Algoritmi | User | Filomena Maria Rocha Menezes Oliveira Soares

Filomena Maria Rocha Menezes Oliveira Soares

Filomena Maria Rocha Menezes Oliveira Soares
At Algoritmi
Academic Degree
Current Position
Other at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0002-4438-6713Researcher ID
H-7936-2015Ciência ID
3C13-BF04-E40FGoogle Scholar
2102Q1 / Q2
49About Me
Filomena Soares received her degree in Chemical Engineering in 1986 at Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal. She obtained her Msc in in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Automation profile, in 1991 and her PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1997, both at the same University. Since 1992 she works in the Industrial Electronics Department Minho University and she develops her research work in R&D Algoritmi Centre. She was Vice-Rector for Education and Academic Mobility of the University of Minho from29 November 2021 untill 25 September 2024. Her main scientific interests are in the areas of System Modeling and Control, with application to biomedical processes and in the area of automation systems. Motor and cognitive rehabilitation has been receiving her attention, using serious games and robots to foster the communication with impaired children/adults. In particular, the following research and application fields are being studied in Biomedical engineering science with special focus on how technology can be used to help people: - using robots and serious games to reach/to communicate/to interact with children with autism spectrum disorders (information about this project at; - using serious games in rehabilitation to help motor disable people; - using sensory systems to monitor physical impaired persons and sports activities, in particular Taekwondo. She is interested in new teaching/learning methodologies, in particular blended-learning and virtual and remote laboratories. She supervised several Master and PhD thesis and is co-author of several scientific articles in international conferences and journals. She is a member of several technical and scientific organizations, with management responsibility in some of them, namely the IEEE Affinity Group Women in Engineering (WIE), of which she was co-founder and chair; President of the Portuguese Association of Automatic Control (APCA) in 2017-2018; President of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) in 2020-2022; Association of Projects for Learning and Teaching in Engineering (PAEE); and the Technical Committees of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Control for Education and Linear Control Systems.
Publications (363)
A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Yarn Hairiness Characterization Using an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm
Applied Sciences
2024 | journal-article
Social Stories for Promoting Social Communication with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Humanoid Robot: Step-by-Step Study
Technology, Knowledge and Learning
2024 | journal-article
Mapping the implementation of active learning approaches in a school of engineering–the positive effect of teacher training
European Journal of Engineering Education
2024 | journal-article
Online yarn hairiness– Loop & protruding fibers dataset
Data in Brief
2024 | journal-article
Physioland: a motivational complement of physical therapy for patients with neurological diseases
Multimedia Tools and Applications
2024 | journal-article
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
User Assessment of a Customized Taekwondo Athlete Performance Cyber–Physical System
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2024 | journal-article
The Role of Design and Digital Media in Monitoring and Improving the Performance of Taekwondo Athletes
2023 | journal-article
Development of a Virtual Reality Escape Room Game for Emotion Elicitation
2023 | journal-article
Using Object Detection Technology to Identify Defects in Clothing for Blind People
2023 | journal-article
Cyber-Physical System for Evaluation of Taekwondo Athletes: An Initial Project Description
2023 | journal-article
Blind People: Clothing Category Classification and Stain Detection Using Transfer Learning
Applied Sciences
2023 | journal-article
A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder’s People
2023 | book-chapter
An Augmented System Based on Machine Learning for Boccia Assisted Gameplay
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Automatic Wardrobe for Blind People
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2023 | conference-paper
Automatic system to identify and manage garments for blind people
2023 | journal-article
Inclusive Platform: GUS for Social Inclusion and Competencies Development in Cerebral Palsy
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2023 | conference-paper
Industrial Networks Protocols PROFIBUS and RS485 – A Description of the Most Common Problems
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Investigating the Effectiveness of Process Control Didactics Kits in Engineering Education
2023 5th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2023
2023 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2023 | book
Team-Based Learning to Enhance Student’ Competencies in a Fluid Mechanics Module
2023 | book-chapter
Temperature Control Laboratory (TCLab): Demonstration of Use in Portugal
6th Experiment at International Conference, 2023 - Proceedings
2023 | conference-paper
Web Application for the Learning of Emotions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality
2022 | preprint
Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability
Applied Sciences
2022 | journal-article
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All
2022 | journal-article
A Review in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Textile Industry
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
Deep Learning in Taekwondo Techniques Recognition System: A Preliminary Approach
2022 | book-chapter
Development and Design of an Evaluation Interface for Taekwondo Athletes: First Insights
2022 | book-chapter
HiZeca: A Serious Game for Emotions Recognition
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
Monitoring System of Taekwondo Athletes’ Movements: First Insights
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2022 | conference-paper
Pocket-Sized Portable Labs: Control Engineering Practice Made Easy in Covid-19 Pandemic Times
2022 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Understand the Importance of Garments’ Identification and Combination to Blind People
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2022 | conference-paper
Virtual Lab Virtues in Distance Learning
2022 | book-chapter
Fostering Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
2021 | journal-article
Skeleton Driven Action Recognition Using an Image-Based Spatial-Temporal Representation and Convolution Neural Network
2021 | journal-article
O uso de jogos com finalidade séria: propriedades percebidas por pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral
XI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente
2021 | conference-poster
A Model Approach for an Automatic Clothing Combination System for Blind People
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2021 | conference-paper
A Pedagogical Virtual Reality Serious Game Tool for the Development of Emotional Competencies to Nursing Students
SeGAH 2021 - 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health
2021 | conference-paper
Classification of taekwondo techniques using deep learning methods: First insights
BIODEVICES 2021 - 14th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices; Part of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2021
2021 | conference-paper
How we turned fully digital due to covid-19: Two control engineering teaching experiences
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Hybrid Approach to Promote Social Interaction with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ICT4AWE - Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Impact of Educational Robotics on Student Learning and Motivation: A Case Study
TALE 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Incorporating Team-Based Learning into a Fluid Mechanics Module: First Insights
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2021 | conference-paper
Innovative teaching/learning methodologies in control, automation and robotics: A short review
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2021 | conference-paper
Learning engineering contents from different courses through a hands-on activity teamwork
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Real-time evaluation system for top taekwondo athletes: Project overview
BIODEVICES 2021 - 14th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices; Part of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Women and STEM: a methodology for studying factors affecting attractivity
2021 | conference-paper
Your turn to learn – flipped classroom in automation courses
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2021 | conference-paper
Adequacy of Game Scenarios for an Object with Playware Technology to Promote Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2020 | conference-paper
Cheat Sheets and Padlet: A metacognitive learning tool
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Design and Testing of a Textile EMG Sensor for Prosthetic Control
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | conference-paper
Design of a Smart Mechatronic System to Combine Garments for Blind People: First Insights
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | conference-paper
Development of a serious game to fight childhood obesity: "barty"
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2020 | conference-paper
Didactic Toy for Children with Special Needs
2020 | book-chapter
E-learning tools: engaging our students?
2020 | conference-paper
Gender differences in students' assessment in a fluid mechanics course
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2020 | conference-paper
Higher Education Students' Perception and Behavior during Pandemic Reality: A Pilot Study
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Human action recognition using an image-based temporal and spatial representation
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
Interdisciplinary contents integration and key competences developed in a project work of industrial engineering and management third year
International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education
2020 | conference-paper
Physioland – A serious game for physical rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
Entertainment Computing
2020 | journal-article
The Relationship of Higher Education Access with Final Marks in a Core Chemical Engineering Topic
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Towards a virtual coach for boccia: Developing a virtual augmented interaction based on a boccia simulator
VISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2020 | conference-paper
A New Methodology for Use by a Single Caregiver to Bathe Bedridden Elderly Persons Using Advanced Mechatronic Systems
2019 | journal-article
A Review on Commercially Available Anthropomorphic Myoelectric Prosthetic Hands, Pattern-Recognition-Based Microcontrollers and sEMG Sensors used for Prosthetic Control
19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A supervised autonomous approach for robot intervention with children with autism spectrum disorder
ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2019 | conference-paper
An adaptive serious game of statistics: Project development and mechanisms
Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference, 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Ball detection for boccia game analysis
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Boccia court analysis for promoting elderly physical activity
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Building a behaviour architecture: An approach for promoting human-robot interaction
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem CPIEA
2019 | conference-paper
Design of a Framework to Promote Physical Activity for the Elderly
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | conference-paper
Design of a biomedical kit for bedridden patients: A conceptual approach
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Developing a framework for promoting physical activity in a Boccia game scenario
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization
2019 | journal-article
Extracting Clothing Features for Blind People Using Image Processing and Machine Learning Techniques: First Insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book-chapter
Facial Virtual Tracking: A System to Mirror Emotions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | conference-paper
How do students perceive their Learning Assessment?
