Computer Communications and Networks (CCN)

The Computer Communications and Networks (CCN) is a Research Group of Centro Algoritmi, School of Engineering of the University of Minho.
The Group was organised in 1975, the University’s inaugural year. It has since contributed extensively to the establishment and development of the University research network and all associated services within the whole University, its Informatics Department, and to the introduction of graduate and postgraduate courses in Informatics Engineering in the country.
The Computer Communications and Networks R&D+I group has played a major role in the establishment of the National Universities’ Network, Portuguese NREN, and in the establishment of the Internet in Portugal.
The group teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses, in both Master’s and Doctoral’s School programmes, covering a broad set of fundamental and advanced topics in computer networks and networking technologies.
Current research interests includes the engineering, test and deployment of QoS-aware network solutions to support emerging applications and new paradigms in network infrastructures and service networks.
Advanced Computer Networking is the major topic of research within the priority thematic area of Information and Communication Technologies, covering a broader Area of Research and Development, including:
- Integrated Network Communication Environments
- Modelling, Design and Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols
- Quality of Service in Fixed/Mobile IP(v6) Networks
- Mobile and Vehicular Area Networks
- Multimedia and Multicast applications and protocols
- Network Information Retrieval
- Wireless, Sensor and Ad-Hoc Networks
- Automated Network and Services Management
CCN leader: Alexandre Santos
CCN Links:
Recent CCN Publications: