Luiz Ayres finaliza o seu Doutoramento

Luiz Ayres finaliza o seu Doutoramento

Tema da Tese: ‘Modelo de avaliação do grau de fornecedores em ambientes competitivos’

Autor: Luiz de Freitas Ayres

Orientadores: Maria Sameiro Faria Brandão Soares Carvalho; Paulo Alexandre da Costa Araújo Sampaio

Data: 15/07/2022

Programa Doutoral: Engenharia Industrial e de Sistemas


The development of suppliers is a topic recognized by companies in the automotive sector, but there are no models that help managers to conduct, in a structured way, actions in their supply base to obtain better results. The objectives of this research work are to deepen the knowledge about the supplier development process, identify relevant practices, critical success factors and barriers that organizational managers encounter to develop their supplier base. The methodology used was qualitative research; its strategy was that of a multiple case study with an exploratory nature. The multiple case study was the strategy used to complement the theoretical knowledge of the subject, carried out through a set of semistructured interviews with a group of managers belonging to five companies in the Brazilian automotive sector. Multiple case studies conducted in five companies in the automotive segment contributed to the achievement of the objectives of this research work and led to the validation of a conceptual framework. As a result, relevant practices were identified for the development of strategic suppliers, with emphasis on: i) the segmentation of the supplier base and, with that, the identification of suppliers strategic to the OEMs’ business models; ii) the establishment of longer term partnerships supported by the organizational principles and values of both parties; iii); the joint execution of challenging projects conducted by multidisciplinary teams; and iv) the feedback of the results with the possibility of consolidating them almost in real time, resorting to the application of state-of-the-art technologies. The analysis of the multiple case studies also made it possible to identify the absence of structured processes in the supplier development, so, based on the knowledge obtained from the previous stages, it was possible to propose an empirical roadmap to assist organizational managers in the development of their strategic suppliers.

Keywords: Supplier development, Strategic Suppliers.