2019 | conference-paper
Innovating in control engineering teaching/learning with smartphones
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Integrating MIT app-inventor in PLC programming teaching
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Mechatronic System for the Promotion of Physical Activity in People with Motor Limitations
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2019 | book-chapter
Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations: First insights
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Mimicking human movement with robots: Control of an anthropomorphic robotic arm using a glove-based system as an educational tool
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
CNaPPES.19, National Congress of Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education
2019 | conference-abstract
Os Audience Response Systems como instrumento de inovação no ensino e na aprendizagem ativa: aplicações no âmbito de uma comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem e perceções dos alunos
2019 | conference-paper
Perspectives of entrepreneurship in engineering education: An exploratory study
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
PlayCube: Designing a Tangible Playware Module for Human-Robot Interaction
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | book
Real-time data movements acquisition of taekwondo athletes: First insights
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Serious Game for Teaching Statistics in Higher Education: Storyboard Design
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2019 | conference-paper
Serious games para profissionais de saúde como estratégia promotora de reconstrução da autonomia em doentes após enfarte agudo do miocárdio
2019 | conference-paper
Serious games to improve health professional´s skills when caring for cardiac patients
2019 | conference-paper
Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot
Interaction Studies
2019 | journal-article
Stability control of a quadcopter fixed to a base
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Student’s perceptions regarding assessment changes in a fluid mechanics course
Education Sciences
2019 | journal-article
Yarn linear mass determination using image processing: First insights
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Development of a Real-Time Evaluation System For Top Taekwondo Athletes: SPERTA
SENSORDEVICES 2018, The Ninth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications,
2018 | conference-paper
A serious game for learning portuguese sign language - “iLearnPSL”
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2018 | book-chapter
An application to promote emotional skills in children with autism spectrum disorders
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2018 | conference-paper
Boccia court analisys for real-time scoring
ICINCO 2018 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2018 | conference-paper
Building a hybrid approach for a game scenario using a tangible interface in human robot interaction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2018 | conference-paper
Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects
Applications of Computer Vision in Fashion and Textiles
2018 | book-chapter
Development of activities for human-robot interaction: Preliminary results
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
General Satisfaction in Chemical and Biological Engineering Courses: What Matters? A students' perception study
2018 | journal-article
General satisfaction in chemical and biological engineering courses: What matters? : 'ception study
3rd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2018
2018 | conference-paper
Monitoring of bioelectrical and biomechanical signals in Taekwondo training: First insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Nível de satisfação em cursos de engenharia: as perceções dos alunos
2018 | conference-paper
Physioland - A serious game for rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2018 | book-chapter
Practical work and assessment to stimulate students' participation and motivation in fluid transport issues
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2018 | conference-paper
Recording of occurrences through image processing in Taekwondo training: First insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Serious Games Development as a Tool to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries in Hands: First Steps
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2018 | conference-paper
Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant models
2018 | journal-article
Teaching PLC timers and counters programming using MIT app-inventor
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2018 | journal-article
The Flow of Knowledge and Level of Satisfaction in Engineering Courses Based on Students¿ Perceptions
Contributions to Higher Engineering Education
2018 | book-chapter
Virtual application to prevent repetitive strain injuries in hands
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
iBoccia: A framework to monitor the Boccia gameplay in elderly
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Teaching impact evaluation methodology assessment in a Fluid Mechanics course: student´s perceptions
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (ASME IMECE 2017)
2017 | conference-paper
Mechatronic Systems for Caregivers Support on the Context of Bedridden People Care
Recent Innovations in Mechatronics
2017 | journal-article
Sistema de movimentação para mistura de líquidos
2017 | patent
A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A student-friendly approach in teaching/learning theoretical concepts in automation
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition-Initial results
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2017 | conference-paper
Bath-ambience—A mechatronic system for assisting the caregivers of bedridden people
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Brain computer interface systems using non-invasive electroencephalogram signal: A literature review
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Control engineering learning by integrating app-inventor based experiments
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Deaf people feeling music rhythm by using a sensing and actuating device
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2017 | journal-article
Design, implementation and preliminary tests of E-ducation platform
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
E-ducAtion: Multidisciplinary platform to support the teaching/learning process in Portuguese 1st cycle schools
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2017 | conference-paper
Educational games for children with special needs: Preliminary design
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Happiness and sadness recognition system—preliminary results with an Intel RealSense 3D sensor
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Imitate me!—preliminary tests on an upper members gestures recognition system
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog pid controller: A framework for a laboratorial experiment
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Is students' satisfaction in electrical engineering courses influenced by gender?
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
I’m an outlier! Is this important? – Answers based on a satisfaction and perception questionnaire
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2017 | conference-paper
Mirroring and recognizing emotions through facial expressions for a RoboKind platform
ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
2017 | conference-paper
SmartBath: A new bathing concept for disabled people
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Smartbath: Water temperature control system
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Teaching impact and evaluation methodology assessment in a fluid mechanics course: Student's perceptions
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2017 | conference-paper
Teaching/learning PBL activity: Gantry crane control system implementation
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Technology and special educational needs: Let's play 'Doing Good Deeds!'
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2017 | conference-paper
To be or not to be an engineer? - Perceptions among 3rd cycle basic school students
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Tracking of physiotherapy exercises using image processing techniques
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of the interaction with children in the context of educational games
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Virtual application for preventing repetitive strain injuries on hands: First insights
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Proceedings; Part of 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2017
2017 | conference-paper
iBoccia: Monitoring elderly while playing Boccia gameplay
ICINCO 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2017 | conference-paper
“HugMe”-validation of a prototype of an inclusive toy for children
Occupational Safety and Hygiene V - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Robot Lego & Trastorno del Espectro Autista: Una asociación posible? || Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorder: a potential partnership?
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación
2016 | journal-article
An Overview of Serious Games in Cognitive Rehabilitation
Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine
2016 | book-chapter
The Conceptual Design of a Mechatronic System to Handle Bedridden Elderly Individuals
2016 | journal-article
Total Challenge: A Serious Game for Stimulating Cognitive Abilities
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
2016 | journal-article
"HugMe" Development of an inclusive toy: First insights
CISPEE 2016 - 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings
2016 | conference-paper
A faster and more secure human blood type determining product-concept design
Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
2016 | journal-article
Augmented reality for cognitive and social skills improvement in children with ASD
Proceedings of 2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies
2016 | conference-paper
Development of a Medical Care Terminal for Efficient Monitoring of Bedridden Subjects
Journal of Engineering (United States)
2016 | journal-article
Development of a serious game for Portuguese Sign Language
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
EGGS, Oranges and other technological devices in science dissemination
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2016 | conference-paper
Ergonomics and usability in the development of a portable virtual gaming device applied in physiotherapy
Transactions of Famena
2016 | journal-article
Integrated Solution of a Back Office System for Serious Games Targeted at Physiotherapy
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
2016 | journal-article
Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorders: A potential partnership?
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación
2016 | journal-article
Mirroring emotion system-on-line synthesizing facial expressions on a robot face
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Portuguese and Brazilian students perceptions regarding the flow of knowledge in their courses: Two different realities?
