Algoritmi | User | Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença

Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença

Alberto José Gonçalves Carvalho Proença

At Algoritmi

Senior Researcher with Dr habil

Member of the CST R&D Group

Academic Degree

Dr habil

Current Position

Full Professor at Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho

Personal Webpage

Personal Email



Researcher ID


Ciência ID


Google Scholar









Q1 / Q2


About Me

HEP-Frame: an efficient tool for big data applications at the LHC

The European Physical Journal Plus

2023 | journal-article

4SpecID: Reference DNA Libraries Auditing and Annotation System for Forensic Applications


2021 | journal-article

HEP-Frame: a Powerful Tool to Build LHC Data Analyses

European Physics Journal C

2020 | journal-article

Multi-layer Scheduling with Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Data Stream Analyses on Heterogeneous Servers

Computer Physics Communications

2020 | journal-article

PRNG-broker: A High-Performance Broker to Supply Parallel Generated Streams of Pseudo-Random Numbers to Large Scale Simulations

International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (2020)

2020 | conference-paper

Efficient Use of Parallel PRNGs on Heterogeneous Servers

Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Applications

2018 | conference-paper

Exploring heterogeneous computing with advanced path tracing algorithms

2016 23 Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao, EPCGI 2016

2017 | conference-paper

Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images

European Microscopy Congress 2016

2016 | conference-abstract

HEP-frame: A software engineered framework to aid the development and efficient multicore execution of scientific code

Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2015

2016 | conference-paper

Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images

European Microscopy Congress

2016 | conference-abstract

Parallel Improved Schnorr-Euchner Enumeration SE++ for the CVP and SVP

Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Parallel improved Schnorr-Euchner enumeration SE++ on shared and distributed memory systems, with and without extreme pruning

Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications

2016 | journal-article

Tuning pipelined scientific data analyses for efficient multicore execution

2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A generic and highly efficient parallel variant of Borůvka's algorithm

Proceedings - 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Paralelização de algoritmos de enumeração para o problema do vector mais curto em sistemas de memória partilhada e distribuída

2014 | conference-paper

Removing inefficiencies from scientific code: The study of the Higgs boson couplings to top quarks

2014 | book

A (ir)regularity-aware task scheduler for heterogeneous platforms

Int. Conf. High Performance Computing

2012 | conference-paper

Preface and biographic notes for the special issue on graphics for serious games

Computers & Graphics

2010 | journal-article

Cross-Fire : a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management

VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research

2010 | conference-paper

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID

4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)

2010 | conference-paper

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)

2010 | conference-paper

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid

2010 | conference-paper

EGEE site administration made easy

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

VS-GAMES 2010 preface

2nd International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-GAMES 2010

2010 | journal-article

VS-Games 2010

IEEE Computer Society Press

2010 | edited-book

An OGC-WS Framework to Run FireStation on the Grid

3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´09)

2009 | conference-paper

CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid

2nd EELA-2 Conference

2009 | conference-paper

FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Conf. (EGEE'09)

2009 | conference-paper

A Technology Cocktail for a 3D Photo-Realistic Model of a I Century Roman Fountain: Range Scanning, RTI and Physically Based Rendering

9th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2008

2008 | conference-paper

Image-Based Empirical Information Acquisition, Scientific Reliability, and Long-Term Digital Preservation for the Natural Sciences and Cultural Heritage

Eurographics 2008

2008 | conference-paper

VAST´2008, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings

Eurographics Association

2008 | edited-book

VAST´2008, Workshops, Short and Project Papers

Eurographics Association

2008 | edited-book

Imaging Techniques to Simplify the PTM Generation of a Bas-Relief

8th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST´2007

2007 | conference-paper

Detecção Automática da Localização dos Focos de Luz na Modelação de Baixos Relevos em Texturas PTM

15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG'2007

2007 | conference-paper

Enabling JaSkel Skeletons for Clusters and Computational Grids

IEEE Cluster (Cluster 2007)

2007 | conference-paper

Grid Enabled JaSKel Skeletons with GMarte

1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´07)

2007 | conference-paper

Enabling JaSkel skeletons for clusters and computational grids

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

2007 | journal-article

Uma plataforma nacional para integração de serviços geo-referenciados na gestão de fogos florestais em tempo-real

