM in project based learning: Students view

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Filosofia lean na melhoria do fluxo de pacientes em consulta externa

2019 | dissertation-thesis

How Industry 4.0 can enhance lean practices

FME Transactions

2019 | journal-article

Introducing Scrum in a PBL context

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2019 | conference-paper

Melhoria e duplicação de uma linha de montagem na indústria automóvel

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Otimização de células de produção de artigos em alumínio fundido

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Process mapping in a prototype development case

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

2019 | book

Redução de desperdícios na montagem final de caixas acústicas

2019 | dissertation-thesis

Waste identification diagram and value stream mapping: A comparative analysis

International Journal of Lean Six Sigma

2019 | journal-article

Aplicação da metodologia Kaizen numa instituição de ensino superior: processo de aquisição de bens e serviços e processo de formação contínua

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do Toyota KATA para reduzir o consumo de tinta num processo de pintura

2018 | dissertation-thesis

How to apply SCRUM in PBL teams

2018 | conference-paper

How to apply SCRUM in PBL teams

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Implementation of lean principles for performance improvement: Use of VSM+WID for waste identification

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2018 | conference-paper

Implementação de princípios e conceitos de produção Lean numa empresa de molduras

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

2018 | conference-paper

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2018 | conference-paper

Making PBL teams more effective with Scrum

2018 | other

Project-based learning as a bridge to the industrial practice

2018 | other

Redução do tempo de setup numa linha de produção de revestimentos de luvas têxteis

2018 | dissertation-thesis

Análise e desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de monitorização de produção

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação da abordagem Lean Six Sigma para reduzir devolução de produtos com blowout

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação de ferramentas Lean numa PME do setor do calçado

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do modelo WID para identificação e redução de desperdício em uma fábrica

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Aplicação do pensamento lean nas tarefas administrativas em uma organização militar no Brasil

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Applying lean concepts to teaching and learning in higher education: Findings from a pilot study

International Journal of Engineering Education

2017 | journal-article

Combining lean teaching and learning with eduScrum

International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage

2017 | journal-article

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: a successful cooperation with industry


2017 | journal-article

Development of competences while solving real industrial interdisciplinary problems: a successful cooperation with industry

2017 | journal-article

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies

2017 | other

Implementation of industrial engineering and management projects in interaction with companies,Implementação de projetos de engenharia e gestão industrial em interação com empresas

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2017 | conference-paper

Mapeamento de processos de um setor de compras e implementação de melhorias

2017 | dissertation-thesis

Ten years of project-based learning (PBL) in industrial engineering and management at the University of Minho

PBL in Engineering Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum Change

2017 | book

Waste types in people processing services

Springer International Publishing

2017 | book

A student team project in real context: The team view

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2016 | conference-paper

Aplicação de conceitos Lean e da Gestão de Stocks numa empresa de embelezamento automotivo

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Gamification based lean knowledge dissemination: A case study

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Lean education at University of Minho: Aligning and pulling the right requirements geared on competitive industries

Lean Education: An Overview of Current Issues

2016 | book

Mapeamento do processo de pedido de alterações e implementação de scrum

2016 | dissertation-thesis

Performance enhancing in the manufacturing industry: An improvement KATA application

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Proceedings of the PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Produção e Sistemas (DPS)

2016 | book

Redesign of the production system: A hard decision-making process

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2016 | conference-paper

Student’s role in the implementation of a lean teaching and learning model

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education

2016 | conference-paper

Implementing lean office: A successful case in public sector

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Process mapping improvement: Extending value stream maps with waste identification diagrams

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Production systems redesign in a lean context: A matter of sustainability

FME Transactions

2015 | journal-article

Waste identification diagrams

Production Planning and Control

2015 | journal-article

Workplace ergonomics in lean production environments: A literature review


2015 | journal-article

Moving from job-shop to production cells without losing flexibility: A case study from the wooden frames industry

South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

2014 | journal-article

An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education


2013 | journal-article

Aplicação de princípios de Lean Manufacturing numa empresa de metalomecânica pesada

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Implantação da Estratégia P2BL na FE/UFJF : relato, análise e avaliação

