Algoritmi | User | Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença

Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença

Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença
At Algoritmi
Senior Researcher with Dr habil
Member of the CST R&D Group
Academic Degree
Dr habil
Current Position
Full Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Personal Webpage
Personal Email
0000-0001-6018-7346Researcher ID
A-4233-2015Ciência ID
F91D-2BC2-5C00Google Scholar
192Q1 / Q2
5About Me
Born in Mozambique in 1954, moved to Portugal in 1975, married in 1976, had one son in 1982 and one daughter in 1985 and has now 4 grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. Started his University studies in Mozambique and graduated in Coimbra (Lic. Engª Eletrotécnica) in 1976; finished his MSc in Digital Electronics at UMIST, Manchester, UK, in 1979 and the PhD also in Manchester in 1982; received the Habillitation in 1998 at U. Minho. Started the academic career at U. Porto in 1976, moved to U. Minho in 1977, where is currently Full Professor at Dep. Informatics, School of Engineering, since 2001. Key topics in academic activities (research, pedagogic and management) range from digital electronics to high-performance computing (HPC), including computer architecture, parallel computing and heterogeneous computing. Key application areas are in heritage, computer vision, physics, chemistry, current focus on efficient computing in several types of computing resources and application domains. Edited several books with conference proceedings as chair of the event, and has several indexed publications (ISI, Scopus, DBLP, ACM) in book chapters, journals and proceedings of international and national conferences. During his stay at the university, lectured a wide range of courses for Lic., MSc and PhD degrees (some in UK), and successfully oriented several MSc dissertations and PhD thesis works. Chaired the University Computer Centre for 17 years (since 1985), introducing the 1st national service with parallel computing, chaired and co-chaired the Advanced Computing theme in the cooperation program between the University of Texas at Austin and Portugal for 11 years (since 2006), and currently leads the university research services on parallel computing with the heterogeneous computer cluster SeARCH (since 2005).
Publications (97)
HEP-Frame: an efficient tool for big data applications at the LHC
The European Physical Journal Plus
2023 | journal-article
4SpecID: Reference DNA Libraries Auditing and Annotation System for Forensic Applications
2021 | journal-article
HEP-Frame: a Powerful Tool to Build LHC Data Analyses
European Physics Journal C
2020 | journal-article
Multi-layer Scheduling with Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Data Stream Analyses on Heterogeneous Servers
Computer Physics Communications
2020 | journal-article
PRNG-broker: A High-Performance Broker to Supply Parallel Generated Streams of Pseudo-Random Numbers to Large Scale Simulations
International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (2020)
2020 | conference-paper
Efficient Use of Parallel PRNGs on Heterogeneous Servers
Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Applications
2018 | conference-paper
Exploring heterogeneous computing with advanced path tracing algorithms
2016 23 Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao, EPCGI 2016
2017 | conference-paper
Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images
European Microscopy Congress 2016
2016 | conference-abstract
HEP-frame: A software engineered framework to aid the development and efficient multicore execution of scientific code
Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2015
2016 | conference-paper
Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images
European Microscopy Congress
2016 | conference-abstract
Parallel Improved Schnorr-Euchner Enumeration SE++ for the CVP and SVP
Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Parallel improved Schnorr-Euchner enumeration SE++ on shared and distributed memory systems, with and without extreme pruning
Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications
2016 | journal-article
Tuning pipelined scientific data analyses for efficient multicore execution
2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2016
2016 | conference-paper
A generic and highly efficient parallel variant of Borůvka's algorithm
Proceedings - 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Paralelização de algoritmos de enumeração para o problema do vector mais curto em sistemas de memória partilhada e distribuída
2014 | conference-paper
Removing inefficiencies from scientific code: The study of the Higgs boson couplings to top quarks
2014 | book
A (ir)regularity-aware task scheduler for heterogeneous platforms
Int. Conf. High Performance Computing
2012 | conference-paper
Preface and biographic notes for the special issue on graphics for serious games
Computers & Graphics
2010 | journal-article
Cross-Fire : a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management
VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research
2010 | conference-paper
A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID
4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)
2010 | conference-paper
A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID
4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)
2010 | conference-paper
An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid
2010 | conference-paper
EGEE site administration made easy
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
VS-GAMES 2010 preface
2nd International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-GAMES 2010
2010 | journal-article
VS-Games 2010
IEEE Computer Society Press
2010 | edited-book
An OGC-WS Framework to Run FireStation on the Grid
3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´09)
2009 | conference-paper
CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid
2nd EELA-2 Conference
2009 | conference-paper
FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Conf. (EGEE'09)
2009 | conference-paper
A Technology Cocktail for a 3D Photo-Realistic Model of a I Century Roman Fountain: Range Scanning, RTI and Physically Based Rendering
9th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2008
2008 | conference-paper
Image-Based Empirical Information Acquisition, Scientific Reliability, and Long-Term Digital Preservation for the Natural Sciences and Cultural Heritage
Eurographics 2008
2008 | conference-paper
VAST´2008, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings
Eurographics Association
2008 | edited-book
VAST´2008, Workshops, Short and Project Papers
Eurographics Association
2008 | edited-book
Imaging Techniques to Simplify the PTM Generation of a Bas-Relief
8th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST´2007
2007 | conference-paper
Detecção Automática da Localização dos Focos de Luz na Modelação de Baixos Relevos em Texturas PTM
15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG'2007
2007 | conference-paper
Enabling JaSkel Skeletons for Clusters and Computational Grids
IEEE Cluster (Cluster 2007)
2007 | conference-paper
Grid Enabled JaSKel Skeletons with GMarte
1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´07)
2007 | conference-paper
Enabling JaSkel skeletons for clusters and computational grids
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC
2007 | journal-article
Uma plataforma nacional para integração de serviços geo-referenciados na gestão de fogos florestais em tempo-real
Díxitos, Fundación CESGA, Xullo 2007
2007 | magazine-article
JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing
6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06)
2006 | conference-paper
JaSkel: A Java skeleton-based framework for structured cluster and grid computing
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2006. CCGRID 06
2006 | journal-article
Refinement Criteria for High Fidelity Interactive Walkthroughs
4th Int Conf Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia GRAPHITE06
2006 | conference-paper
Refinement criteria for high fidelity interactive walkthroughs
Proceedings - GRAPHITE 2006: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia
2006 | journal-article
High Fidelity Walkthroughs in Archaeology Sites
6th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2005
2005 | conference-paper
A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis
2005 | conference-paper
A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems
Int. Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004)
2004 | conference-paper
Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: A bayesian approach
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | journal-article
Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: a bayesian approach
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2004 | book-chapter
A Systematic Approach to Effective Scheduling in Distributed Systems
5th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '02
2002 | conference-paper
Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications
Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing, Proceedings
2002 | book-chapter
Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2002 | book
A Bayesian runtime load manager on a shared cluster
1st IEEE/ACM Symp. Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001)
2001 | conference-paper
A Bayesian RunTime load manager on a shared cluster
First Ieee/acm International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Proceedings
2001 | journal-article
A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time
Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar 2000
2001 | book-chapter
A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2001 | book
A SCOOPP Evaluation on Packing Parallel Objects in Run-time
4th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '2000
2000 | conference-paper
Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming. The SCOOPP approach
2nd Merged IPPS/SPDP 1999
1999 | conference-paper
A Run-Time System for Dynamic Grain Packing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1999 | book-chapter
A run-time system for dynamic grain packing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
1999 | journal-article
An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study
1999 | conference-paper
Aplicación de Redes Neuronales en el Análisis del Movimiento en Secuencias de Imágenes
Información Tecnológica Chile
1999 | journal-article
Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming - the SCOOPP approach
Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing Symposium, IPPS
1999 | journal-article
An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study
9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98)
1998 | conference-paper
Remote Learning in Parallel Computing. Design of an Interactive Course
10th World Conf. on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA/ ED-TELECOM '98)
1998 | conference-paper
Using the Web to Give Life to Museums
Intern. Conf. on Museums and the Web,
1998 | conference-paper
Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems
1998 | journal-article
ParC++: A simple extension of C++ to parallel systems
Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing - Pdp '98
1998 | journal-article
Specification of industrial digital controllers with object-oriented Petri nets
IEEE Intern. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (Signal Processing & Control), ISIE'97
1997 | conference-paper
Porting Khoros Applications to a Parallel Vision Machine
Khoros Symposium '97
1997 | conference-paper
Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign
Embedded System Applications
1997 | book-chapter
Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface
1997 | book-chapter
Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
1997 | book
Parallel Genetic Algorithms in a Networked Workstation Environment
Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering V
1997 | book-chapter
Parallel genetic algorithms in a networked workstation environment
International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing
1997 | journal-article
Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais
Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos Engenheiros
1997 | journal-article
SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems
Hardware Description Languages and their Applications
1997 | book-chapter
Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
1997 | journal-article
VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers
1997 | conference-paper
VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers
IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques
1997 | journal-article
Matriz Hipermédia para Desenvolvimento de Material Pedagógico
Simpósio Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Software Educativo
1996 | conference-paper
Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents
Workshop OOP & Models of Concurrency, ICATPN'95
1995 | conference-paper
A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues
Computing Systems in Engineering
1995 | journal-article
A messages-density monitoring strategy for distributed-memory parallel systems
Programming and Computer Software
1995 | journal-article
A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais
1995 | conference-paper
Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri
1995 | conference-paper
A Messages Density Monitoring Strategy for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems
2nd Intern. Conf. on Software for Multiprocessors and Supercomputers: Theory, Practice and Experience
1994 | conference-paper
Microcontroller Strategies in an Associative Array Processor for Computer Vision
Computer Vision: Specialized Processors for Real-Time Image Analysis
1994 | book-chapter
A Data Management Strategy for Increased Parallel Processing Efficiency
1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
1993 | conference-paper
Development Stages in Real-Time Computer Vision Architectures
1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
1993 | conference-paper
Students and Staff Mobility across Europe: from ERASMUS to TEMPUS
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1993 | journal-article
The Computer Architecture course in a common core in Computer Science and Engineer degrees
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1993 | journal-article
A rede informática dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho
1992 | journal-article
Advanced Controller Design
Microcomputer´91 - Design, Practice, Education
1991 | book-chapter
Advanced controller design
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybernetyki Technicznej, Politechniki Wroclawskiej
1991 | journal-article
A Local Network Architecture for Real-Time Control
The University of Manchester - North Campus
1982 | dissertation-thesis
A Multi-user Microprocessor Development Aid in CYBA-M
The University of Manchester - North Campus
1979 | dissertation-thesis
Fundings (5)
SeARCH-ON2: Requalificação de infraestruturas de HPC da UMinho
Programa ON.2
2014-04 to 2015-06 | NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086
Portability and Performance in Heterogeneous Many Core Systems
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2010-05 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 100035
AspectGrid: Pluggable Grid Aspects for Scientific Applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2007-07 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81880
ViAr: Affordable Interactive Virtual Archaeology with Adaptive Cluster Computing
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2002-03 to 2005-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 42041
Collaborative Resources Online to Support Simulations on Forest Fires (CROSS-Fire): a Grid Platform to Integrate Geo-referenced Web Services for Real-Time Management
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2007-08 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81795
Init | End | Change | Value |
HEP-Frame: an efficient tool for big data applications at the LHC
The European Physical Journal Plus
2023 | journal-article
4SpecID: Reference DNA Libraries Auditing and Annotation System for Forensic Applications
2021 | journal-article
HEP-Frame: a Powerful Tool to Build LHC Data Analyses
European Physics Journal C
2020 | journal-article
Multi-layer Scheduling with Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Data Stream Analyses on Heterogeneous Servers
Computer Physics Communications
2020 | journal-article
PRNG-broker: A High-Performance Broker to Supply Parallel Generated Streams of Pseudo-Random Numbers to Large Scale Simulations
International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (2020)
2020 | conference-paper
Efficient Use of Parallel PRNGs on Heterogeneous Servers
Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Applications
2018 | conference-paper
Exploring heterogeneous computing with advanced path tracing algorithms
2016 23 Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao, EPCGI 2016
2017 | conference-paper
Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images
European Microscopy Congress 2016
2016 | conference-abstract
HEP-frame: A software engineered framework to aid the development and efficient multicore execution of scientific code
Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2015
2016 | conference-paper
Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images
European Microscopy Congress
2016 | conference-abstract
Parallel Improved Schnorr-Euchner Enumeration SE++ for the CVP and SVP
Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016
2016 | conference-paper
Parallel improved Schnorr-Euchner enumeration SE++ on shared and distributed memory systems, with and without extreme pruning
Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications
2016 | journal-article