Díxitos, Fundación CESGA, Xullo 2007

2007 | magazine-article

JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing

6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06)

2006 | conference-paper

JaSkel: A Java skeleton-based framework for structured cluster and grid computing

Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2006. CCGRID 06

2006 | journal-article

Refinement Criteria for High Fidelity Interactive Walkthroughs

4th Int Conf Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia – GRAPHITE’06

2006 | conference-paper

Refinement criteria for high fidelity interactive walkthroughs

Proceedings - GRAPHITE 2006: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia

2006 | journal-article

High Fidelity Walkthroughs in Archaeology Sites

6th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2005

2005 | conference-paper

A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture

Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis

2005 | conference-paper

A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems

Int. Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004)

2004 | conference-paper

Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: A bayesian approach

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2004 | journal-article

Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: a bayesian approach

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

2004 | book-chapter

A Systematic Approach to Effective Scheduling in Distributed Systems

5th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '02

2002 | conference-paper

Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications

Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing, Proceedings

2002 | book-chapter

Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2002 | book

A Bayesian runtime load manager on a shared cluster

1st IEEE/ACM Symp. Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001)

2001 | conference-paper

A Bayesian RunTime load manager on a shared cluster

First Ieee/acm International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Proceedings

2001 | journal-article

A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time

Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar 2000

2001 | book-chapter

A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2001 | book

A SCOOPP Evaluation on Packing Parallel Objects in Run-time

4th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '2000

2000 | conference-paper

Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming. The SCOOPP approach

2nd Merged IPPS/SPDP 1999

1999 | conference-paper

A Run-Time System for Dynamic Grain Packing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

1999 | book-chapter

A run-time system for dynamic grain packing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

1999 | journal-article

An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study

1999 | conference-paper

Aplicación de Redes Neuronales en el Análisis del Movimiento en Secuencias de Imágenes

Información Tecnológica Chile

1999 | journal-article

Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming - the SCOOPP approach

Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing Symposium, IPPS

1999 | journal-article

An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study

9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98)

1998 | conference-paper

Remote Learning in Parallel Computing. Design of an Interactive Course

10th World Conf. on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA/ ED-TELECOM '98)

1998 | conference-paper

Using the Web to Give Life to Museums

Intern. Conf. on Museums and the Web,

1998 | conference-paper

Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems

1998 | journal-article

ParC++: A simple extension of C++ to parallel systems

Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing - Pdp '98

1998 | journal-article

Specification of industrial digital controllers with object-oriented Petri nets

IEEE Intern. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (Signal Processing & Control), ISIE'97

1997 | conference-paper

Porting Khoros Applications to a Parallel Vision Machine

Khoros Symposium '97

1997 | conference-paper

Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign

Embedded System Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system

Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface

1997 | book-chapter

Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

1997 | book

Parallel Genetic Algorithms in a Networked Workstation Environment

Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering V

1997 | book-chapter

Parallel genetic algorithms in a networked workstation environment

International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing

1997 | journal-article

Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos Engenheiros

1997 | journal-article

SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems

Hardware Description Languages and their Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

1997 | journal-article

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

1997 | conference-paper

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques

1997 | journal-article

Matriz Hipermédia para Desenvolvimento de Material Pedagógico

Simpósio Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Software Educativo

1996 | conference-paper

Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents

Workshop OOP & Models of Concurrency, ICATPN'95

1995 | conference-paper

A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues

Computing Systems in Engineering

1995 | journal-article

A messages-density monitoring strategy for distributed-memory parallel systems

Programming and Computer Software

1995 | journal-article

A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

1995 | conference-paper

Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri

1995 | conference-paper

A Messages Density Monitoring Strategy for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems

2nd Intern. Conf. on Software for Multiprocessors and Supercomputers: Theory, Practice and Experience

1994 | conference-paper

Microcontroller Strategies in an Associative Array Processor for Computer Vision

Computer Vision: Specialized Processors for Real-Time Image Analysis

1994 | book-chapter

A Data Management Strategy for Increased Parallel Processing Efficiency

1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing

1993 | conference-paper

Development Stages in Real-Time Computer Vision Architectures

1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing

1993 | conference-paper

Students and Staff Mobility across Europe: from ERASMUS to TEMPUS

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

1993 | journal-article

The Computer Architecture course in a common core in Computer Science and Engineer degrees

