Algoritmi | User | António Joaquim André Esteves

António Joaquim André Esteves

António Joaquim André Esteves

At Algoritmi

Researcher with PhD

Member of the CST R&D Group

Academic Degree


Current Position

Assistant Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID

Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


About Me

Automatic Generation of a Portuguese Land Cover Map with Machine Learning

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

2024 | conference-paper

Converting web pages mockups to HTML using machine learning

WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

2020 | conference-paper

Improving the latency of python-based web applications

WEBIST 2019 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

2019 | conference-paper

Parallel kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of Al3Sc precipitation

Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais

2017 | journal-article

Distributed memory implementation strategies for the kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2016 | conference-paper

Parallelization of kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate AL3Sc precipitation

2015 | conference-paper

Synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of AL3SC precipitation

2015 | conference-paper

Brain Potentials Related to the Verifiction of Phrases

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Simulation of precipitation in an aluminum scandium alloy using kinetic Monte Carlo and DBSCAN algorithms

2013 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an aluminum scandium alloy using molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo method

2013 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an Aluminum Scandium alloy using the kinetic Monte Carlo method

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology

2013 | conference-paper

A WCS-based approach to integrate satellite imagery data in wildfire simulation

2012 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an Aluminum Scandium alloy using the kinetic Monte Carlo method

2012 | dissertation-thesis

A geographical information system for wild fire management


2011 | book

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID


2010 | conference-paper

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | conference-paper

Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid

2010 | conference-paper

Cross-Fire: a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management

2010 | journal-article

A Prototype to Integrate a Wireless Sensor Network with Civil Protection Grid Applications


2009 | conference-paper

CROSS-Fire: a risk management decision support system on the Grid

2009 | conference-paper

FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards

2009 | conference-paper

Integrating a wireless sensor network into grid civil protection applications

2009 | conference-paper

Implementação de um compressor JPEG em FPGA

2007 | conference-paper

A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture

2005 | conference-paper

A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems

2004 | conference-paper

Uma metodologia de participação para o co-projecto de sistemas digitais embebidos

2001 | dissertation-thesis

An evolutionary approach to the use of petri net based models : from parallel controllers to Hw/Sw codesign


2000 | book

An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design

1998 | conference-paper

Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign


1997 | book

A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

1995 | conference-paper

Automatic Generation of a Portuguese Land Cover Map with Machine Learning

| working-paper

Understanding Big Data in High Energy Physics: finding an needle in many haystacks


2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029147

Sensible Car


2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902



2015-06 to 2018-05 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002797



2015-06 to 2018-05 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814

GISELA: Grid Initiatives for E-Science Virtual Communities in Europe and Latin America


2010-09 to 2011-08 | GISELA-261487

GAsPar: General-purpose Aspect-Oriented framework for heterogeneous multicore Parallel systems

Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

2010-06 to 2013-12 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/108937/PT

CROSS-Fire: Cooperação de Recursos Online para Suporte a Simulações de Fogos florestais

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2009-01 to 2010-12 | GRID/GRI/81795/2006

EELA-2: E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America: Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities


2008-04 to 2010-03 | 223797

CYCLOPS: CYber-Infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative ProcedureS

European Commission Sixth Framework Programme

2008-01 to 2008-12 | RI-031874-CYCLOPS

PPC-VM: Portable Parallel Computing based on Virtual Machines

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2004-02 to 2007-11 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Orçamento de Funcionamento/POSC/47158/PT

METHODES: Methodologies and Tools for Developing Real-Time Embedded Systems

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2002-02 to 2004-01 | POSI/CHS/37334/2001

Sistemas Embebidos Reconfiguráveis: Metodologias de Desenvolvimento para Aplicações Tempo-Real


1999-06 to 2001-06 | PRAXIS/P/EEI/10155/1998

Init End Change Value

Automatic Generation of a Portuguese Land Cover Map with Machine Learning

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

2024 | conference-paper

Converting web pages mockups to HTML using machine learning

WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

2020 | conference-paper

Improving the latency of python-based web applications

WEBIST 2019 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies

2019 | conference-paper

Parallel kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of Al3Sc precipitation

Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais

2017 | journal-article

Distributed memory implementation strategies for the kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

2016 | conference-paper

Parallelization of kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate AL3Sc precipitation

2015 | conference-paper

Synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of AL3SC precipitation

2015 | conference-paper

Brain Potentials Related to the Verifiction of Phrases

2013 | dissertation-thesis

Simulation of precipitation in an aluminum scandium alloy using kinetic Monte Carlo and DBSCAN algorithms

2013 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an aluminum scandium alloy using molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo method

2013 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an Aluminum Scandium alloy using the kinetic Monte Carlo method

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology

2013 | conference-paper

A WCS-based approach to integrate satellite imagery data in wildfire simulation

2012 | conference-paper

Simulation of the nucleation of the precipitate Al3Sc in an Aluminum Scandium alloy using the kinetic Monte Carlo method

2012 | dissertation-thesis

A geographical information system for wild fire management


2011 | book

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID


2010 | conference-paper

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | conference-paper

Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid

2010 | conference-paper

Cross-Fire: a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management

2010 | journal-article

A Prototype to Integrate a Wireless Sensor Network with Civil Protection Grid Applications


2009 | conference-paper

CROSS-Fire: a risk management decision support system on the Grid

2009 | conference-paper

FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards

2009 | conference-paper

Integrating a wireless sensor network into grid civil protection applications

2009 | conference-paper

Implementação de um compressor JPEG em FPGA

2007 | conference-paper

A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture

2005 | conference-paper

A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems

2004 | conference-paper

Uma metodologia de participação para o co-projecto de sistemas digitais embebidos

2001 | dissertation-thesis

An evolutionary approach to the use of petri net based models : from parallel controllers to Hw/Sw codesign


2000 | book

An evolutionary approach to the use of Petri net based models: from parallel controllers to HW/SW co-design

1998 | conference-paper

Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign


1997 | book

A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

1995 | conference-paper

Automatic Generation of a Portuguese Land Cover Map with Machine Learning

| working-paper

Understanding Big Data in High Energy Physics: finding an needle in many haystacks


2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029147

Sensible Car


2018-07 to 2021-06 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902



2015-06 to 2018-05 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002797



2015-06 to 2018-05 | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814

GISELA: Grid Initiatives for E-Science Virtual Communities in Europe and Latin America


2010-09 to 2011-08 | GISELA-261487

GAsPar: General-purpose Aspect-Oriented framework for heterogeneous multicore Parallel systems

Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

2010-06 to 2013-12 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/5876-PPCDTI/108937/PT

CROSS-Fire: Cooperação de Recursos Online para Suporte a Simulações de Fogos florestais

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2009-01 to 2010-12 | GRID/GRI/81795/2006

EELA-2: E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America: Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities


2008-04 to 2010-03 | 223797

CYCLOPS: CYber-Infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative ProcedureS

European Commission Sixth Framework Programme

2008-01 to 2008-12 | RI-031874-CYCLOPS

PPC-VM: Portable Parallel Computing based on Virtual Machines

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2004-02 to 2007-11 | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Orçamento de Funcionamento/POSC/47158/PT

METHODES: Methodologies and Tools for Developing Real-Time Embedded Systems

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2002-02 to 2004-01 | POSI/CHS/37334/2001

Sistemas Embebidos Reconfiguráveis: Metodologias de Desenvolvimento para Aplicações Tempo-Real


1999-06 to 2001-06 | PRAXIS/P/EEI/10155/1998

Start End Term Value
This user account status is Approved