CISPEE 2016 - 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings
2016 | conference-paper
Real-time emotions recognition system
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Requirements for the development of medical devices - Caregivers perspectives survey
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2016 | conference-paper
Sign language learning using the hangman videogame
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Students' expectations analysis before and after a curricular internship
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2016 | conference-paper
“Sou caloiro de engenharia!”: estudo multicaso em engenharia eléctrica/eletrónica/electrotécnica
2016 | conference-paper
Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation
Recent Innovations in Mechatronics
2015 | journal-article
A complete blood typing device for automatic agglutination detection based on absorption spectrophotometry
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2015 | journal-article
A realization of the inverted pendulum and cart
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
A serious game for rehabilitation of neurological disabilities: Premilinary study
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A spectrophotometry based blood typing device
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A virtual workbench applied to automation: Student's response analysis
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Ambient assisted living platform for remote monitoring of bedridden people
Mechanisms and Machine Science
2015 | conference-paper
An overview of industrial communication networks
Mechanisms and Machine Science
2015 | conference-paper
Bed design with mechatronic system to decrease pressure ulcers
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2015 | journal-article
Concurrent projects in control laboratorial classes
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Controlling an equilibrist lego robot
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
Design and development of a portable projection and natural interface device for virtual games applied to physiotherapy
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Design of a conceptual bed mattress for reducing pressure on bony prominences
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2015 | conference-paper
Freshman's perceptions in electrical/electronic engineering courses: Early findings
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2015 | conference-paper
Industrial controlling process using the remote industrial automation trainer PAIR
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Internship assessment from company supervisor's viewpoints: A five-year experience
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2015 | conference-paper
Interpreting students' perceptions in fluid mechanics learning outcomes
Teoria de la Educacion
2015 | journal-article
Mechanical simulation model of the systemic circulation
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
2015 | journal-article
Mechatronic system for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Modelica modeling language as a tool on control engineering education: Simulation of a two-tank system
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering: Learning for the Future Now, TALE 2014
2015 | conference-paper
QR codes and Java applied to physiological data acquisition in biomedical engineering education
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Using a Humanoid Robot to Elicit Body Awareness and Appropriate Physical Interaction in Children with Autism
International Journal of Social Robotics
2015 | journal-article
Web Platform for Serious Games' Management
Procedia Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
Yarn features extraction using image processing and computer vision - A study with cotton and polyester yarns
2015 | journal-article
Do papel e lápis ao mundo real: Estudo de caso no Ensino da Mecânica de Fluidos
XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE 2014) – Engenharia: Múltiplos Saberes e atuações
2014 | conference-paper
Dispositivo eletrónico automático para determinação do tipo sanguíneo de humanos e respetivo método de utilização
2014 | patent
Sistema de Mistura de Líquidos
2014 | patent
A pilot study using imitation and storytelling scenarios as activities for labelling emotions by children with autism using a humanoid robot
IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2014 - 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
Assessing remote physiological signals acquisition experiments
2014 | conference-paper
Automation and control remote laboratory: A pedagogical tool
2014 | journal-article
Building a game scenario to encourage children with autism to recognize and label emotions using a humanoid robot
IEEE RO-MAN 2014 - 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Human-Robot Co-Existence: Adaptive Interfaces and Systems for Daily Life, Therapy, Assistance and Socially Engaging Interactions
2014 | conference-paper
Conceptual design of a conveyer system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2014 | journal-article
Conceptual design of a mechatronic system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people
Applied Mechanics and Materials
2014 | conference-paper
2014 | patent
Detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements in Autistic children using the Kinect sensor: A case study
2014 | conference-paper
Engineering students' learning styles in fluid mechanics
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2014 | conference-paper
Mechatronic system for ABO human blood typing
Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
2014 | journal-article
PAIR: The remote industrial automation trainer
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2014 | conference-paper
Physio vinci-a first approach on a physical rehabilitation game
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2014 | conference-paper
Remote physiological signals acquisition: Didactic experiments
Proceedings of 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2014
2014 | conference-paper
System for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people
2014 | conference-paper
Using ultracapacitors as energy-storing devices on a mobile robot platform power system for ultra-fast charging
ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
Monitoring of Patients with Neurological Diseases
International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering
2013 | journal-article
Characterization of Yarn Mass Parameters and Production Characteristics Using Optical Sensors, Capacitive Sensors and Image Processing
International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control
2013 | journal-article
"Where is your nose?"-Developing body awareness skills among children with autism using a humanoid robot
ACHI 2013 - 6th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
2013 | conference-paper
A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2013 | conference-paper
A simulation platform for automation teaching
2013 | conference-paper
An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education
2013 | journal-article
Application for physiotherapy and tracking of patients with neurological diseases - Preliminary studies
2013 | conference-paper
Development of a mechatronic system for bedridden people support
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2013 | journal-article
Development of a system for monitoring and tracking of physiotherapeutic movements in patients with neurological diseases
2013 | conference-paper
Development, test and validation of a mechatronic device for spasticity quantification
2013 | journal-article
Facial expressions and gestures to convey emotions with a humanoid robot
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2013 | conference-paper
Improved biomedical device for spasticity quantification
3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings
2013 | conference-paper
Issues in remote laboratory developments for biomedical engineering education
2013 | conference-paper
RePhyS: A multidisciplinary experience in remote physiological systems laboratory
International Journal of Online Engineering
2013 | journal-article
Reintrepreting the cardiovascular system as a mechanical model
2013 | conference-paper
Remote physiological data acquisition: From the human body to electromechanical simulators
2013 | conference-paper
Remote physiological systems (RePhyS) laboratory: A didactic learning environment
2013 | conference-paper
Rh phenotypes analysis by spectrophotometry in human blood typing
2013 | conference-paper
Robotic Tool to Improve Skills in Children with ASD: A Preliminary Study
International Journal of Life Science and Medical Research
2013 | journal-article
Robótica-Autismo project: Technology for autistic children
3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings
2013 | conference-paper
Stereotyped movement recognition in children with ASD
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2013 | journal-article
Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments
Proceedings - 2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Yarn periodical errors determination using three signal processing approaches
2013 | journal-article
Advanced design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2012 | journal-article
An overview on the use of serious games in physical therapy and rehabilitation
Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools
2012 | book-chapter
Automatic detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements: Two different approaches
Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
2012 | conference-paper
Automatic electronic system to human blood typing
Procedia Engineering
2012 | conference-paper
Automation & Control remote laboratory: Evaluating a cooperative methodology
Proceedings - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Constraints in the design of activities focusing on emotion recognition for children with ASD using robotic tools
Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
2012 | conference-paper
Constrangimentos no desenho de atividades que focam o reconhecimento de emoções com crianças com PEA usando ferramentas robóticas
2012 | conference-paper
Design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing in emergency situations
2012 | conference-paper
Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2012 | journal-article
Development of skills in children with ASD using a robotic platform
2012 | conference-paper
Digital control ibook: A flashier way to study
2012 | conference-paper
Image processing: Characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine
Image Processing: Methods, Applications and Challenges
2012 | book-chapter
Preliminary study on determining stereotypical motor movements.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2012 | journal-article
Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing
2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Stereotype movement recognition in children with ASD
2012 | conference-paper
Studies on the yarn mass parameters determination using Image Processing techniques
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2012 | conference-paper
Web portal: Total challenge
International Journal of Web Portals
2012 | journal-article
Web-assisted laboratory for control education: Remote and virtual environments
Communications in Computer and Information Science
2012 | conference-paper
A comparison of mass parameters determination using capacitive and optical sensors
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2011 | journal-article
A mechatronic device for spasticity quantification
2011 | conference-paper
A support tool for teaching grafcet: Engineering students' perceptions
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011
2011 | conference-paper
An Overview Over Yarn Mass Parameterization Methods
Proceedings of Sensordevices: the Second International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
2011 | journal-article
An approach to promote social and communication behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders: Robot based intervention
2011 | conference-paper
Automatic continuous ECG monitoring system for over-drug detection in Brugada Syndrome.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2011 | journal-article
Automatic system for blood type classification using image processing techniques
BIODEVICES 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
2011 | conference-paper
Biomedical device for spasticity quantification based on the velocity dependence of the Stretch Reflex threshold
2011 | conference-paper
Characterization of blood samples using image processing techniques
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2011 | conference-paper
Design and development of an industrial network laboratory
2011 | journal-article
Development of E-Learning in Higher Education and Future Directions