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

1993 | journal-article

A rede informática dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho

1992 | journal-article

Advanced Controller Design

Microcomputer´91 - Design, Practice, Education

1991 | book-chapter

Advanced controller design

Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybernetyki Technicznej, Politechniki Wroclawskiej

1991 | journal-article

A Local Network Architecture for Real-Time Control

The University of Manchester - North Campus

1982 | dissertation-thesis

A Multi-user Microprocessor Development Aid in CYBA-M

The University of Manchester - North Campus

1979 | dissertation-thesis

SeARCH-ON2: Requalificação de infraestruturas de HPC da UMinho

Programa ON.2

2014-04 to 2015-06 | NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086

Portability and Performance in Heterogeneous Many Core Systems

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2010-05 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 100035

AspectGrid: Pluggable Grid Aspects for Scientific Applications

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2007-07 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81880

ViAr: Affordable Interactive Virtual Archaeology with Adaptive Cluster Computing

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2002-03 to 2005-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 42041

Collaborative Resources Online to Support Simulations on Forest Fires (CROSS-Fire): a Grid Platform to Integrate Geo-referenced Web Services for Real-Time Management

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2007-08 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81795

Init End Change Value

HEP-Frame: an efficient tool for big data applications at the LHC

The European Physical Journal Plus

2023 | journal-article

4SpecID: Reference DNA Libraries Auditing and Annotation System for Forensic Applications


2021 | journal-article

HEP-Frame: a Powerful Tool to Build LHC Data Analyses

European Physics Journal C

2020 | journal-article

Multi-layer Scheduling with Adaptive Ordering of Pipelined Data Stream Analyses on Heterogeneous Servers

Computer Physics Communications

2020 | journal-article

PRNG-broker: A High-Performance Broker to Supply Parallel Generated Streams of Pseudo-Random Numbers to Large Scale Simulations

International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (2020)

2020 | conference-paper

Efficient Use of Parallel PRNGs on Heterogeneous Servers

Intern. Conf. on Mathematical Applications

2018 | conference-paper

Exploring heterogeneous computing with advanced path tracing algorithms

2016 23 Encontro Portugues de Computacao Grafica e Interacao, EPCGI 2016

2017 | conference-paper

Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images

European Microscopy Congress 2016

2016 | conference-abstract

HEP-frame: A software engineered framework to aid the development and efficient multicore execution of scientific code

Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2015

2016 | conference-paper

Im2Cr: An efficient tool for crystallographic indexing of HR(S)TEM images

European Microscopy Congress

2016 | conference-abstract

Parallel Improved Schnorr-Euchner Enumeration SE++ for the CVP and SVP

Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016

2016 | conference-paper

Parallel improved Schnorr-Euchner enumeration SE++ on shared and distributed memory systems, with and without extreme pruning

Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications

2016 | journal-article

Tuning pipelined scientific data analyses for efficient multicore execution

2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2016

2016 | conference-paper

A generic and highly efficient parallel variant of Borůvka's algorithm

Proceedings - 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015

2015 | conference-paper

Paralelização de algoritmos de enumeração para o problema do vector mais curto em sistemas de memória partilhada e distribuída

2014 | conference-paper

Removing inefficiencies from scientific code: The study of the Higgs boson couplings to top quarks

2014 | book

A (ir)regularity-aware task scheduler for heterogeneous platforms

Int. Conf. High Performance Computing

2012 | conference-paper

Preface and biographic notes for the special issue on graphics for serious games

Computers & Graphics

2010 | journal-article

Cross-Fire : a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management

VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research

2010 | conference-paper

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID

4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)

2010 | conference-paper

A platform to support Civil Protection applications on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´10)

2010 | conference-paper

An OGC/SOS Conformant Client to Manage Geospatial Data on the GRID

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

Bridging the gap between applications geospatial data and the Grid

2010 | conference-paper

EGEE site administration made easy

Ibergrid: 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings

2010 | journal-article

VS-GAMES 2010 preface

2nd International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-GAMES 2010

2010 | journal-article

VS-Games 2010

IEEE Computer Society Press

2010 | edited-book

An OGC-WS Framework to Run FireStation on the Grid

3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´09)

