Intelligent Data Systems (IDS)

Intelligent Data Systems (IDS)

IDS Group deals with technologies, tools, models and techniques related to the Data Mining and Data Warehousing Systems. The main objective is the research in knowledge areas such as Adaptive Business Intelligence, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Data Mining, Intelligent Data Analysis, Data Warehouse And OLAP.

The research addresses real-time, online, distributed and complex problems, taking in account emergent issues as is the Web, eBusiness, multi-agent systems, grid and cloud computing, and considering various types of data.

Special attention is given to the acquisition, archive, processing and diffusion of competitive/complex information, data mining and representation in order to support management, decision and planning tasks.

Some global I&D proposes/lines can be identified:

  • Automate the Knowledge Discovery from Database process in order to minimize the need of problem domain knowledge;
  • Create Data Mining open source components to be used by the research community in advanced applications;
  • Investigate new methods for data mining in distributed environments/problems;
  • Design of Intelligent Decision Support Systems recurring to Multi-agent Systems and KDD approaches;
  • Augment the existing Data Mining techniques in order to cover new types of problems;
  • Novel BI approaches to solve new types of problems.

IDS leader: Manuel Filipe Santos

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