Innovations 2011: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research
2011 | book-chapter
Ethical aspects in the design of medical devices
Technology and Medical Sciences, TMSi 2010 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology and Medical Sciences
2011 | conference-paper
Games development for pedagogical and educational purposes
Computer Games as Educational and Management Tools: Uses and Approaches
2011 | book-chapter
Incorporating an e-book into digital control studies
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2011 - 11th International Conference Virtual University, VU'11
2011 | conference-paper
K-12, university students and robots: An early start
2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011
2011 | conference-paper
Robots and autism disorder: promoting the competence generalization
2011 | conference-paper
Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems
Computers and Industrial Engineering
2011 | journal-article
Serious game as a tool to intellectual disabilities therapy: Total challenge
2011 | conference-paper
Students' perception on using WALC platform for Automation and Process Control engineering studies
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2011 - 11th International Conference Virtual University, VU'11
2011 | conference-paper
Technology-enhanced learning on campus: insights from EUNIS e-Learning Task Force
2011 | conference-paper
Yarn diameter characterization using two orthogonal directions
Experimental Techniques
2011 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness determination using image processing techniques
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2011 | conference-paper
A network configuration for industrial systems control
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2010 | journal-article
Adaptive control of an electromagnetically actuated presser-foot for industrial sewing machines
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010
2010 | conference-paper
An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2010 | journal-article
An interface for industrial fietwork monitoring and control
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2010 | conference-paper
Automation and control engineering laboratory: Students perspectives
WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010
2010 | conference-paper
Determination of yarn production characteristics using image processing
2010 | journal-article
Development of a human blood type detection automatic system
2010 | conference-paper
ECG data-acquisition and classification system by using Wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Models
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
2010 | conference-paper
Industrial Network Platform for Monitoring and Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
2010 | journal-article
Industrial fietwork platform for monitoring and control of automated manufacturing systems
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2010 | conference-paper
Monitoring and control of a cooling system in a commercial store
WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010
2010 | conference-paper
Promoting interaction amongst autistic adolescents using robots
2010 | conference-paper
The State of the Nations: Current and future developments in Technology-Enhanced-Learning
EUNIS Internation Conference
2010 | conference-paper
A collaborative biomedical engineering undergraduate work: An automatic system for blood glucose regulation
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009
2009 | conference-paper
A remote system for water tank level monitoring and control - A collaborative case-study
Proceedings - ICELIE 2009, 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics
2009 | conference-paper
Applications of simple robots to encourage social receptiveness of adolescents with autism
2009 | conference-paper
Artificial intelligence and image processing based techniques: A tool for yarns parameterization and fabrics prediction
ETFA 2009 - 2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
2009 | conference-paper
Automatic Yarn Characterization System: Design of a Prototype
IEEE Sensors Journal
2009 | journal-article
Cardiac arrhythmia classification using wavelets and Hidden Markov Models - a comparative approach.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2009 | journal-article
Cardiac arrhythmia classification using wavelets and Hidden Markov models - A comparative approach
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009
2009 | conference-paper
Cardiac arrhythmia help - Diagnosis system using wavelets and Hidden Markov Models
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics, BEBI '09
2009 | conference-paper
Photodiodes: Characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine
Integrated Circuits, Photodiodes and Organic Field Effect Transistors
2009 | book-chapter
Streaming contents and RSS feed in a pedagogical environment
2009 | conference-paper
The fins protocol for complex industrial applications: A case study
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2009 | conference-paper
Yarn diameter and linear mass correlation
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
2009 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness characterization using two orthogonal directions
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2009 | journal-article
Yarn irregularity parameterisation using optical sensors
Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe
2009 | journal-article
Yarn parameterization correlation using optical and capacitive sensors approaches
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2009 | conference-paper
A comparative study between yarn diameter and yarn mass variation measurement systems using capacitive and optical sensors
Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research
2008 | journal-article
ECG self-diagnosis system at P-R interval
Proceedings of VIPIMAGE 2007 - 1st ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing
2008 | conference-paper
Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation - Piezoelectric polymer β-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer
BIODEVICES 2008 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
2008 | conference-paper
Simulation and formal verification of industrial systems controllers
2008 | conference-paper
Yarn Evenness Parameters Evaluation: A New Approach
Textile Research Journal
2008 | journal-article
Yarn diameter measurements using coherent optical signal processing
IEEE Sensors Journal
2008 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness and diameter characterization using a CMOS line array
2008 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness parameterization using a coherent signal processing technique
2008 | journal-article
automatic yarn characterization system
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
2008 | conference-paper
A new plant modelling approach for formal verification purposes
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2007 | conference-paper
A pattern recognition system based on cluster and discriminant analysis for fault identification during production
2007 | conference-paper
Optical quantification of yarn hairiness using projections along a single direction
Proceedings of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, CA 2007
2007 | conference-paper
Optical yarn hairiness measurement system
2007 | conference-paper
Simulation and formal verification of real time systems : A case study
ICINCO 2007 - 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Streaming media in different contexts: Engineering and education graduation
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning, EL 2007 - Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2007
2007 | conference-paper
Yarn-mass measurement with 1-mm-length samples
2007 | journal-article
Application of new methodologies in an industrial electronics engineering course : case study
2006 | conference-paper
BakSIM : an application for control, monitoring and simulation of baker's yeast fermentation process
2006 | conference-paper
Baker's yeast fermentation parameters estimation : an evolutionary approach
2006 | conference-paper
Determination of yarn hairiness using optical sensors
2006 | conference-paper
Development of a yarn evenness measurement and hairiness analysis system
2006 | conference-paper
Direct measurement of yarn mass with 1mm accuracy using capacitive sensors
WMSCI 2006 - The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 12th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2006 - Proc.
2006 | conference-paper
ICTs in remote assessment
2006 | conference-paper
Using multivariate statistics on detection of particular signals during production of knitwear
2006 | conference-paper
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of polymers: Analysis with a shear differential thermal analyzer
2005 | journal-article
Knitting process surveillance using time and frequency analysis
2005 | conference-paper
Laboratórios virtuais: duas aplicações no ensino de engenharia
2005 | conference-paper
A new system for monitoring and analysis of the knitting process
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2004, ICM'04
2004 | conference-paper
A system for knitting process monitoring and fault detection on weft circular knitting machines
2004 | conference-paper
Advancements in on-line monitoring and control of parameters in knitting and sewing processes
2004 | conference-paper
Automatic yarn mass parameterization
2004 | conference-paper
Fuzzy logic based control strategies for an electromagnetic actuated sewing machine presser foot
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2004 | conference-paper
Improving feeding efficiency of a sewing machine by on-line control of the presser foot
2004 | conference-paper
Surveillance and control of the yarn input tension on circular weft knitting machines: New approaches
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2004 | conference-paper
Techniques for unveiling faults during knitting production
2004 | conference-paper
Yarn mass analysis with 1 mm capacitive sensors
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2004 | conference-paper
Yarn parameterization based on mass analysis
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2004 | conference-paper
Evaluation of the sample temperature increase during the quiescent and shear-induced isothermal crystallization of polyethylene
2003 | journal-article
On-line measurement of yarn evenness
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2003 | conference-paper
Web-aided control studies
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
2003 | conference-paper
A new system for direct measurement of yarn mass with 1mm accuracy
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2002 | conference-paper
Control of baker's yeast fermentation: PID and fuzzy algorithms
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2001 | conference-paper
High resolution yarn measurement
2001 | conference-paper
Influence of measurement length in yarn eveness control
2001 | conference-paper
Analisador térmico diferencial para estudos da cinética de cristalização induzida por esforços de corte, Shear DTA
2000 | patent
Bioreactor-on-a chip: Application to baker's yeast fermentation
1st Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
2000 | conference-paper
Yarn eveness control in 1 mm range
2000 | conference-paper
A study on the convergence of observer-based kinetics estimators in stirred tank bioreactors
1994 | conference-paper
Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelização e controlo em processos de fermentação
1994 | conference-paper
Computer-aided teaching of process engineering : VI - studies on bioprocess identification and control through a process simulator
1993 | conference-paper
Model-based identification and control on baker's yeast fed-batch fermentation
1993 | conference-paper
Studies on on-line state and parameter estimation through a real-time process simulator
1992 | conference-paper
Fundings (25)
Projecto Estratégico - LA 22 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2012-12 | PEst-OE/EME/LA0022/2011
Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019
Projecto Estratégico - UI 319 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-C/EEI/UI0319/2011
Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | 10.54499/LA/P/0104/2020
Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020
Robotic-based toolkit for special educational needs
Governo da República Portuguesa Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2010-06 to 2012-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 109407
Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica
1990-09 to 1992- |
Programa de bolsas para Jovens Investigadores
Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica
1986-10 to 1987-09 |