2009 | conference-paper

CROSS-Fire : a risk management decision support system on the Grid

2nd EELA-2 Conference

2009 | conference-paper

FireStation on the grid: aAfurther on the adoption of OGC/SDI standards

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Conf. (EGEE'09)

2009 | conference-paper

A Technology Cocktail for a 3D Photo-Realistic Model of a I Century Roman Fountain: Range Scanning, RTI and Physically Based Rendering

9th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2008

2008 | conference-paper

Image-Based Empirical Information Acquisition, Scientific Reliability, and Long-Term Digital Preservation for the Natural Sciences and Cultural Heritage

Eurographics 2008

2008 | conference-paper

VAST´2008, Eurographics Symposium Proceedings

Eurographics Association

2008 | edited-book

VAST´2008, Workshops, Short and Project Papers

Eurographics Association

2008 | edited-book

Imaging Techniques to Simplify the PTM Generation of a Bas-Relief

8th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST´2007

2007 | conference-paper

Detecção Automática da Localização dos Focos de Luz na Modelação de Baixos Relevos em Texturas PTM

15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, EPCG'2007

2007 | conference-paper

Enabling JaSkel Skeletons for Clusters and Computational Grids

IEEE Cluster (Cluster 2007)

2007 | conference-paper

Grid Enabled JaSKel Skeletons with GMarte

1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conf (IBERGRID´07)

2007 | conference-paper

Enabling JaSkel skeletons for clusters and computational grids

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

2007 | journal-article

Uma plataforma nacional para integração de serviços geo-referenciados na gestão de fogos florestais em tempo-real

Díxitos, Fundación CESGA, Xullo 2007

2007 | magazine-article

JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing

6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06)

2006 | conference-paper

JaSkel: A Java skeleton-based framework for structured cluster and grid computing

Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2006. CCGRID 06

2006 | journal-article

Refinement Criteria for High Fidelity Interactive Walkthroughs

4th Int Conf Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia – GRAPHITE’06

2006 | conference-paper

Refinement criteria for high fidelity interactive walkthroughs

Proceedings - GRAPHITE 2006: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia

2006 | journal-article

High Fidelity Walkthroughs in Archaeology Sites

6th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST'2005

2005 | conference-paper

A hardware/software partition methodology targeted to an FPGA/CPLD architecture

Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis

2005 | conference-paper

A partition methodology to develop data flow dominated embedded systems

Int. Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2004)

2004 | conference-paper

Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: A bayesian approach

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2004 | journal-article

Scheduling under conditions of uncertainty: a bayesian approach

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

2004 | book-chapter

A Systematic Approach to Effective Scheduling in Distributed Systems

5th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '02

2002 | conference-paper

Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications

Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing, Proceedings

2002 | book-chapter

Designing scalable object oriented parallel applications

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2002 | book

A Bayesian runtime load manager on a shared cluster

1st IEEE/ACM Symp. Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001)

2001 | conference-paper

A Bayesian RunTime load manager on a shared cluster

First Ieee/acm International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Proceedings

2001 | journal-article

A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time

Vector and Parallel Processing - Vecpar 2000

2001 | book-chapter

A SCOOPP evaluation on packing parallel objects in run-time

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

2001 | book

A SCOOPP Evaluation on Packing Parallel Objects in Run-time

4th Int. Conf. Vector and Parallel Processing, VecPar '2000

2000 | conference-paper

Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming. The SCOOPP approach

2nd Merged IPPS/SPDP 1999

1999 | conference-paper

A Run-Time System for Dynamic Grain Packing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

1999 | book-chapter

A run-time system for dynamic grain packing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

1999 | journal-article

An object-oriented model for rapid prototyping of data path/control systems - a case study

1999 | conference-paper

Aplicación de Redes Neuronales en el Análisis del Movimiento en Secuencias de Imágenes

Información Tecnológica Chile

1999 | journal-article

Dynamic grain-size adaptation on object oriented parallel programming - the SCOOPP approach

Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing Symposium, IPPS

1999 | journal-article

An Object-Oriented Model for Rapid Prototyping of Data Path/Control Systems - A Case Study

9th IFAC Symp. on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM'98)

1998 | conference-paper

Remote Learning in Parallel Computing. Design of an Interactive Course

10th World Conf. on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA/ ED-TELECOM '98)