Tuning pipelined scientific data analyses for efficient multicore execution
2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2016
2016 | conference-paper
A generic and highly efficient parallel variant of Borůvka's algorithm
Proceedings - 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015
2015 | conference-paper
Paralelização de algoritmos de enumeração para o problema do vector mais curto em sistemas de memória partilhada e distribuída
2014 | conference-paper
Removing inefficiencies from scientific code: The study of the Higgs boson couplings to top quarks
2014 | book
A (ir)regularity-aware task scheduler for heterogeneous platforms
Int. Conf. High Performance Computing
2012 | conference-paper
Preface and biographic notes for the special issue on graphics for serious games
Computers & Graphics
2010 | journal-article
Cross-Fire : a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management
VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research
2010 | conference-paper
A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID
4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)
2010 | conference-paper
A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID
4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)
2010 | conference-paper
An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid
2010 | conference-paper
EGEE site administration made easy
Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings
2010 | journal-article
VS-GAMES 2010 preface
2nd International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-GAMES 2010
2010 | journal-article
VS-Games 2010
IEEE Computer Society Press
2010 | edited-book
An OGC-WS Framework to Run FireStation on the Grid
3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´09)
2009 | conference-paper
CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid
2nd EELA-2 Conference
2009 | conference-paper
FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Conf. (EGEE'09)
2009 | conference-paper
A Technology Cocktail for a 3D Photo-Realistic Model of a I Century Roman Fountain: Range Scanning, RTI and Physically Based Rendering
9th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2008
2008 | conference-paper
Image-Based Empirical Information Acquisition, Scientific Reliability, and Long-Term Digital Preservation for the Natural Sciences and Cultural Heritage
Eurographics 2008
2008 | conference-paper
VAST´2008, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings
Eurographics Association
2008 | edited-book
VAST´2008, Workshops, Short and Project Papers
Eurographics Association
2008 | edited-book
Imaging Techniques to Simplify the PTM Generation of a Bas-Relief
8th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST´2007
2007 | conference-paper
Detecção Automática da Localização dos Focos de Luz na Modelação de Baixos Relevos em Texturas PTM
15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG'2007
2007 | conference-paper
Enabling JaSkel Skeletons for Clusters and Computational Grids
IEEE Cluster (Cluster 2007)
2007 | conference-paper
Grid Enabled JaSKel Skeletons with GMarte
1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´07)
2007 | conference-paper
Enabling JaSkel skeletons for clusters and computational grids
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC
2007 | journal-article
Uma plataforma nacional para integração de serviços geo-referenciados na gestão de fogos florestais em tempo-real
Díxitos, Fundación CESGA, Xullo 2007
2007 | magazine-article
JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing
6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06)
2006 | conference-paper
JaSkel: A Java skeleton-based framework for structured cluster and grid computing
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2006. CCGRID 06
2006 | journal-article
Refinement Criteria for High Fidelity Interactive Walkthroughs
4th Int Conf Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia GRAPHITE06
2006 | conference-paper
Refinement criteria for high fidelity interactive walkthroughs
Proceedings - GRAPHITE 2006: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia
2006 | journal-article
High Fidelity Walkthroughs in Archaeology Sites
6th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2005
2005 | conference-paper
A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis
2005 | conference-paper
A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems
Int. Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004)
2004 | conference-paper
Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: A bayesian approach
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2004 | journal-article
Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: a bayesian approach
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2004 | book-chapter
A Systematic Approach to Effective Scheduling in Distributed Systems
5th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '02
2002 | conference-paper
Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications
Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing, Proceedings
2002 | book-chapter
Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2002 | book
A Bayesian runtime load manager on a shared cluster
1st IEEE/ACM Symp. Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001)
2001 | conference-paper
A Bayesian RunTime load manager on a shared cluster
First Ieee/acm International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Proceedings
2001 | journal-article
A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time
Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar 2000
2001 | book-chapter
A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2001 | book
A SCOOPP Evaluation on Packing Parallel Objects in Run-time
4th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '2000
2000 | conference-paper
Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming. The SCOOPP approach
2nd Merged IPPS/SPDP 1999
1999 | conference-paper