Ferramentas robóticas na educação especial (Robotic-based toolkit for special educational needs)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010-06 to 2012-12 | RIPD/ADA/109407/2009
Safety Control of Automated Production Systems (SCAPS)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2005-08 to 2008-06 | 61425
Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2007-07 to 2010-12 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/70017/PT
WALC - Web Assisted Laboratory for Control Engineering on-line Education
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2008-10 to 2011-04 | Provided by PTCRIS: 68069
Remote Physiological Systems (RePhyS) Laboratory: a didactic learning environment
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012-05 to 2014-04 | Provided by PTCRIS: 122329
Deus ex Machina
Comissão Coordenadora da Região Norte
2016- to 2019-06 | NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2001-01 to 2004-09 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/33061/PT
Sistema de microfluidos em SU-8 integrado num microlaboratório para análise de fluidos biológicos
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI
2005- to 2007- | projectos IN2TEC e Centro Algoritmi
Monitorização e controlo do processo de tricotagem
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2000- to 2001- | FCT (Programa POSI)
MOMBAKER-Modelização, optimização e miniaturização do processo de produção de fermento de padeiro
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI
2000- to 2002- | IN2TEC
Análise on-line da regularidade de fio têxtil, com elevada resolução
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
1999- to 2003- | PRAXIS e POSI/P/EEI/13189
TEXTEST- Desenvolvimento de um dinamómetro multi-axial para medições de têxteis técnicos e tecidos
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
1999- to 2001- | IC-PME, Agência de Inovação
Controlo do sector de centrífugas da rar-refinarias de açúcar reunidas
RAR – Refinarias de Açúcar Reunidas, SA.,
1986- to 1988- | FEUP/RAR
UNIVERSITIES PORTUGAL CONNECTING KNOWLEDGE – Projeto de Internacionalização das Universidades Portuguesas
2020-08 to 2023-06 |
Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal
2020- to 2023-12 |
POCH, Portugal 2020 e Fundo Social Europeu da UE
2022-12 to 2023-11 |
2023- to 2024-01 |
Init | End | Change | Value | |
Laboratory | CAR | |||
17/01/2023 20:10 | ||||
Internal Member Type |
A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Yarn Hairiness Characterization Using an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm
Applied Sciences
2024 | journal-article
Social Stories for Promoting Social Communication with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Humanoid Robot: Step-by-Step Study
Technology, Knowledge and Learning
2024 | journal-article
Mapping the implementation of active learning approaches in a school of engineering–the positive effect of teacher training
European Journal of Engineering Education
2024 | journal-article
Online yarn hairiness– Loop & protruding fibers dataset
Data in Brief
2024 | journal-article
Physioland: a motivational complement of physical therapy for patients with neurological diseases
Multimedia Tools and Applications
2024 | journal-article
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2024 | book
User Assessment of a Customized Taekwondo Athlete Performance Cyber–Physical System
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2024 | journal-article
The Role of Design and Digital Media in Monitoring and Improving the Performance of Taekwondo Athletes
2023 | journal-article
Development of a Virtual Reality Escape Room Game for Emotion Elicitation
2023 | journal-article
Using Object Detection Technology to Identify Defects in Clothing for Blind People
2023 | journal-article
Cyber-Physical System for Evaluation of Taekwondo Athletes: An Initial Project Description
2023 | journal-article
Blind People: Clothing Category Classification and Stain Detection Using Transfer Learning
Applied Sciences
2023 | journal-article
A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder’s People
2023 | book-chapter
An Augmented System Based on Machine Learning for Boccia Assisted Gameplay
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Automatic Wardrobe for Blind People
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2023 | conference-paper
Automatic system to identify and manage garments for blind people
2023 | journal-article
Inclusive Platform: GUS for Social Inclusion and Competencies Development in Cerebral Palsy
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2023 | conference-paper
Industrial Networks Protocols PROFIBUS and RS485 – A Description of the Most Common Problems
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Investigating the Effectiveness of Process Control Didactics Kits in Engineering Education
2023 5th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2023
2023 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2023 | book
Team-Based Learning to Enhance Student’ Competencies in a Fluid Mechanics Module
2023 | book-chapter
Temperature Control Laboratory (TCLab): Demonstration of Use in Portugal
6th Experiment at International Conference, 2023 - Proceedings
2023 | conference-paper
Web Application for the Learning of Emotions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2023 | conference-paper
Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality
2022 | preprint
Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability
Applied Sciences
2022 | journal-article
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All
2022 | journal-article
A Review in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Textile Industry
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
Deep Learning in Taekwondo Techniques Recognition System: A Preliminary Approach
2022 | book-chapter
Development and Design of an Evaluation Interface for Taekwondo Athletes: First Insights
2022 | book-chapter
HiZeca: A Serious Game for Emotions Recognition
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
Monitoring System of Taekwondo Athletes’ Movements: First Insights
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | conference-paper
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2022 | conference-paper
Pocket-Sized Portable Labs: Control Engineering Practice Made Easy in Covid-19 Pandemic Times
2022 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 | book
Understand the Importance of Garments’ Identification and Combination to Blind People
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2022 | conference-paper
Virtual Lab Virtues in Distance Learning
2022 | book-chapter
Fostering Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
2021 | journal-article
Skeleton Driven Action Recognition Using an Image-Based Spatial-Temporal Representation and Convolution Neural Network
2021 | journal-article
O uso de jogos com finalidade séria: propriedades percebidas por pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral
XI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente
2021 | conference-poster
A Model Approach for an Automatic Clothing Combination System for Blind People
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2021 | conference-paper
A Pedagogical Virtual Reality Serious Game Tool for the Development of Emotional Competencies to Nursing Students
SeGAH 2021 - 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health
2021 | conference-paper
Classification of taekwondo techniques using deep learning methods: First insights
BIODEVICES 2021 - 14th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices; Part of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2021
2021 | conference-paper
How we turned fully digital due to covid-19: Two control engineering teaching experiences
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Hybrid Approach to Promote Social Interaction with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ICT4AWE - Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Impact of Educational Robotics on Student Learning and Motivation: A Case Study
TALE 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, Proceedings
2021 | conference-paper
Incorporating Team-Based Learning into a Fluid Mechanics Module: First Insights
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2021 | conference-paper
Innovative teaching/learning methodologies in control, automation and robotics: A short review
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2021 | conference-paper
Learning engineering contents from different courses through a hands-on activity teamwork
2021 4th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Real-time evaluation system for top taekwondo athletes: Project overview
BIODEVICES 2021 - 14th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices; Part of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2021
2021 | conference-paper
Women and STEM: a methodology for studying factors affecting attractivity
2021 | conference-paper
Your turn to learn – flipped classroom in automation courses
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2021 | conference-paper
Adequacy of Game Scenarios for an Object with Playware Technology to Promote Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2020 | conference-paper
Cheat Sheets and Padlet: A metacognitive learning tool
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Design and Testing of a Textile EMG Sensor for Prosthetic Control
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | conference-paper
Design of a Smart Mechatronic System to Combine Garments for Blind People: First Insights
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2020 | conference-paper
Development of a serious game to fight childhood obesity: "barty"
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2020 | conference-paper
Didactic Toy for Children with Special Needs
2020 | book-chapter
E-learning tools: engaging our students?
2020 | conference-paper
Gender differences in students' assessment in a fluid mechanics course
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2020 | conference-paper
Higher Education Students' Perception and Behavior during Pandemic Reality: A Pilot Study
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Human action recognition using an image-based temporal and spatial representation
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2020 | conference-paper
Interdisciplinary contents integration and key competences developed in a project work of industrial engineering and management third year
International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education
2020 | conference-paper
Physioland – A serious game for physical rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
Entertainment Computing
2020 | journal-article
The Relationship of Higher Education Access with Final Marks in a Core Chemical Engineering Topic
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2020 | conference-paper
Towards a virtual coach for boccia: Developing a virtual augmented interaction based on a boccia simulator
VISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2020 | conference-paper
A New Methodology for Use by a Single Caregiver to Bathe Bedridden Elderly Persons Using Advanced Mechatronic Systems
2019 | journal-article
A Review on Commercially Available Anthropomorphic Myoelectric Prosthetic Hands, Pattern-Recognition-Based Microcontrollers and sEMG Sensors used for Prosthetic Control
19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC 2019
2019 | conference-paper
A supervised autonomous approach for robot intervention with children with autism spectrum disorder
ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2019 | conference-paper
An adaptive serious game of statistics: Project development and mechanisms
Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference, 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Ball detection for boccia game analysis
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Boccia court analysis for promoting elderly physical activity
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Building a behaviour architecture: An approach for promoting human-robot interaction
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem CPIEA
2019 | conference-paper
Design of a Framework to Promote Physical Activity for the Elderly
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | conference-paper
Design of a biomedical kit for bedridden patients: A conceptual approach
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Developing a framework for promoting physical activity in a Boccia game scenario
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization
2019 | journal-article
Extracting Clothing Features for Blind People Using Image Processing and Machine Learning Techniques: First Insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2019 | book-chapter
Facial Virtual Tracking: A System to Mirror Emotions
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2019 | conference-paper
How do students perceive their Learning Assessment?