2013 | conference-paper

Industrial engineering and operations management - special issue

International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

2013 | journal-article

Project cell: Cellular organization of the building design process

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

2013 | journal-article

A project management framework for planning and executing interdisciplinary learning projects in engineering education

Project Approaches to Learning in Engineering Education: The Practice of Teamwork

2012 | book

Aprendizagem ativa na disciplina Eficiência Energética : um experimento metodológico

2012 | conference-paper

Lean production as promoter of thinkers to achieve companies' agility

Learning Organization

2012 | journal-article

Melhoria da produtividade através da identificação de restrições : caso de estudo - Grupnor Elevadores

2012 | dissertation-thesis

Model of a game for improving integrated decisions in production management

Communications in Computer and Information Science

2012 | book

Project based learning in first year, first semester of industrial engineering and management: Some results

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)

2012 | conference-paper

Análise e melhoria de uma unidade de produção do ramo automóvel

2011 | dissertation-thesis

Brazilian students and working capital: An analysis of their decisions when using virtual market business games

International Journal of Engineering Education

2011 | journal-article

Identificação de desperdícios numa empresa de enchimento de aerossóis

2011 | dissertation-thesis

SITEBLAST - rapid and sensitive local alignment of genomic sequences employing motif anchors


2011 | journal-article

Third International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE’2011): aligning engineering education with engineering challenges

2011 | conference-paper

Waste identification diagrams

2011 | conference-paper

Célula de projectos : a organização celular do processo de projecto de edifícios

2010 | dissertation-thesis

Modelo de análise e diagnóstico de uma unidade produtiva

2010 | dissertation-thesis

An industrial application of resource constrained scheduling for quick changeover

IEEM 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

2009 | conference-paper

Arquitectura de sistemas de informação para a indústria das serrações de madeiras

2009 | dissertation-thesis

Avaliação do processo de implementação de sistemas de gestão ambiental

2009 | dissertation-thesis

Células administrativas orientadas ao produto: caso de estudo CaetanoBus

2008 | dissertation-thesis

The role of Bill of Materials and Movements (BOMM) in the virtual enterprises environment

International Journal of Production Research

2008 | journal-article

A case study on project led education in engineering: students' and teachers' perceptions

European Journal of Engineering Education

2007 | journal-article

Avaliação da excelência operacional das empresas

2006 | dissertation-thesis

Monitoring and control measures applied to software development,Medidas de acompanhamento e controle aplicadas ao desenvolvimento de software

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Project management methodology applied to digital content production for e-learning,Metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos aplicado à produção de conteúdo digital para e-learning

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Survival mechanism for IEEE 802.11 WLANs,Mecanismo de sobrevivência para WLANs IEEE 802.11

CISTI 2006 - Actas da 1a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao

2006 | conference-paper

Autonomous Production Systems in virtual enterprises

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

2005 | journal-article

Consortium agreement template for virtual enterprises

Virtual Enterprise Integration: Technological and Organizational Perspectives

2005 | book

Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity

European Commission

- to 2018-09 | 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293

Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas


2016- to 2017- | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-012663

Balanças Marques: Projeto Conjunto Qualificação Improve It


2016-06 to 2018-03 | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-017050

HOMLean - Hospital Operations Management: a Lean Healthcare Framework


2018-07 to 2021-05 | FCT/COMPETE2020/POCI - Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (IC&DT) - 02/SAICT/2017

Easy Ride – Experience is Everything

Agência Nacional de Inovação

2018-07 to 2021-06 | GRANT_NUMBER: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334

Ibero-Ameican Symposium on Project Approches in Engineering Education - PAEE’2009

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2009-07 to - | 147200947786FAC

Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2021-01 to 2025-12 | 168241UID

Projecto Estratégico - UI 252 - 2011-2012

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

2011-01 to 2013-12 | 123480UID

Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020

Projecto Estratégico - UI 252 - 2011-2012

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-OE/EME/UI0252/2011

Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019

PT SMART RETAIL: Portugal como referência para a nova geração de retalho autónomo e inteligente

Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) através da Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação – IAPMEI, I.P.

2022-01 to 2024-12 |

Continental FoF - Continental AA''s Factory of the Future


- to - | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047512

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Member Type Senior Researcher
17/01/2023 20:15
Member Type Researcher
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