1998 | conference-paper

Using the Web to Give Life to Museums

Intern. Conf. on Museums and the Web,

1998 | conference-paper

Hierarchical mechanisms for high-level modeling and simulation of digital systems

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems

1998 | journal-article

ParC++: A simple extension of C++ to parallel systems

Proceedings of the Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing - Pdp '98

1998 | journal-article

Specification of industrial digital controllers with object-oriented Petri nets

IEEE Intern. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (Signal Processing & Control), ISIE'97

1997 | conference-paper

Porting Khoros Applications to a Parallel Vision Machine

Khoros Symposium '97

1997 | conference-paper

Edgar : a platform for hardware/software codesign

Embedded System Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system

Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface

1997 | book-chapter

Evaluation of the communication performance on a parallel processing system

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

1997 | book

Parallel Genetic Algorithms in a Networked Workstation Environment

Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering V

1997 | book-chapter

Parallel genetic algorithms in a networked workstation environment

International Series on Advances in High Performance Computing

1997 | journal-article

Redes de Petri e VHDL na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

Anais da Engenharia e Tecnologia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos Engenheiros

1997 | journal-article

SOFHIA: A CAD Environment to Design Digital Control Systems

Hardware Description Languages and their Applications

1997 | book-chapter

Specification of industrial digital controllers with Object-Oriented Petri Nets

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics

1997 | journal-article

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

1997 | conference-paper

VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri net specifications of parallel controllers

IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques

1997 | journal-article

Matriz Hipermédia para Desenvolvimento de Material Pedagógico

Simpósio Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Software Educativo

1996 | conference-paper

Concurrent Execution of Petri Nets based on Agents

Workshop OOP & Models of Concurrency, ICATPN'95

1995 | conference-paper

A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: Implementation issues

Computing Systems in Engineering

1995 | journal-article

A messages-density monitoring strategy for distributed-memory parallel systems

Programming and Computer Software

1995 | journal-article

A plataforma EDgAR na prototipagem rápida de sistemas digitais

1995 | conference-paper

Simulação e síntese de controladores paralelos a partir de especificações baseados em redes de Petri

1995 | conference-paper

A Messages Density Monitoring Strategy for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems

2nd Intern. Conf. on Software for Multiprocessors and Supercomputers: Theory, Practice and Experience

1994 | conference-paper

Microcontroller Strategies in an Associative Array Processor for Computer Vision

Computer Vision: Specialized Processors for Real-Time Image Analysis

1994 | book-chapter

A Data Management Strategy for Increased Parallel Processing Efficiency

1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing

1993 | conference-paper

Development Stages in Real-Time Computer Vision Architectures

1st Intern. Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing

1993 | conference-paper

Students and Staff Mobility across Europe: from ERASMUS to TEMPUS

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

1993 | journal-article

The Computer Architecture course in a common core in Computer Science and Engineer degrees

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

1993 | journal-article

A rede informática dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho

1992 | journal-article

Advanced Controller Design

Microcomputer´91 - Design, Practice, Education

1991 | book-chapter

Advanced controller design

Prace Naukowe Instytutu Cybernetyki Technicznej, Politechniki Wroclawskiej

1991 | journal-article

A Local Network Architecture for Real-Time Control

The University of Manchester - North Campus

1982 | dissertation-thesis

A Multi-user Microprocessor Development Aid in CYBA-M

The University of Manchester - North Campus

1979 | dissertation-thesis

SeARCH-ON2: Requalificação de infraestruturas de HPC da UMinho

Programa ON.2

2014-04 to 2015-06 | NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086

Portability and Performance in Heterogeneous Many Core Systems

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2010-05 to 2012-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 100035

AspectGrid: Pluggable Grid Aspects for Scientific Applications

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2007-07 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81880

ViAr: Affordable Interactive Virtual Archaeology with Adaptive Cluster Computing

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2002-03 to 2005-10 | Provided by PTCRIS: 42041

Collaborative Resources Online to Support Simulations on Forest Fires (CROSS-Fire): a Grid Platform to Integrate Geo-referenced Web Services for Real-Time Management

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

2007-08 to 2010-12 | Provided by PTCRIS: 81795

Start End Term Value
This user account status is Approved