2019 | conference-paper
Innovating in control engineering teaching/learning with smartphones
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Integrating MIT app-inventor in PLC programming teaching
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Mechatronic System for the Promotion of Physical Activity in People with Motor Limitations
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2019 | book-chapter
Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations: First insights
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Mimicking human movement with robots: Control of an anthropomorphic robotic arm using a glove-based system as an educational tool
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
CNaPPES.19, National Congress of Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education
2019 | conference-abstract
Os Audience Response Systems como instrumento de inovação no ensino e na aprendizagem ativa: aplicações no âmbito de uma comunidade de prática e inovação em ensino e aprendizagem e perceções dos alunos
2019 | conference-paper
Perspectives of entrepreneurship in engineering education: An exploratory study
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
PlayCube: Designing a Tangible Playware Module for Human-Robot Interaction
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2019 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | book
Real-time data movements acquisition of taekwondo athletes: First insights
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2019 | conference-paper
Serious Game for Teaching Statistics in Higher Education: Storyboard Design
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2019 | conference-paper
Serious games para profissionais de saúde como estratégia promotora de reconstrução da autonomia em doentes após enfarte agudo do miocárdio
2019 | conference-paper
Serious games to improve health professional´s skills when caring for cardiac patients
2019 | conference-paper
Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot
Interaction Studies
2019 | journal-article
Stability control of a quadcopter fixed to a base
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
2019 | conference-paper
Student’s perceptions regarding assessment changes in a fluid mechanics course
Education Sciences
2019 | journal-article
Yarn linear mass determination using image processing: First insights
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2019 | conference-paper
Development of a Real-Time Evaluation System For Top Taekwondo Athletes: SPERTA
SENSORDEVICES 2018, The Ninth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications,
2018 | conference-paper
A serious game for learning portuguese sign language - “iLearnPSL”
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2018 | book-chapter
An application to promote emotional skills in children with autism spectrum disorders
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2018 | conference-paper
Boccia court analisys for real-time scoring
ICINCO 2018 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2018 | conference-paper
Building a hybrid approach for a game scenario using a tangible interface in human robot interaction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2018 | conference-paper
Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects
Applications of Computer Vision in Fashion and Textiles
2018 | book-chapter
Development of activities for human-robot interaction: Preliminary results
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
General Satisfaction in Chemical and Biological Engineering Courses: What Matters? A students' perception study
2018 | journal-article
General satisfaction in chemical and biological engineering courses: What matters? : 'ception study
3rd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2018
2018 | conference-paper
Monitoring of bioelectrical and biomechanical signals in Taekwondo training: First insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Nível de satisfação em cursos de engenharia: as perceções dos alunos
2018 | conference-paper
Physioland - A serious game for rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2018 | book-chapter
Practical work and assessment to stimulate students' participation and motivation in fluid transport issues
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2018 | conference-paper
Recording of occurrences through image processing in Taekwondo training: First insights
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Serious Games Development as a Tool to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries in Hands: First Steps
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2018 | conference-paper
Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant models
2018 | journal-article
Teaching PLC timers and counters programming using MIT app-inventor
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2018 | journal-article
The Flow of Knowledge and Level of Satisfaction in Engineering Courses Based on Students¿ Perceptions
Contributions to Higher Engineering Education
2018 | book-chapter
Virtual application to prevent repetitive strain injuries in hands
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
iBoccia: A framework to monitor the Boccia gameplay in elderly
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
2018 | book
Teaching impact evaluation methodology assessment in a Fluid Mechanics course: student´s perceptions
International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (ASME IMECE 2017)
2017 | conference-paper
Mechatronic Systems for Caregivers Support on the Context of Bedridden People Care
Recent Innovations in Mechatronics
2017 | journal-article
Sistema de movimentação para mistura de líquidos
2017 | patent
A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A student-friendly approach in teaching/learning theoretical concepts in automation
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017
2017 | conference-paper
A wearable and non-wearable approach for gesture recognition-Initial results
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2017 | conference-paper
Bath-ambience—A mechatronic system for assisting the caregivers of bedridden people
Sensors (Switzerland)
2017 | journal-article
Brain computer interface systems using non-invasive electroencephalogram signal: A literature review
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Control engineering learning by integrating app-inventor based experiments
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Deaf people feeling music rhythm by using a sensing and actuating device
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2017 | journal-article
Design, implementation and preliminary tests of E-ducation platform
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
E-ducAtion: Multidisciplinary platform to support the teaching/learning process in Portuguese 1st cycle schools
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2017 | conference-paper
Educational games for children with special needs: Preliminary design
Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Happiness and sadness recognition system—preliminary results with an Intel RealSense 3D sensor
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Imitate me!—preliminary tests on an upper members gestures recognition system
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Inverted pendulum controlled by an analog pid controller: A framework for a laboratorial experiment
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Is students' satisfaction in electrical engineering courses influenced by gender?
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
I’m an outlier! Is this important? – Answers based on a satisfaction and perception questionnaire
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2017 | conference-paper
Mirroring and recognizing emotions through facial expressions for a RoboKind platform
ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | book
2017 | conference-paper
SmartBath: A new bathing concept for disabled people
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Smartbath: Water temperature control system
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Teaching impact and evaluation methodology assessment in a fluid mechanics course: Student's perceptions
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2017 | conference-paper
Teaching/learning PBL activity: Gantry crane control system implementation
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Technology and special educational needs: Let's play 'Doing Good Deeds!'
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2017 | conference-paper
To be or not to be an engineer? - Perceptions among 3rd cycle basic school students
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation: Engineering, Technology and Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches, ICE/ITMC 2017 - Proceedings
2017 | conference-paper
Tracking of physiotherapy exercises using image processing techniques
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2017 | conference-paper
Using a humanoid robot as the promoter of the interaction with children in the context of educational games
International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics
2017 | journal-article
Virtual application for preventing repetitive strain injuries on hands: First insights
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Proceedings; Part of 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2017
2017 | conference-paper
iBoccia: Monitoring elderly while playing Boccia gameplay
ICINCO 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2017 | conference-paper
“HugMe”-validation of a prototype of an inclusive toy for children
Occupational Safety and Hygiene V - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2017
2017 | conference-paper
Robot Lego & Trastorno del Espectro Autista: Una asociación posible? || Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorder: a potential partnership?
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación
2016 | journal-article
An Overview of Serious Games in Cognitive Rehabilitation
Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine
2016 | book-chapter
The Conceptual Design of a Mechatronic System to Handle Bedridden Elderly Individuals
2016 | journal-article
Total Challenge: A Serious Game for Stimulating Cognitive Abilities
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
2016 | journal-article
"HugMe" Development of an inclusive toy: First insights
CISPEE 2016 - 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings
2016 | conference-paper
A faster and more secure human blood type determining product-concept design
Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
2016 | journal-article
Augmented reality for cognitive and social skills improvement in children with ASD
Proceedings of 2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies
2016 | conference-paper
Development of a Medical Care Terminal for Efficient Monitoring of Bedridden Subjects
Journal of Engineering (United States)
2016 | journal-article
Development of a serious game for Portuguese Sign Language
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
EGGS, Oranges and other technological devices in science dissemination
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2016 | conference-paper
Ergonomics and usability in the development of a portable virtual gaming device applied in physiotherapy
Transactions of Famena
2016 | journal-article
Integrated Solution of a Back Office System for Serious Games Targeted at Physiotherapy
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
2016 | journal-article
Lego Robots & Autism Spectrum Disorders: A potential partnership?
Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación
2016 | journal-article
Mirroring emotion system-on-line synthesizing facial expressions on a robot face
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Portuguese and Brazilian students perceptions regarding the flow of knowledge in their courses: Two different realities?
CISPEE 2016 - 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings
2016 | conference-paper
Real-time emotions recognition system
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Requirements for the development of medical devices - Caregivers perspectives survey
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2016 | conference-paper
Sign language learning using the hangman videogame
International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops
2016 | conference-paper
Students' expectations analysis before and after a curricular internship
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2016 | conference-paper
“Sou caloiro de engenharia!”: estudo multicaso em engenharia eléctrica/eletrónica/electrotécnica
2016 | conference-paper
Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation
Recent Innovations in Mechatronics
2015 | journal-article
A complete blood typing device for automatic agglutination detection based on absorption spectrophotometry
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2015 | journal-article
A realization of the inverted pendulum and cart
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
A serious game for rehabilitation of neurological disabilities: Premilinary study
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A spectrophotometry based blood typing device
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
A virtual workbench applied to automation: Student's response analysis
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Ambient assisted living platform for remote monitoring of bedridden people
Mechanisms and Machine Science
2015 | conference-paper
An overview of industrial communication networks
Mechanisms and Machine Science
2015 | conference-paper
Bed design with mechatronic system to decrease pressure ulcers
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2015 | journal-article
Concurrent projects in control laboratorial classes
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2015 | conference-paper
Controlling an equilibrist lego robot
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
Design and development of a portable projection and natural interface device for virtual games applied to physiotherapy
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Design of a conceptual bed mattress for reducing pressure on bony prominences
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2015 | conference-paper
Freshman's perceptions in electrical/electronic engineering courses: Early findings
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2015 | conference-paper
Industrial controlling process using the remote industrial automation trainer PAIR
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Internship assessment from company supervisor's viewpoints: A five-year experience
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2015 | conference-paper
Interpreting students' perceptions in fluid mechanics learning outcomes
Teoria de la Educacion
2015 | journal-article
Mechanical simulation model of the systemic circulation
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
2015 | journal-article
Mechatronic system for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people
Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Modelica modeling language as a tool on control engineering education: Simulation of a two-tank system
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering: Learning for the Future Now, TALE 2014
2015 | conference-paper
QR codes and Java applied to physiological data acquisition in biomedical engineering education
AIP Conference Proceedings
2015 | conference-paper
Using a Humanoid Robot to Elicit Body Awareness and Appropriate Physical Interaction in Children with Autism
International Journal of Social Robotics
2015 | journal-article
Web Platform for Serious Games' Management
Procedia Computer Science
2015 | conference-paper
Yarn features extraction using image processing and computer vision - A study with cotton and polyester yarns
2015 | journal-article
Do papel e lápis ao mundo real: Estudo de caso no Ensino da Mecânica de Fluidos
XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE 2014) – Engenharia: Múltiplos Saberes e atuações
2014 | conference-paper
Dispositivo eletrónico automático para determinação do tipo sanguíneo de humanos e respetivo método de utilização
2014 | patent
Sistema de Mistura de Líquidos
2014 | patent
A pilot study using imitation and storytelling scenarios as activities for labelling emotions by children with autism using a humanoid robot
IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2014 - 4th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
Assessing remote physiological signals acquisition experiments
2014 | conference-paper
Automation and control remote laboratory: A pedagogical tool
2014 | journal-article
Building a game scenario to encourage children with autism to recognize and label emotions using a humanoid robot
IEEE RO-MAN 2014 - 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Human-Robot Co-Existence: Adaptive Interfaces and Systems for Daily Life, Therapy, Assistance and Socially Engaging Interactions
2014 | conference-paper
Conceptual design of a conveyer system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2014 | journal-article
Conceptual design of a mechatronic system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people
Applied Mechanics and Materials
2014 | conference-paper
2014 | patent
Detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements in Autistic children using the Kinect sensor: A case study
2014 | conference-paper
Engineering students' learning styles in fluid mechanics
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2014 | conference-paper
Mechatronic system for ABO human blood typing
Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME
2014 | journal-article
PAIR: The remote industrial automation trainer
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)
2014 | conference-paper
Physio vinci-a first approach on a physical rehabilitation game
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2014 | conference-paper
Remote physiological signals acquisition: Didactic experiments
Proceedings of 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2014
2014 | conference-paper
System for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people
2014 | conference-paper
Using ultracapacitors as energy-storing devices on a mobile robot platform power system for ultra-fast charging
ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
2014 | conference-paper
Monitoring of Patients with Neurological Diseases
International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering
2013 | journal-article
Characterization of Yarn Mass Parameters and Production Characteristics Using Optical Sensors, Capacitive Sensors and Image Processing
International Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and Control
2013 | journal-article
"Where is your nose?"-Developing body awareness skills among children with autism using a humanoid robot
ACHI 2013 - 6th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
2013 | conference-paper
A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
2013 | conference-paper
A simulation platform for automation teaching
2013 | conference-paper
An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education
2013 | journal-article
Application for physiotherapy and tracking of patients with neurological diseases - Preliminary studies
2013 | conference-paper
Development of a mechatronic system for bedridden people support
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2013 | journal-article
Development of a system for monitoring and tracking of physiotherapeutic movements in patients with neurological diseases
2013 | conference-paper
Development, test and validation of a mechatronic device for spasticity quantification
2013 | journal-article
Facial expressions and gestures to convey emotions with a humanoid robot
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2013 | conference-paper
Improved biomedical device for spasticity quantification
3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings
2013 | conference-paper
Issues in remote laboratory developments for biomedical engineering education
2013 | conference-paper
RePhyS: A multidisciplinary experience in remote physiological systems laboratory
International Journal of Online Engineering
2013 | journal-article
Reintrepreting the cardiovascular system as a mechanical model
2013 | conference-paper
Remote physiological data acquisition: From the human body to electromechanical simulators
2013 | conference-paper
Remote physiological systems (RePhyS) laboratory: A didactic learning environment
2013 | conference-paper
Rh phenotypes analysis by spectrophotometry in human blood typing
2013 | conference-paper
Robotic Tool to Improve Skills in Children with ASD: A Preliminary Study
International Journal of Life Science and Medical Research
2013 | journal-article
Robótica-Autismo project: Technology for autistic children
3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings
2013 | conference-paper
Stereotyped movement recognition in children with ASD
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2013 | journal-article
Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments
Proceedings - 2013 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2013
2013 | conference-paper
Yarn periodical errors determination using three signal processing approaches
2013 | journal-article
Advanced design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2012 | journal-article
An overview on the use of serious games in physical therapy and rehabilitation
Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business and Research Tools
2012 | book-chapter
Automatic detection of stereotyped hand flapping movements: Two different approaches
Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
2012 | conference-paper
Automatic electronic system to human blood typing
Procedia Engineering
2012 | conference-paper
Automation & Control remote laboratory: Evaluating a cooperative methodology
Proceedings - 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics, ICELIE 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Constraints in the design of activities focusing on emotion recognition for children with ASD using robotic tools
Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
2012 | conference-paper
Constrangimentos no desenho de atividades que focam o reconhecimento de emoções com crianças com PEA usando ferramentas robóticas
2012 | conference-paper
Design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing in emergency situations
2012 | conference-paper
Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2012 | journal-article
Development of skills in children with ASD using a robotic platform
2012 | conference-paper
Digital control ibook: A flashier way to study
2012 | conference-paper
Image processing: Characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine
Image Processing: Methods, Applications and Challenges
2012 | book-chapter
Preliminary study on determining stereotypical motor movements.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2012 | journal-article
Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing
2012 IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, ENBENG 2012
2012 | conference-paper
Stereotype movement recognition in children with ASD
2012 | conference-paper
Studies on the yarn mass parameters determination using Image Processing techniques
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2012 | conference-paper
Web portal: Total challenge
International Journal of Web Portals
2012 | journal-article
Web-assisted laboratory for control education: Remote and virtual environments
Communications in Computer and Information Science
2012 | conference-paper
A comparison of mass parameters determination using capacitive and optical sensors
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2011 | journal-article
A mechatronic device for spasticity quantification
2011 | conference-paper
A support tool for teaching grafcet: Engineering students' perceptions
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011
2011 | conference-paper
An Overview Over Yarn Mass Parameterization Methods
Proceedings of Sensordevices: the Second International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
2011 | journal-article
An approach to promote social and communication behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders: Robot based intervention
2011 | conference-paper
Automatic continuous ECG monitoring system for over-drug detection in Brugada Syndrome.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2011 | journal-article
Automatic system for blood type classification using image processing techniques
BIODEVICES 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
2011 | conference-paper
Biomedical device for spasticity quantification based on the velocity dependence of the Stretch Reflex threshold
2011 | conference-paper
Characterization of blood samples using image processing techniques
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2011 | conference-paper
Design and development of an industrial network laboratory
2011 | journal-article
Development of E-Learning in Higher Education and Future Directions
Innovations 2011: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research
2011 | book-chapter
Ethical aspects in the design of medical devices
Technology and Medical Sciences, TMSi 2010 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology and Medical Sciences
2011 | conference-paper
Games development for pedagogical and educational purposes
Computer Games as Educational and Management Tools: Uses and Approaches
2011 | book-chapter
Incorporating an e-book into digital control studies
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2011 - 11th International Conference Virtual University, VU'11
2011 | conference-paper
K-12, university students and robots: An early start
2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011
2011 | conference-paper
Robots and autism disorder: promoting the competence generalization
2011 | conference-paper
Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems
Computers and Industrial Engineering
2011 | journal-article
Serious game as a tool to intellectual disabilities therapy: Total challenge
2011 | conference-paper
Students' perception on using WALC platform for Automation and Process Control engineering studies
2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2011 - 11th International Conference Virtual University, VU'11
2011 | conference-paper
Technology-enhanced learning on campus: insights from EUNIS e-Learning Task Force
2011 | conference-paper
Yarn diameter characterization using two orthogonal directions
Experimental Techniques
2011 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness determination using image processing techniques
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA
2011 | conference-paper
A network configuration for industrial systems control
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2010 | journal-article
Adaptive control of an electromagnetically actuated presser-foot for industrial sewing machines
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010
2010 | conference-paper
An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics
2010 | journal-article
An interface for industrial fietwork monitoring and control
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2010 | conference-paper
Automation and control engineering laboratory: Students perspectives
WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010
2010 | conference-paper
Determination of yarn production characteristics using image processing
2010 | journal-article
Development of a human blood type detection automatic system
2010 | conference-paper
ECG data-acquisition and classification system by using Wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Models
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10
2010 | conference-paper
Industrial Network Platform for Monitoring and Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
2010 | journal-article
Industrial fietwork platform for monitoring and control of automated manufacturing systems
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2010 | conference-paper
Monitoring and control of a cooling system in a commercial store
WCE 2010 - World Congress on Engineering 2010
2010 | conference-paper
Promoting interaction amongst autistic adolescents using robots
2010 | conference-paper
The State of the Nations: Current and future developments in Technology-Enhanced-Learning
EUNIS Internation Conference
2010 | conference-paper
A collaborative biomedical engineering undergraduate work: An automatic system for blood glucose regulation
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009
2009 | conference-paper
A remote system for water tank level monitoring and control - A collaborative case-study
Proceedings - ICELIE 2009, 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Learning in Industrial Electronics
2009 | conference-paper
Applications of simple robots to encourage social receptiveness of adolescents with autism
2009 | conference-paper
Artificial intelligence and image processing based techniques: A tool for yarns parameterization and fabrics prediction
ETFA 2009 - 2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
2009 | conference-paper
Automatic Yarn Characterization System: Design of a Prototype
IEEE Sensors Journal
2009 | journal-article
Cardiac arrhythmia classification using wavelets and Hidden Markov Models - a comparative approach.