A Run-Time System for Dynamic Grain Packing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1999 | book-chapter
A run-time system for dynamic grain packing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
1999 | journal-article
An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study
1999 | conference-paper
Aplicación de Redes Neuronales en el Análisis del Movimiento en Secuencias de Imágenes
Información Tecnológica Chile
1999 | journal-article
Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming - the SCOOPP approach
Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing Symposium, IPPS
1999 | journal-article
An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study
9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98)
1998 | conference-paper
Remote Learning in Parallel Computing. Design of an Interactive Course
10th World Conf. on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA/ ED-TELECOM '98)
1998 | conference-paper
Using the Web to Give Life to Museums
Intern. Conf. on Museums and the Web,
1998 | conference-paper
Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems
1998 | journal-article
ParC++: A simple extension of C++ to parallel systems
Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing - Pdp '98
1998 | journal-article
Specification of industrial digital controllers with object-oriented Petri nets
IEEE Intern. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (Signal Processing & Control), ISIE'97
1997 | conference-paper
Porting Khoros Applications to a Parallel Vision Machine
Khoros Symposium '97
1997 | conference-paper
Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign
Embedded System Applications
1997 | book-chapter
Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface
1997 | book-chapter
Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
1997 | book
Parallel Genetic Algorithms in a Networked Workstation Environment
Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering V
1997 | book-chapter
Parallel genetic algorithms in a networked workstation environment
International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing
1997 | journal-article
Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais
Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos Engenheiros
1997 | journal-article
SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems
Hardware Description Languages and their Applications
1997 | book-chapter
Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
1997 | journal-article
VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers
1997 | conference-paper
VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers
IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques
1997 | journal-article
Matriz Hipermédia para Desenvolvimento de Material Pedagógico
Simpósio Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Software Educativo
1996 | conference-paper
Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents
Workshop OOP & Models of Concurrency, ICATPN'95
1995 | conference-paper
A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues
Computing Systems in Engineering
1995 | journal-article
A messages-density monitoring strategy for distributed-memory parallel systems
Programming and Computer Software
1995 | journal-article
A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais
1995 | conference-paper
Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri
1995 | conference-paper
A Messages Density Monitoring Strategy for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems
2nd Intern. Conf. on Software for Multiprocessors and Supercomputers: Theory, Practice and Experience
1994 | conference-paper
Microcontroller Strategies in an Associative Array Processor for Computer Vision
Computer Vision: Specialized Processors for Real-Time Image Analysis
1994 | book-chapter
A Data Management Strategy for Increased Parallel Processing Efficiency
1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
1993 | conference-paper
Development Stages in Real-Time Computer Vision Architectures
1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing
1993 | conference-paper
Students and Staff Mobility across Europe: from ERASMUS to TEMPUS
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1993 | journal-article
The Computer Architecture course in a common core in Computer Science and Engineer degrees
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1993 | journal-article
A rede informática dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho
1992 | journal-article
Advanced Controller Design
Microcomputer´91 - Design, Practice, Education
1991 | book-chapter
Advanced controller design
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybernetyki Technicznej, Politechniki Wroclawskiej
1991 | journal-article
A Local Network Architecture for Real-Time Control
The University of Manchester - North Campus
1982 | dissertation-thesis
A Multi-user Microprocessor Development Aid in CYBA-M
The University of Manchester - North Campus
1979 | dissertation-thesis
SeARCH-ON2: Requalificação de infraestruturas de HPC da UMinho
Programa ON.2
2014-04 to 2015-06 | NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086
Portability and Performance in Heterogeneous Many Core Systems
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2010-05 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 100035
AspectGrid: Pluggable Grid Aspects for Scientific Applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2007-07 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81880
ViAr: Affordable Interactive Virtual Archaeology with Adaptive Cluster Computing
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2002-03 to 2005-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 42041
Collaborative Resources Online to Support Simulations on Forest Fires (CROSS-Fire): a Grid Platform to Integrate Geo-referenced Web Services for Real-Time Management
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2007-08 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81795
Start | End | Term | Value | |