De 01/12/2022 a 30/11/2025.
STEAM approaches at higher education for mIGrants, refugees and asylum seekers' emPOWERment
The project will focus on the development of STEAM courses (face-to-face and online) to be offered to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, mainly women and pupils in upper secondary school, overcoming the waste of talent and human potential in the foreseen target group and providing the necessary educational tools to enter the workforce and to develop knowledge, skills, and values that lead to continued wealth and prosperity for themselves and for the communities they will be integrated in.
The 5 STEAM courses (to be delivered in person and online) are related to the priority 3 thematic (namely, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Eco Building Construction, 5R’s and Sustainable and Renewable Energy), which comes in line not only with European priorities but also with their home countries’ needs, preparing them both to remain in EU in the future, as well as to return to their home countries, when conflicts comes to an end, with the appropriate tools and skills to rebuilding them in a sustainable way. The courses aim also to fulfil a gap in education in their home countries on this subject.
Comissão Europeia|European Commission