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference
2009 | journal-article
Cardiac arrhythmia classification using wavelets and Hidden Markov models - A comparative approach
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009
2009 | conference-paper
Cardiac arrhythmia help - Diagnosis system using wavelets and Hidden Markov Models
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Informatics, BEBI '09
2009 | conference-paper
Photodiodes: Characteristics and applications in textile industry and biomedicine
Integrated Circuits, Photodiodes and Organic Field Effect Transistors
2009 | book-chapter
Streaming contents and RSS feed in a pedagogical environment
2009 | conference-paper
The fins protocol for complex industrial applications: A case study
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2009 | conference-paper
Yarn diameter and linear mass correlation
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
2009 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness characterization using two orthogonal directions
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2009 | journal-article
Yarn irregularity parameterisation using optical sensors
Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe
2009 | journal-article
Yarn parameterization correlation using optical and capacitive sensors approaches
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2009 | conference-paper
A comparative study between yarn diameter and yarn mass variation measurement systems using capacitive and optical sensors
Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research
2008 | journal-article
ECG self-diagnosis system at P-R interval
Proceedings of VIPIMAGE 2007 - 1st ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing
2008 | conference-paper
Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation - Piezoelectric polymer β-PVDF used as ultrassonic transducer
BIODEVICES 2008 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
2008 | conference-paper
Simulation and formal verification of industrial systems controllers
2008 | conference-paper
Yarn Evenness Parameters Evaluation: A New Approach
Textile Research Journal
2008 | journal-article
Yarn diameter measurements using coherent optical signal processing
IEEE Sensors Journal
2008 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness and diameter characterization using a CMOS line array
2008 | journal-article
Yarn hairiness parameterization using a coherent signal processing technique
2008 | journal-article
automatic yarn characterization system
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
2008 | conference-paper
A new plant modelling approach for formal verification purposes
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
2007 | conference-paper
A pattern recognition system based on cluster and discriminant analysis for fault identification during production
2007 | conference-paper
Optical quantification of yarn hairiness using projections along a single direction
Proceedings of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, CA 2007
2007 | conference-paper
Optical yarn hairiness measurement system
2007 | conference-paper
Simulation and formal verification of real time systems : A case study
ICINCO 2007 - 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings
2007 | conference-paper
Streaming media in different contexts: Engineering and education graduation
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning, EL 2007 - Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2007
2007 | conference-paper
Yarn-mass measurement with 1-mm-length samples
2007 | journal-article
Application of new methodologies in an industrial electronics engineering course : case study
2006 | conference-paper
BakSIM : an application for control, monitoring and simulation of baker's yeast fermentation process
2006 | conference-paper
Baker's yeast fermentation parameters estimation : an evolutionary approach
2006 | conference-paper
Determination of yarn hairiness using optical sensors
2006 | conference-paper
Development of a yarn evenness measurement and hairiness analysis system
2006 | conference-paper
Direct measurement of yarn mass with 1mm accuracy using capacitive sensors
WMSCI 2006 - The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Jointly with the 12th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, ISAS 2006 - Proc.
2006 | conference-paper
ICTs in remote assessment
2006 | conference-paper
Using multivariate statistics on detection of particular signals during production of knitwear
2006 | conference-paper
Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization of polymers: Analysis with a shear differential thermal analyzer
2005 | journal-article
Knitting process surveillance using time and frequency analysis
2005 | conference-paper
Laboratórios virtuais: duas aplicações no ensino de engenharia
2005 | conference-paper
A new system for monitoring and analysis of the knitting process
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 2004, ICM'04
2004 | conference-paper
A system for knitting process monitoring and fault detection on weft circular knitting machines
2004 | conference-paper
Advancements in on-line monitoring and control of parameters in knitting and sewing processes
2004 | conference-paper
Automatic yarn mass parameterization
2004 | conference-paper
Fuzzy logic based control strategies for an electromagnetic actuated sewing machine presser foot
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2004 | conference-paper
Improving feeding efficiency of a sewing machine by on-line control of the presser foot
2004 | conference-paper
Surveillance and control of the yarn input tension on circular weft knitting machines: New approaches
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2004 | conference-paper
Techniques for unveiling faults during knitting production
2004 | conference-paper
Yarn mass analysis with 1 mm capacitive sensors
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2004 | conference-paper
Yarn parameterization based on mass analysis
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical
2004 | conference-paper
Evaluation of the sample temperature increase during the quiescent and shear-induced isothermal crystallization of polyethylene
2003 | journal-article
On-line measurement of yarn evenness
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2003 | conference-paper
Web-aided control studies
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications
2003 | conference-paper
A new system for direct measurement of yarn mass with 1mm accuracy
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2002 | conference-paper
Control of baker's yeast fermentation: PID and fuzzy algorithms
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2001 | conference-paper
High resolution yarn measurement
2001 | conference-paper
Influence of measurement length in yarn eveness control
2001 | conference-paper
Analisador térmico diferencial para estudos da cinética de cristalização induzida por esforços de corte, Shear DTA
2000 | patent
Bioreactor-on-a chip: Application to baker's yeast fermentation
1st Annual International IEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings
2000 | conference-paper
Yarn eveness control in 1 mm range
2000 | conference-paper
A study on the convergence of observer-based kinetics estimators in stirred tank bioreactors
1994 | conference-paper
Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelização e controlo em processos de fermentação
1994 | conference-paper
Computer-aided teaching of process engineering : VI - studies on bioprocess identification and control through a process simulator
1993 | conference-paper
Model-based identification and control on baker's yeast fed-batch fermentation
1993 | conference-paper
Studies on on-line state and parameter estimation through a real-time process simulator
1992 | conference-paper
Projecto Estratégico - LA 22 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2012-12 | PEst-OE/EME/LA0022/2011
Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019-01 to 2019-12 | UID/CEC/00319/2019
Projecto Estratégico - UI 319 - 2011-2012
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011-01 to 2013-12 | PEst-C/EEI/UI0319/2011
Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | 10.54499/LA/P/0104/2020
Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021-01 to 2025-12 | LA/P/0104/2020
Robotic-based toolkit for special educational needs
Governo da República Portuguesa Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2010-06 to 2012-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 109407
Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica
1990-09 to 1992- |
Programa de bolsas para Jovens Investigadores
Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica
1986-10 to 1987-09 |
Ferramentas robóticas na educação especial (Robotic-based toolkit for special educational needs)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010-06 to 2012-12 | RIPD/ADA/109407/2009
Safety Control of Automated Production Systems (SCAPS)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2005-08 to 2008-06 | 61425
Lab-on-a-chip with fluid acoustic microagitation
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2007-07 to 2010-12 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/70017/PT
WALC - Web Assisted Laboratory for Control Engineering on-line Education
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2008-10 to 2011-04 | Provided by PTCRIS: 68069
Remote Physiological Systems (RePhyS) Laboratory: a didactic learning environment
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012-05 to 2014-04 | Provided by PTCRIS: 122329
Deus ex Machina
Comissão Coordenadora da Região Norte
2016- to 2019-06 | NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2001-01 to 2004-09 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/POCI/33061/PT
Sistema de microfluidos em SU-8 integrado num microlaboratório para análise de fluidos biológicos
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI
2005- to 2007- | projectos IN2TEC e Centro Algoritmi
Monitorização e controlo do processo de tricotagem
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2000- to 2001- | FCT (Programa POSI)
MOMBAKER-Modelização, optimização e miniaturização do processo de produção de fermento de padeiro
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI
2000- to 2002- | IN2TEC
Análise on-line da regularidade de fio têxtil, com elevada resolução
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
1999- to 2003- | PRAXIS e POSI/P/EEI/13189
TEXTEST- Desenvolvimento de um dinamómetro multi-axial para medições de têxteis técnicos e tecidos
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
1999- to 2001- | IC-PME, Agência de Inovação
Controlo do sector de centrífugas da rar-refinarias de açúcar reunidas
RAR – Refinarias de Açúcar Reunidas, SA.,
1986- to 1988- | FEUP/RAR
UNIVERSITIES PORTUGAL CONNECTING KNOWLEDGE – Projeto de Internacionalização das Universidades Portuguesas
2020-08 to 2023-06 |
Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal
2020- to 2023-12 |
POCH, Portugal 2020 e Fundo Social Europeu da UE
2022-12 to 2023-11 |
2023- to 2024-01 |
Start | End | Term | Value | |
Laboratory | CAR | |||
17/01/2023 20:10 | ||||
Internal Member Type |